< Questionable Content
Questionable Content/Awesome
Crowning Moment of Awesome:
- "Let's Finish This..."
- It looks to me... like it needs some more MILK!
- Don't forget Marten's revenge on the monk.
- My name is Hannelore Ellicott-Chatham. I END MESSES. For those of you who don't remember, it was this strip.
- Even Angus thought that that was awesome.
- The entire (ESPECIALLY this one) drunken sledding scene.
- Faye giving Dora a much deserved What Were You Thinking? after Marten helps Faye through a panic attack was the cause of much fan rejoicing.
- Hannelore got hers after Faye and Sven hooking up caused drama. Faye got drunk and had wangst. This is how Hanners dealt with it:
Hannelore: You are going to put down that bottle right this instant. Then you're going to go take a nice, hot shower while I make you some coffee, and you're going to SOBER UP and QUIT WHINING because I am NOT PUTTING UP WITH ANY MORE OF YOUR SHIT!
- To put this in perspective: Hannelore has severe OCD and usually curls fetal and cries when put in a confrontational situation. She must really have been sick of Faye's shit.
- Also, Wil in this one. Breaks his arm in a road accident and his first priority is making sure his date doesn't feel rejected by him not turning up. THAT is chivalry.
- Pretty much everything in this recent episode counts as a crowning moment of awesome. Especially The US Department... of kicking your ass.
- Speaking of Angus, he gets one in this strip where he suddenly kisses Faye after Faye comments about how people are sometimes full of surprises and ends up not only rendering Faye completely speechless but also snagged a date with her as well. Gotta admire the sheer chutzpah on that dude.
- First, Pintsize and Winslow try to jump Hannelore's Roomba off a ramp. Then they succeed.
- Hannelore again, standing up to her overbearing mother.
- Momo getting payback on Pintsize for being such a dick.
- Sam doing her damnest to catch a snake is also really funny.
- Meta-examples for Jeph himself. Aside from doing the comic and attending various conventions, Jeph regularly worries about his physical and mental health. One night when Jeph had no idea what to do for a comic, somebody on Twitter told Jeph to Start drinking again, if that's what it takes. Predictably, this only made Jeph feel much, much worse. But instead of letting it get him down, he actually managed to turn the insult into motivation to get a comic done
- A second example: Jeph decided to take a mental health day off, and instead made some Flashdance-inspired Hannelore art to fill in. And then he decided to do a regular comic anyway, for the same day.
- As another meta example, there's The Rant written below this strip. A long, yet deserved Take That to the Comic Book Ghetto. Oh, hell yeah.
- Merely a dream sequence, but: NOW ENDS THE AGE OF MAN.
- Hannalore's birthday gift to her dad.
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