Randy Couture

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    Retired UFC fighter and former 5-time champion in two different weight classes, Randy "The Natural" Couture is one of the most recognizable stars of Mixed Martial Arts. Starting his MMA career relatively late, Couture moved to MMA from Greco-Roman wrestling after thrice being an olympic alternate, but never making the competition team. Couture is a legend in the young sport, known for overcoming long odds and having the strength and athleticism of a much younger man well into his 40s.

    He has tried to break into acting with mixed success. Although he had a co-starring role in a sequel to The Scorpion King, his best known role is as Toll Road in The Expendables. His acting is...rudimentary at best, but Randy Couture does a great fight scene.

    Though his last title fight was against Brock Lesnar in November of 2008, Couture remained an active competitor and dangerous foe in the UFC until his retirement in April of 2011 at the age of 47.

    Fight record, wikipedia page, IMDB bio and film credits.

    Randy "The Natural" Couture provides examples of the following tropes:
    • All-American Face: Randy is often called Captain America by fans.
    • Badass Grandpa: Obviously.
    • Bald of Awesome
    • Cool Old Guy
    • Curb Stomp Battle: His second fight against Pedro Rizzo, both his completed fights against Vitor Belfort (one was a "no contest" due to an eyepoke, but the judges still ruled it as a loss for Couture), his first fight with Chuck Liddell, the un-retirement fight against Tim Sylvia, the title defense against Gabriel "Napao" Gonzaga, and the fight against James Toney. More impressive considering he was the underdog in most of these fights.
    • Defeating the Undefeatable: Basically the reason the man is a legend in MMA with a 19-11 record. Couture has been counted out due to age since the very beginning of his career (at the tender age of 33), often before the fight even began.
    • Defictionalization: Randy was unfortunately on the receiving end of a Crowning Moment of Awesome KO to end his career. At UFC 129, Lyoto Machida busted out an actual, factual, Karate Kid crane kick to send the legend into retirement
    • Fan Nickname: Captain America! Couture was in the army, and competed in boxing there. He is also called The Natural.
    • Genius Bruiser: His accolades include a degree in German from Oklahoma State University.
    • Good Old Fisticuffs: Couture specializes in clinch-fighting, using dirty boxing and his Greco-Roman wrestling base to grind his opponents down. It's not flashy, but it gets the job done.
    • The Mentor: Randy runs Xtreme Couture, a high-level MMA gym that has coached a number of champions and title contenders.
    • Worthy Opponent: Chuck Liddell, together they created one of the most memorable trilogies in the history of MMA. Chuck won twice, after losing in the first fight.
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