< Rango


  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Some fans are rather excited that it isn't being released in 3D. Including Roger Ebert, who spent part of his 4 out of 4-star review gushing about the lack of it.
    • Strangely enough, some scenes - like Rango playing around with the plastic sword in the beginning and the chase scenes - seem created as if with 3-D in mind. Could be a case of good Executive Meddling?
  • Non Sequitur Scene: That giant underground eye...
  • Complete Monster: The Mayor. He's got the voice of LOTSO, for crying out loud! Despite his reputation as pure evil, Rattlesnake Jake actually averts it.
  • Creepy Awesome: Rattlesnake Jake, especially when he first shows up.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: And they just keep crossing it over and over.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: What's more awesome than a chase scene involving critters riding bats like fighter planes in pursuit our heroes? Doing so to a Western-style version of "Ride of the Valkyries".
    • Playing "Ride of the Valkyries" during an aerial assault scene? Meh. Playing "Ride of the Valykyries" during an aerial assault scene on banjos? Hilarious.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Dare say Rattlesnake Jake is starting to look like this?
    • Priscilla, the little possum girl, could easily count as one too.
    • Angelique. Why? Guess.
  • Fan Nickname: Metalbeak. Word of God has No Name Given for the hawk.
  • Foe Yay: Jake's behaviour towards Rango is decidedly ... rape-y, though that later turns into mutual respect. The combination has made them a Fan-Preferred Couple in certain parts of the fandom.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The fact ILM is now doing animation after Lucas sold off the Pixar section of its department years ago.
  • Ho Yay: See Foe Yay. Waffles' hero-worship of Rango has a dash of this as well, but not as prominently.
  • Squick: When the posse members are talking around the campfire, and Spoons reveals a little too much information.
    • Also sort of a Gross Background Event, but during that scene, we see Elgin, the black cat-thing, wring out his socks... into his cup.
      • Fridge Brilliance: they're running out of water. Waste not.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The armadillo at the beginning. Cut in half and yet it lives!
  • Tear Jerker: "Who am I? I'm nobody."
    • When Rango leaves Dirt, returns to the road, picks up Mr. Timms and hugs him like a child would a security blanket or stuffed animal.
  • Ugly Cute: Rango is basically a photorealistic anthropomorphic chameleon, but with that little Hawaiian shirt he's sporting and his constant freakouts, how can you not love him?
    • Real life chameleons are not that ugly.
    • Priscilla is pretty adorable too. Along with Ambrose and possibly Ezekiel, she's one of the closest characters to being traditionally cute.
    • Waffles the horned toad is red-eyed, spiky, and nearly toothless, and is one of the cutest characters in the film.
  • Uncanny Valley: It's a tad jarring to see a bunch of eerily realistic animals running around in clothes and talking, but it was obviously done as a stylistic choice, similar to the illustrations of storybooks featuring animal characters in very human situations.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: Just about all of the animation in the film is fantastic. Naturally, it's from Industrial Light and Magic, who have only ever done fully realistic effects before this.
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: The film has ugly animals, lots of Parental Bonus, swearing, and is a parody of a genre most kids don't even consider watching. Add some parents with their heads straight into the Animation Age Ghetto...
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