Quest of Camelittle

The Good Guys. From right to left: Jack, John and Firefly, Kaye, and Jeriff.

A series posted on deviantart by QuestofCamelittle that focuses on a group of four adventurers in a fantasy world with swords, magic, and monsters. The characters' bodies consist of very large circle heads and triangle bodies, so it's sort of like a chibi comic. The main characters, a team called the Good Guys, are all selfish and unsympathetic jerks who will rob any passerby they meet on the road.

The webcomic starts off with the Good Guys traveling to Camelittle, the largest city in their world, after having won the King's Tournament, held by the king of all humans, King Duret. We find the Good Guys going to Camelittle to receive their prize money from King Duret for winning said tournament... and along the way they run into a gay sorcerer, a bandit ambush, a psychotic serial killer, lake monsters, etc...

Once they get to Camelittle, King Duret reveals that the tournament was a big trick to assemble three adventure teams to do his dirty work. These teams are the Good Guys, the Shadowfighters, and Team Marauder. Each are sent on a mission to one of three towns to try to kill the series' antagonist, "Big Bad." The Good Guys are sent to Clown Town (though it's a little degrading how they get there!) where they have to face the wicked Clown King of Evil, Giggles!

After they leave Clown Town, the Good Guys return to Camelittle through the Frostbite Mountains, where they're ambushed by Team Marauder, led by the evil gay sorcerer, Sue. When they beat his team of villains, a wolf puppy cleverly-named Black Fang joins the team as Jack's pet. The Good Guys return to Camelittle, only to find parties galore, a royal dinner, and that King Duret's been pulling his trick on several adventure teams to try to kill Big Bad, and they are not happy. At the royal dinner party to celebrate the Bleedball Superbowl, the Snuggie Daemon--who reveals that the real Big Bad is still alive--attacks.

Now King Duret is making the Good Guys be dragged Elfdust City by the Elf King Daigulus, because it would appear Big Bad is hiding out there. Meanwhile, the Shadowfighters and Team marauder are on the move. Deep into the Elven Forest, the Good Guys are tied up and left alone and defenseless, and are attacked once again by the pyscotic serial killer.

Can be viewed here or at the new website for the series [dead link] :

Tropes used in Quest of Camelittle include:

Jeriff: Main antagonist?
Kaye: Y'know, that guy from the first page.

  • Butt Monkey- The Good Guys are all pretty much butt monkeys for King Duret.
  • Canis Latinicus- "Subito," the name of a ninja in Quest of Camelittle, is Latin for "suddenly."
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience- Seen in the colored character pictures. Jack has blue eyes and wears a blue sleeveless jacket. John wears red and has red eyes. Following this pattern, Jeriff has green eyes, Kaye's are gray, Duret's are brown, Sophie's are pink, and Sue's are purple. Mariah's cold blue eyes are just cool, though.
  • Constructed World- They all live in a fantasy world similar to ours from the Middle Ages.
  • The Ditz- Sophie has been described as a ditz, and she's not all that smart...

Sophie: Anti-Magic Barrier Scroll? What does that do?
Morgone: Well, it's a scroll that casts... an Anti-Magic Barrier.

  • Dramatic Irony- The Good Guys go to Clown Town, the Shadowfighters to Elfdust City, and Team Marauder to Dwarfland, all knowing that Big Bad is in one of these three towns. None of them know he's in hiding out in Darkblood City... and having a good laugh.
  • Dual-Wielding- Jack's twin daggers and Big Bad's two flaming swords
  • Dumb Blonde- Taken to the extreme with Princess Blonde.
  • Dumb Muscle- Jeriff. Just... Jeriff.
  • Elemental Powers- Magic is this world is based off of the classical elements, including Fire, Water, Light, Dark, Wind, and Earth magic. Also, King Eagle performed Hippie magic during the Snuggie Ambush, so there may be more than just Elemental magic in the world of Camelittle.
  • Everything's Better with Samurai
  • Evil Sorcerer- Sue the gay, light-and-dark-magic-wielding, and evil sorcerer; Big Bad is also a sorceror as well as a fighter
  • Fantasy Kitchen Sink
  • Five-Man Band- Somewhat applies, but different as:
    • Jack, the leader, is The Smart Guy on the team, not really as bold or daring as a team leader typically is.
    • John, second-in-command, is more along the lines of The Hero than Jack is, though he can act like an idiot at times.
    • Kaye the ninja may take a bit of a back seat, but he's still sarcastic and snarky, so he's The Lancer.
    • Jeriff the bloodthirsty barbarian is definitely The Big Guy, strong, stupid, and violent.
    • Firefly and Black Fang serve as the Team Pets.
    • The Shadowfighters fit this as well.
      • The Hero- Mariah
      • The Lancer- Halee
      • The Big Guy- Morgone
      • The Smart Guy- Subito (When it comes to honor and stuff)
      • The Chick- Sophie
  • Five Races
    • Human (Mundane)
    • Elf (High Men)
    • Hippies (Fairy)
    • Dwarf (Stout)
    • Ninjurai (Mundane or High men)
    • Gayyas (Fairy or Cute)
  • Flat Character- Jeriff is violent. End of story. Lampshaded by the other characters.
  • Four-Girl Ensemble- The four girls of the Shadowfighters, Mariah (the mannish one), Halee (the wise, calm one), Morgone (the sexy, glamourous one), and Sophie (the sweet naive one)
  • Goth- In this universe, goths are a common monster, similar to goblins or orcs in a standard fantasy world.
  • Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja- Kaye, Subito, and the Ninjurai(ninja + samurai) King Statim
  • Katanas Are Just Better
  • Kill It with Fire- John's quite the pyromaniac
  • Lady of War- Mariah the samurai
  • The Middle Ages- The story's setting is similar to the Middle Ages.
  • Monster Clown- Played straight--the clowns are a kind of monster who live in the horrible Clown Town.
  • Mythology Kitchen Sink: There are multiple, multiple refrences to many different mythologies: Greek (the same gods, Medusa, centaurs), Arthurian (Camelittle, the Triangular Table, the Skank of the Lake), and even Norse (the Dwarven gods).
  • Our Demons Are Different- The lesbian party-girl fiends, known as lesbos
  • Our Elves Are Better- King Daigulus is very full of himself
  • Our Fairies Are Different- The gay police fairies, known as gayyas
  • Our Centaurs Are Different- We get an explanation on how they are produced... the Law of Queer Breeding...
  • Purple Eyes- Sue's (For the character color pattern, of course. See Color-Coded for Your Convenience above.) and Morgone's eyes.
  • Ravens and Crows- John's pet raven, Firefly
  • Running Gag- The Good Guys, with their little triangular bodies, have no idea how to separate their legs. Many villains, like Sue, Helga, Turk, and Creed, know how to get their legs apart. The Good Guys want to know how to do so.
  • Serial Killer- He originally attacked the Good Guys in Woodland Forest, and now has returned in Elven Forest...
  • Shout-Out- To the Order of the Stick and Lord of the Ring.
  • Smoke Out- Different in that the pyscho steals the ninja's bomb and then uses the smoke to escape.
  • Stock Ness Monster- Nessie from Lake Gesundhei
  • Take That- To the multiple differences between the Percy Jackson book The Lightning Thief and the movie.

John: Dang, Kaye. It's a shame you blew up Medusa back there... We could have used her head to paraylze a hydra like they did in Percy Jackson.
Kaye: They didn't do that in Percy Jackson.
John: Are you sure?

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