< Queer as Folk
Queer as Folk/YMMV
UK version:
- Acceptable Professional Targets: Vince's boyfriend Cameron comes in for a lot of stick for being an accountant.
- Adorkable: Vince
- Jerkass Woobie: Stuart, both in-universe and among viewers. In the series people admit that he's a jerk while showing that they care about him, constantly trying to make him accept that he has some serious issues which urgently need addressing.
- Magnificent Bastard: Stuart
- Memetic Sex God: Stuart embodies this trope. He can literally land the hottest guy at any given club literally by looking at him... sometimes more than one at a time.
US version:
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: When Brian sells his loft and buys a beautiful country manor for Justin during his (second) attempt to propose. After watching Justin chase after Brian for years, if this doesn't melt your heart then nothing will.
- Hollywood Homely: Ted, who has trouble getting laid despite looking like this. Lampshaded in the episode where he goes to Lindsey's sister's wedding and women start eying him. It seems that only he's only unattractive by gay men's standards.
- An interview with the actopr actually addressed this and he stated that Ted's problem is that he only pursues the hottest of the hot, which he is not. If he'd have reasonable standards he'd be pretty popular.
- Magnificent Bastard: Brian has his moments, most notably in his manipulation of Stockwell.
- Narm: Justin in the first season, at least earlier on. QAF was Randy Harrison's TV Debut, and his overaffected manner of speech would work alright on stage, but on camera it was often difficult to take him seriously.)
- Retroactive Recognition: Madeline Westen as Debbie Novotny.
- Ship-to-Ship Combat: Brian/Michael vs. Brian/Justin. For those tropers who remember being in QAF fandom while the show was still airing, nothing more needs to be said. For those who weren't, think Supernatural levels of combat.
- Tear Jerker: Brian's expression after Justin is gay-bashed is enough to break anyone's heart.
- And the Call Back it gets in season two when Ben is in the hospital, Michael is going to pieces, and Brian reminds Michael that the only reason he got through Justin's attack was because of him.
- Vic's death in Season Four, and Brian, Michael, and Debbie's reactions to it.
- The bombing of Babylon during the "No on Prop 14" benefit. The look and sound of desperation in Brian's voice as he tries to find Justin, and then Michael, is nothing short of devastating.
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