Psycho Soldier
An action arcade game developed by SNK that was originally released in 1986 and internationally in 1987. Psycho Soldier stars Athena Asamiya, a descendant of Princess Athena from SNK's previous game Athena, and is noteworthy for being the first video game with a vocal in-game soundtrack.
Psycho Soldier is noteworthy for being the first video game to utilize a vocal track during in-game play, with vocals provided by Japanese pop idol Kaori Shimizu (not to be confused with the seiyuu with the same name). This was achieved by creating a JAMMA board that was much larger than usual, and consists of three PCB boards hardwired together and sandwiched on top of each other inside the game cabinet. Her song made Athena one of the earliest video game idols in Japan. Both the Japanese and English-language versions of the game have different vocals for the main song.
The Japanese version of the song was released as a single in 1987 on a special cassette that was available only to those who purchased the Nintendo Famicom version of Athena in Japanese retail stores. The cassette also included a special vocal version of the ending theme.
Not to be confused with Sociopathic Soldier.
- Action Girl: Athena.
- American Kirby Is Hardcore: the European and American covers and flyers fit this trope to a T. Here's the art.
- Animal Motifs: Athena's motif is the phoenix and Kensou's motif is the dragon.
- Gratuitous English: The Japanese version of Psycho Solider.
- Idol Singer: Athena.
- Image Song: "Psycho Soldier".
- Joshikousei: Athena.
- Kawaisa
- Notable Original Music: There are two versions of the theme song.
- Psychic Powers: The basis of their gameplay.
- Spiritual Successor: To Athena.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair/Rose-Haired Girl: Athena has pink hair.