Rance Quest
Rance Quest, or Rance VIII, is the eighth major entry in the Rance series. The Magnum Expansion Pack released February 2012 includes improved gameplay mechanics and adding about 100% text. Spoilers to Sengoku Rance below.
After the events of Sengoku Rance, Rance is looking for a way to thaw Sill, although he is being lazy about it since she is frozen and isn't going anywhere. He gets a quest to Kalar forest and learns from a Kalar that the Kalar Queen, Pastel Kalar, may have a spell that can thaw Sill. One Sexual Extortion later and with Suzume's help, he finds the location of Kalar village and sneaks into the Kalar Mansion at night. When he enters, he finds out that she is in the middle of a pregnancy ritual that would make her pregnant without needing contact with other men. Rance, being Rance, decides to impregnate Pastel while she is in a daze. Pastel wakes up during the rape scene, and Rance tells her to have a healthy child. Having forgotten his original purpose in coming to Kalar village, Rance escapes.
Later, Pastel breaks into Rance's house and casts the Morurun curse on him. This spell prevents him from having sex with any woman under level 35, and anyone with whom he does manage to have sex will revert to level 1. After a whole day of trying to have sex, failing at that, and ejaculating because of a wet dream, Rance gets a Heroic BSOD and is Driven to Suicide. Kanami barges in and tries to convince Rance that there have to be some girls out there with whom he can have sex. Rance gets an epiphany and decides to travel around the world to find women over level 35 who can have sex with him.
All while being caught up in events that eventually end up with him saving the world yet again and foreshadow the world-changing events of the Grand Finale that is Rance X, of course.
- Absurdly High Level Cap: Rance and his daughter Reset no level cap whatsoever. Rance can also increase the level cap of any girl at max level he has sex with.
- Affectionate Parody: Obviously one for Dragon Quest.
- Badass Adorable: Reset Kalar, Rance's daughter.
- Battle Harem: Most of your units will be female, and many of those females are in love with Rance.
- Beach Episode: The Summer CG
- The Berserker: Alkanese, gameplay wise.
- Big Eater: Most scenes involving Reset Kalar involve food. Even the promo video she stars in involves food.
- Bonus Boss: Masuzoe, the Lord of the Abyss, who happens to be a Demon Hanny. In the original, once you reach the fifth New Game+, he is replaced by the Hanny King. In Magnum, on the third New Game Plus, he is replaced by the Goddess ALICE.
- Character Class System: Due to the Loads and Loads of Characters, the Fantasy Kitchen Sink, and Schizo-Tech, the variety within some of the classes is large.
- Fighters, depending on the character in question, may fit any one of the sub-categories of The Fighter Classes.
- Guards are Stone Walls whose job is to protect other units.
- Gunners are usually The Archer, though they can be The Gunslinger. Maria uses a bazooka called the Tulip.
- Guns Are Worthless: Muskets, like in the previous game, are powerful but have limited uses. Okay in random battles, but near-worthless for boss battles.
- Healers, depending on the character in question, may fit any one of the sub-categories of The Cleric Classes.
- Rangers, depending on the character in question, may fit any one of the sub-categories of The Rogue Classes.
- Sorcerers, depending on the character in question, may fit any one of the sub-categories of The Magician Classes.
- Sparters are the Bare Fisted Monks. For the record, both the Maid and the Wild Child belong to this class.
- Civilians include any character that does not fit in any of the other seven classes. They are also the only class that can hunt and use Cute Monster Girls. Humorously, this is the class that contains everything from a bisexual sadistic Queen to a miko from Portugal, so the term Civilian is a Non-Indicative Name.
- Chekhov's Gun: The building under construction next to the Rance Castle turns out to be The Very Definitely Final Dungeon.
- Cherry Blossoms: In the Spring CG
- Christmas Episode: In Magnum.
- Church Militant: The Temple Knights. Sachiko's father, previously only known as BS, is the head of them.
- Christmas Cake: Copandon worries about becoming this to Rance, since he doesn't like girls over 29 and her 30th birthday is coming up. Turns out she had no need to worry, since he still thinks she's cute enough.
- Colourful Theme Naming: The Kalars. (Say that one out loud.) The queens' names, from youngest to oldest, are Pastel Kalar, Modern Kalar, Vivid Kalar and Full Kalar.
- Continuity Cavalcade: The Game. So much that there's an in-game manual just so people won't get lost.
- Corrupt Church: Most of the higher-ups of the AL Church aren't exactly nice people. Even Crook originally planned on disposing of Rance once she was done with him. Not even the highest-ups are immune, as we see from ALICE's treatment of Crook in Magnum.
- Cursed with Awesome: The Morurun curse sets a character's level back, but it also gives them stat boosts.
- Daddy's Girl: Reset Kalar.
- Despair Event Horizon: Passing it will prevent Reincarnation.
- Rance was very close to passing it in the original ending.
- Deus Sex Machina: This is inevitable considering the series, but special mention goes to Rance curing the greening disease this way.
- Disguised in Drag: Rance does this in a ploy to infiltrate Lion Mind.
- Does Not Like Men: Lion Mind, the group of female bandits that Alkanese leads. Rance, however, manages to change her mind after treating her like a woman.
- Usually the disposition of Kalar Queens. When they manifest through Pastel and Rance has sex with them, though...
- Easy Mode Mockery: You cannot fight the Bonus Boss or start a New Game+ if you pick easy mode.
- The End of the World as We Know It: If you beat the Bonus Boss ALICE, Ludo Rathowm decides to destroy the world. Thankfully, it isn't canon.
- Evil Albino: Amu
- Expansion Pack: Magnum
- Festival Episode: The autumn CG
- Foreshadowing: So much that the amount itself is frightening.
- Go Mad from the Revelation: Amu was supposed to be the pope of the AL Church, but ran away after realizing the truth.
- Gonk: Silbarrel, originally from Rance 4.x, makes a return as the world's ugliest woman. She's so ugly that she was considered a threat to the Balance of Good and Evil!
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Full Kalar, the final boss, has 3 angel wings and three devil wings.
- Subverted for ALICE. See Light Is Not Good below.
- Healing Factor: Sachiko has this ability, which she got from her father who works in the AL Church.
- Hope Spot: In Magnum, Sill gets unfrozen! Only for her to refreeze after a sex scene! Damn it, AliceSoft!
- Hot Amazon: Alkanese
- Hot Springs Episode: The Winter CG
- It's All Upstairs From Here: The final dungeon of the original Rance Quest.
- Late Arrival Spoiler: If you haven't played Sengoku Rance, prepare to see a lot of spoilers. Conversely, if you've played Kichikuou Rance, you've pretty much spoiled a lot of this game.
- Level Drain: Having sex with a girl for the first time in the game will drain her to level one. After a patch was released, every time afterwards will only drain 5 levels.
- Level Grinding, Forced Level Grinding, Anti-Grinding: Yes, all three of these tropes are in effect. Prepare to tear your hair out. Fortunately, later patches alleviate the grinding a little bit, and New Game+ removes the Anti-Grinding features.
- Light Is Not Good: ALICE
- Lineage Comes From the Father: Reset, personality-wise, is somewhat similar to her father, Rance. She even inherited his shark-like teeth and his Signature Laugh.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: Just look at the page image! That's not even half of them!
- Loophole Abuse: The Morurun curse can also work by just sleeping with the target. Kouhime finds this out the hard way.
- Marathon Level: The Tower of Babel.
- Memory Gambit: Aegis Kalar attempts one early on so Rance wouldn't be able to get information out of her. It fails when Rance manipulates her into thinking she was his lover.
- Mercy Kill: What the church does to people who come close to the Despair Event Horizon so they can reincarnate.
- Mood Whiplash: You may need neck braces after seeing the endings.
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: Rance himself, his daughter Reset, and Kibako.
- New Game+: You have to go through multiple to fight the true Bonus Boss.
- Nice Hat: Crook has one in all her outfits. From her newsboy's cap, to the small hat for her church attire, to her gigantic pope hat.
- Ninja Maid: Biscuitta is a Bare-Fisted Monk maid.
- No Pregger Sex: Completely averted. Since the contraception spell isn't on, Pastel gives birth to Reset in-game. The Epilogues confirm that Lia, Magic, and Teru will also conceive Rance's children.
- Not What It Looks Like: The scene where Kouhime gets Moruruned. The other characters immediately accuse Rance of crossing a line.
- Obvious Beta: The original. Fortunately, Magnum fixes this.
- Papa Wolf: Rance towards Reset, Batting Senters towards Sachiko.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Crook. It turns out that she's blind in that eye.
- Power Crystal: When a Kalar has sex, the crystal on their forehead turns into one. However, they die if the crystal is removed.
- They can be used to even power a Mecha!!
- Punny Name: Ahem. Rance Quest Magnum?
- Quest for Sex: What else did you think Rance Quest would be about?
- Reincarnation: One of the church's jobs is to Mercy Kill people before they hit the Event Despair Horizon, so they can reincarnate. If they have passed it or are, in in-game terms, 100% contaminated, they have to be sealed.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Amu
- Retcon: The original ending of Quest was replaced by the events of Magnum.
- Something We Forgot: A few of the quests involving Leazas mention Leila's disappearance. This has rather dark implications, implying her bad end in Sengoku Rance is canon.
- Spy Catsuit: Crane wears one.
- Statuesque Stunner: Alkanese is a full six feet.
- Suspiciously Similar Song: Doesn't the victory theme sound rather similar to the victory theme of another RPG series?
- Token Mini-Moe: Reset Kalar
- Tsundere: Pastel Kalar
- Uncanny Valley Makeup: The members of Lion Mind wear this to intimidate men.
- Unsettling Gender Reveal: In Magnum, the girl Fenix is actually... Gigai! Rance freaks out at first, but figures that it's okay since he's technically a girl now.
- Walking the Earth: In this game, Rance travels around most of the Rance world.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Amu only wishes to end the cycle of suffering the Whale God puts people through. Unfortunately, this involves stopping the flow of souls by forcing people to go past the Despair Event Horizon.
- Wild Child: Kibako. Her appearance suggests that she may not be fully human.
- Younger Than They Look: Kalar age faster than humans in their infantile stage. By the end of a few months, Reset looks like she's about 6.
- Dark Rance looks like a preteen when he's only about 3.
- The epilogue reveals that Rocky Bank is sixteen.