< Putting on the Reich

Putting on the Reich/Playing With

Basic Trope: The bad guys wear uniforms based on those worn by Nazi Germany's forces or some other "bad guy" group.

  • Straight: The Evil Empire's troopers wear uniforms based on those worn by the Wehrmacht during World War Two. Hitler salute optional.
  • Exaggerated: Everything about the Evil Empire apes Nazi Germany.
    • The Evil Empire's troopers wear exact replicas of SS uniforms, complete with swastika armbands.
  • Downplayed: A few random things about the Evil Empire vaguely resemble Nazi German equivalents.
  • Justified: By identifying the antagonists with Nazis, it's easy to tell the viewer/reader that they're the bad guys.
    • It's World War Two, and the heroes are fighting actual German forces.
    • The villians know the connotations of their uniforms and dress that way to make thier enemies afraid of them.
    • The villians didn't know that the Nazis dressed this way and just thought it would look cool
  • Inverted: The heroes wear Wehrmacht or SS style uniforms.
    • Or the bad guys were once part of the Nazi Empire, but now are a separate enemy force. They abandon their old uniforms for newer ones.
  • Subverted: The Evil Empire's troops wear generic military uniforms in the field...
  • Double Subverted: ...but their dress uniforms practically scream Nazi Germany.
  • Parodied: Uniforms include massive peaked caps, huge racks of medals, and breeches hanging down past knees.
    • Civilians wear Nazi-like clothing ("it's the latest style!") but the military's uniforms are generic.
  • Zig Zagged: The bad guys wear a variety of uniforms, including German ones, but also including American or Western European style uniforms.
  • Averted: The bad guys' uniforms don't rip off the Nazis.
  • Enforced: Executive Meddling assumes that Viewers are Morons and won't understand who the bad guys are unless their uniforms ape the Nazis.
  • Lampshaded: A recruit to the Evil Empire's army asks: "Why are we dressing like we're about to invade Poland?"
  • Invoked: The Evil Empire is a successor state to Nazi Germany, so they go out of their way to call back to their roots.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: The Evil Empire doesn't want to associate with the Nazis and does something different to differentiate themselves from their precursors.
  • Discussed: "We have to fight an evil empire? Five bucks says they're all wearing uniforms that look like Nazi knock-offs."
  • Conversed: "Have you ever noticed that all of the bad guys in tv look like Nazis?"

Goosestep back to Putting on the Reich, Jawohl!

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