< Rango


Beans actually has a relative named "Asparagus."

Hence the reason for her initial reaction to Rango's comment.

This is all an incredibly cool trip Hunter S. Thompson is having

Well he is in the film, and Rango is himself. A far less badass version of himself, with a huge amount of self doubt.

    • He's in the middle of a reptile zoo, and he's the reptile.

The Spirit of the West appears differently from person to person.

It takes the form of Clint Eastwood because Rango loves acting, the Armadillo probably sees him as a traditional cowboy, it depends on who's viewing him to what it appears as.

    • This, I agree completely because it makes a lot of sense. It's really the only way that works.
    • Actually might be confirmed, as Roadkill tells Rango 'we all see what we need to see', implying it is infact different to everyone.

This is all Rango's Dying Dream as he dies in the desert.

Somebody had to suggest it, which is why the film gets progressively weirder as it goes on.

  • It could be that Rango died the moment he fell out of his terrarium, and all the characters he meets are spirits and personifications. The story is of his "crossing to the other side", as in the euphemism for dying, but not before discovering who he is first. He then travels through Dirt, which might be a representation of some "purgatory", seeing how much suffering is in it, and nearing the end, he enters "heaven" in, the words of Beans, "Enough water for everyone."
  • Alternatively, it's all Rango's dream, period, which would certainly explain how a 19th-century Old West town populated with Funny Animals ended up just outside of modern-day Las Vegas...
      • OR Rango is the pet of a stoner and this is his drug fantasy acquired from the fumes of his masters pot.
  • I was thinking that Rango died when crossing the highway after being exiled (it would explain why the cacti started moving around).

Metalbeak was not a random desert predator, but specifically recruited by the Mayor, receiving her metal mandible (and hunting rights) as a reward.

Think about it: she served a triple purpose. She kept outsiders from reaching the town, kept the townspeople scared (and disposed of troublemakers) and kept Rattlesnake Jake at bay until the Mayor needed him. And she was smart—she casually used a vending machine to get to Rango. It was only Rango and his streak of stupid dumb luck that killed her off.

    • This too makes a lot of sense, Jake clearly was used to kill off past sheriffs. If he's so terrified of Metalbeak, he wouldn't come to town unless the one pulling her strings told her to back off to let him come. That's also why Jake was more agressive towards the mayor later, since the Mayor had no problems summoning him in the first place. Jake's normally more civil around the mayor so he doesn't Summon Bigger Fish on him and called Metalbeak on him. She's dead so he's only in it for the pay.
    • This could also explain why Metalbeak has a metal beak... and why the Mayor is in a wheelchair.

Roadkill the armadillo died from the car, and all his scenes afterward is his spirit sensed by Rango.

How would a solid creature survive a car crash that physically severe, even for a universe as cartoony as this? His name is ROADKILL in the credits!

The film doesn't take place on Earth, but on an alien planet in the distant future.

That's why the animals are sentient, why some of them don't even look like earth animals, how the plants can walk, and why there's a Lovecraftian beast living in the aquifer.

  • But what's an aquifer?
    • It's fer aqua.

The walking cacti are actually creepers from Minecraft.

And the only reason they didn't explode was because there was nothing to destroy.

Roadkill is undead.

He claims to have been run over "many times", and the injuries we see him with should have killed him. Therefore, we can assume he's already dead, possibly a zombie.

Rango will eventually be killed by Bad Bill (Tortoise John's gila monster enforcer).

The theme song has the following lyrics: "In came Bad Bill, from his hideout in the hill, with a notion to kill...Rango!" The next (and last) verse is about Rango after he's died. In the movie, Bill didn't have a hideout in the hill (after all, he worked for the mayor) and he didn't come to kill Rango (he didn't even know who he was). That's because the song describes what happens some time after the film ends. Bill is in hiding now that Tortoise John's gone, and when he comes to get revenge he succeeds.

    • And is then killed by Rattlesnake Jake.

The armadillo is the true form of the Spirit of the West

Rango saw Clint Eastwood, because the Spirit of the West appears in a form you'll understand, as said above. But, what about when he just wants to be a normal "person"? It explains how he survived death and commanded the cacti

The Big Bad was left to die of thirst in the desert.

What kind of legendary evil would miss the chance to Kick the Son of a Bitch in such an appropriate fashion?

The original Rango was killed by Bad Bill, not the movie Rango.

To start off, Dirt's residents recognize the tale of Rango, but only vaguely (they don't even know he's dead). In the Rango Theme, the singer states that Rango was, in fact, in the town of Durango (possibly attracted by the "cactus juice", from which the movie Rango took HIS name). Finally, the movie's Bad Bill could be the son of the Bad Bill who killed Durango's Rango, or even his grandson. So, it's possible that a Dirt resident traveled to Durango, heard of the legend of Rango, and spread it in Dirt.

Jake eats the Mayor.

He wouldn't want to waste all that good meat. Besides, he gets to inject his venom first, and the Mayor gets to die a slow death from rattlesnake venom, all the while knowing he's about to be eaten.

The whole movie is a catatonic dream of Rango's.

After falling out of the car, everything that happens to Rango is a delusion that he has while in a Beans-like trance lying on the side of the road.

Rattlesnake Jake is some kind of contrictor/venomous snake hybrid.

This would account for both his unique ability to both poison and strangle AND his violent nature (animal hybrids are notoriously unstable, even under the best conditions).

  • Just because rattlesnakes don't constrict their prey in real life doesn't mean they're incapable of it. Jake just used it instead of venom because he wasn't trying to kill them outright.

The Giant Eye of Doom is a dinosaur.

A dinosaur that survived extinction and have been living underground for millions of years.

Angelique is a mutant

This would explain her size and humanoid shape.

Jake is named after Jake "The Snake" Roberts of WWE fame.

Or it could be that "Jake" simply rhymes with "snake". And "Blake" doesn't sound Badass enough.

The Spirit of The West is, you guessed it, a Time Lord.

Why? This is an WMG, that's why!

The giant eye is really The Mayor spying on Rango and co.


The giant eye is an enormous alligator.

Alligators live in sewers according to urban legends; plus, it makes the scene an almost literal example of a Non Sequitur Scene.

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