< Punch Out

Punch Out/YMMV

  • Acceptable Targets: The weakest fighter in the series, Glass Joe, is a Frenchman. It's taken to the point where in the Wii version, you can literally punch the croissants out of him.
  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Is Doc Louis actually trying to kill Little Mac?
  • Breather Boss: In the Wii game, many people find Super Macho Man much easier than the preceding bout against Bald Bull or the following bout against world champion Mr. Sandman.
    • Don Flamenco is also sandwiched between more difficult fighters in the Wii game (Great Tiger and Aran Ryan), and in the NES original is easier than most of the fighters who preceded him, at least the first time you fight him.
    • Super Macho Man is sometimes considered a Breather Boss in the NES game as well, as many consider Mr. Sandman, who comes before him, to be a much harder fight. That said, Macho Man is still quite a challenge in the NES game.
    • Narcis Prince from Super Punch Out also qualifies as this, as he's quite a bit less challenging than Mad Clown and Super Macho Man.
  • Catharsis Factor: Awww, yeah.
  • Death of a Thousand Cuts: Arguably, how Little Mac fights, along with being a Fragile Speedster. While most of the other fighters have moves that deal roughly a forth of Macs health bar, Mac uses a flurry of jabs and uppercuts to whittle down his opponents health.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Take a look in Deviant ART and see Aran Ryan (Yes, that one) turn from "Complete Lunatic" into "Irish Hottie".
  • Ear Worm: Aran Ryan's intro theme, popularly looped in YouTube Poop.
  • Funny Moments: In Doc Louis's Punch Out, knock the Chocolate bar out of his hand, how he reacts is hilarious.
    • How Mac reacts when he "transforms" afterwards is also hilarious.
      • In the NES game, the only attempt at humor any of the characters make that actually is funny is when Bald Bull says, "My barber didn't know when to quit; do you?"
      • From the same game there's also Soda Popinski's "I drink to prepare for a fight. Tonight I am very prepared!"
  • Heartwarming Moments: Seeing Doc proudly hoist Mac over his shoulder when he claims a title belt sparks a father and son image that's hard to mistake for anything else.
    • Another one caused by losing, believe it or not. Losing to the Darker and Edgier Title Defense version of Don Flamenco will cause him to swear this victory to his beloved Carmen. As he raises the black rose, it sparkles as it changes to a familiar red.
    • As well, you have to feel for Glass Joe's elation for actually winning a match for once in his Title Defense victory cutscene. It takes the sting out a little from the fact that you just lost to Glass Joe.
    • During the end credits for the SNES version of Super Punch-Out!!, your defeated opponents each have one last thing to say, and it turns out that all but the most stubborn have come to respect you. Even Nick Bruiser manages to say more than three words to you.
  • It's the Same, Now It Sucks: What many people claim about the Wii version compared to the NES version.
  • Memetic Mutation: "Nigga stole my bike!"
    • Ascended Meme: In the Wii version in between rounds, Doc Louis tells Mac after the fight, he wants to take a ride on his bike.
    • "Join the Nintendo Fun Club today, Mac!"
      • "Join the Nintendo Fun- I mean, Club Nintendo today, Mac!"
    • Von Kaiser's "Give 'em Ze Uppercut!"
    • Mine's chocolate!
    • Super Macho Man's "Release the-- bogus!"
  • Memetic Molester: Mr. Sandman. Especially in the Wii version.

Mr. Sandman: Hey Mac Baby! Brush your teeth? * leans in* It's bed time...

    • Donkey Kong, given how he "kidnaps" Mac if the player loses the match, and his facial expression is... unsettling.
  • Moment of Awesome: If you've defeated Mike Tyson/Mr. Dream in the NES version, you might as well consider yourself a true champion.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Mr Sandman in the Wii version. Also, Aran Ryan and Bald Bull. All three of them get downright creepy close-up face shots among other things.
    • In the Wii version, Great Tiger's special K.O. animation has him Teleport Spam before passing out. In Title Defense, at the end he disappears and doesn't come back.
  • Replacement Scrappy: Quite a few people feel Mr. Dream is a poor substitute for Iron Mike. Doesn't help that Mr. Dream seems generic and not a lot of originality went into him (same body type Tyson had, same exact dialogue, same exact moves, 99-0-99 record, comes from "Dreamland", etc.). At least Nick Bruiser was fairly memorable...
  • Surprise Difficulty: You wouldn't expect Glass Joe to put up a fight, but once you get to Title Defense...
  • Tear Jerker: Doc Louis wandering through Little Mac's exhibit in the ending cutscene of the Wii version.
  • That One Boss: In the Wii version, Title Defense Bald Bull is unanimously considered to be the hardest opponent. Significant damage on every attack, a right uppercut that comes out very quickly, a change in timing on his Bull Charge (his One-Hit Kill), and most importantly, knockdown immunity unless hit with a Star Punch.
    • It also doesn't help that the Stars are hard to get.
    • Donkey Kong comes closest to TD Bald Bull in terms of difficulty. You need good timing to get stars off of his taunts, and if you miss it, he follows up with a string of attacks that is very hard to predict, and unless you dodge them all, you won't be able to get much damage in on him. Not to mention that his damage output is on par with Bald Bull, and his taunting means he has a tendency to run down the clock.
    • Soda Popinski in Title Defense. If you don't have quick reflexes, have fun losing. Soda moves very quickly and early on takes little damage. Each consecutive time you counter, he'll take more damage, but if you get hit, it resets. And without quick reflexes, you'll be getting hit a lot.
    • Dragon Chan in Super Punch Out. Blocks a lot, is fast and has that one hit kill kick.
  • Uncanny Valley: The Super Punch-Out protagonist's appaearance in Fight Night Round 2. Just look.
  • The Woobie: The Wii version makes you feel sorry for Glass Joe and Von Kaiser (Glass Joe especially).
    • Look at your defeated opponents gallery in Title Defence. It's hard not to feel sorry for King Hippo with his lip quivering, Bear Hugger looking like he's about to cry, the crushed looks of Disco Kid, Don Flamenco, or Soda Popinski -- even Super Macho Man has a face that could inspire some sympathy! The only exceptions are Mr. Sandman (who just looks absolutely stunned) and Aran Ryan... who could perhaps use a smoke... And if you felt bad for Von Kaiser before, look at the mess he's become in Title Defence review and his woobism goes through the roof.
    • Possible exception being Glass Joe, for whom this is just 'business as usual'.
  • Woolseyism: As mentioned in Bowdlerization, changing the Russian boxer's name and drink of choice from vodka to soda pop in the NES version of the game. However, Soda Popinski was every bit as obviously drunk as Vodka Drunkinski. The idea of him being drunk off of soda pop, and the dialogue that resulted, was so funny that in the Wii version, he's actually drinking soda pop in both versions of the game.
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