< Ranma ½

Ranma ½/Funny

  • Upon learning of Ranma's curse Ukyo has fun turning him into a girl and back, often between shots. It's refreshing seeing one person take the transformation so lightly and having no problem pouring pot after pot of hot and cold water onto their fiance.

"This is fun no matter how many times I do it."

  • "Saotome-Anything-Goes-Martial-Arts-Final-Attack: ready, set, RUN AWAY!"
    • Made even funnier by Ryoga standing stunned for a few seconds before giving chase and Akane's commentary.
  • What Soun does to Ranma when they learn how he's willing to reverse Akane's Laser-Guided Amnesia. It involves Ranma being beaten up, since Shampoo asked him to take revenge for her against "girl Ranma" (She didn't know they were the same person), and since Ryoga refused to help... he beats Ranma up. While crying Berserker Tears and screaming "you're an excellent person, Ranma! You love Akane so much you're willing to do that for her! Thank you, Ranma! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!"
  • Pretty much any Soun reaction shot, but his expression the first time he sees Mirror Ranma(in a fetish apron!) is a Funny Moment among Funny Moments. Especially contrasted to his serene face earlier on the page.
  • "Hey, look! Every jerk in the school is in the same place!" "There's only one thing to do now..." "BURY THEM!"
  • When Cologne is in a sinking boat with Genma (who is a panda at the time) she hits him and tells him to do something. Hitting him causes all his signs to fall out of his... Er, pockets and Cologne promptly uses them to build a new boat.
  • In a three-legged race with Ranma, Akane, Mouse, Shampoo and while paired up with Ukyo, Ryoga starts running the wrong way from the starting line. The opposite direction in fact, to the one being taken by every other contestant and his partner who was understandably upset with him for being such an idiot and making them both fall over. Of course Ryoga ends up getting so lost that he wins the competition anyway, by winding up at the finish line from the opposite direction.
  • When Ranma is challenged to a ice-skating fight, Ryoga mocks him. Ranma of course won't stand for it and challenges Ryoga to solve it in the ice. Both laugh confidently as they prepare and walk up to the ice... only for them both to fall as soon as they step on it.
  • In the anime's third season, a magical mishap sends Ranma, Akane, Shampoo, Genma, Soun, Cologne and Happosai back in time and across in space to when Happosai and Cologne were teenagers in China. We have Happosai vowing to teach his younger self to be good, Happosai wondering in horror that if he was this much of a pervert at eighteen; then what the hell is he now?!, the dumbfounded shock when everyone discovers that the gorgeous blue-haired girl is actually Cologne's younger self...
  • Happosai as "Santa" finally having a conscience moment and giving his too-innocent-for-their-own-good "followers" the advice of doing good deeds...and on prompted for the kind of good deeds they should do, literally exploding from the strain.
  • A good number of the chapters that feature Principal Kuno qualify.
  • The Fishing Rod of Love arc is one big Crowning Moment of Funny. When Takahashi is on her game, she is on her game.
  • The following:

Akane: Ranma, you do know what Romeo and Juliet are to each other, don't you?
Ranma: Father and daughter, right?

  • In chapter 7, Ranma pouring boiling water on a dumbfounded dog.
  • Ranma tells Akane You're Cute When You're Angry and a while later she looks in a mirror, and thinking on Ranma's words, goes to smile... at which point Ranma pops his head in and asks if mirrors make her smile or if she's just testing her cheeks. She punches him out.
  • Ranma commenting on Akane's Panty Shot when he gets a look under her skirt which results in her kicking him.
  • Ranma in female form convincing Ryoga she was actually his sister born while he was lost. Made even funnier because Akane saw through the disguise with no problem but ended up being fooled because she didn't think that Ryoga could be that naive.
  • The ending of Bathhouse Battle. How did Happosai not see it coming? Then again, he may not have expected Ranma to sink that low to get revenge on him...
    • Also "I don't trust you, you'll splash me from behind." "Aww. I'll just splash you from in front!"
  • Episode 87: "Oh yeah? You and what sense of direction?"
    • "Oh uh..wait a minute....dont break-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!"
    • Nabiki after finding out Akane was home the whole time and not missing and she spent the whole night looking for her. "I'm cutting school today."
    • Everyone acting grossed out and falling over after Akane offers them some of her pot stickers.
    • Ranma, after being offered some of Akane's cooking. "Akane? You wouldn't mind running away again would ya?"
  • In one of the earlier episodes Nabiki pours water on Ranma while he's sleeping to change him into a girl so she can take some pictures for Kuno and then turns her back. After Ranma wakes up he panics when he sees the water beneath him and thinks he wet the bed.
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