Prison (film)

Horror has a new home.—Tagline
Prison is a special effects extragavanza horror film by Renny Harlin, released in the year 1988.
The film opens with the title Prison, Wyoming State Penitentiary, being opened again after 20 years. When rebuilding starts, a wrathful spirit is released which starts to cause mayhem around the premises, seeking those who had wronged him in the past.
Tropes used in Prison (film) include:
- Agony of the Feet: Cresus shoots his foot to get in the infirmary.
- Blind Without'Em: Cresus.
- Burn, Baby, Burn: Warden Sharpe burns all the inmates mattresses at one point to weed out Rabbitt's supposed killer.
- Captivity Harmonica: And with it a whole band of other instruments.
- Catapult Nightmare: Sharpe waking up from the opening dream.
- Closed Circle
- The Danza: Tim "Tiny" Lister plays a guy called Tiny.
- Dramatic Thunder
- Explosive Instrumentation: After Charlie relays the message "The prison dies tonight" to Katherine's computer, it explodes.
- Ghostly Goals
- Great Escape: Attempted by Rabbitt couple times. All the inmates try it towards the ending.
- Groin Attack: After Rhino tells Burke to join his in-prison dealings or else, Burke grabs his balls to kindly suggest that they both would mind their own businesses.
- Heartbeat Soundtrack: Heard in the opening.
- Hellhole Prison: Wyoming State Penitentiary turn into one by the end.
- Institutional Apparel: Inmates wear jeans and light-blue shirts.
- Ironic Nickname: Riddle, whose nickname is Tiny.
- It Won't Turn Off: Katherine notices this when Charlie's spirit enters her room to giver her his first message.
- Large Ham: Lane Smith as Warden Sharpe.
- Lightning Can Do Anything: It can possess barbed wire, pipes, machineguns...
- Lockdown: Ordered by Sharpe when things are getting out of control.
- Nightmare Dreams: Warden Sharpe is plagued by his past crimes.
- The Old Convict: Cresus.
- One Word Title
- Peek-a-Boo Corpse: Rabbitt's mutilated corpse drops through the roof of cafeteria.
- Psycho Electro: Charlie Forsythe.
- Railing Kill: Kramer flies over the railing when he gets electrocuted.
- Rain of Blood: How Katherine notices one of the dead gurads.
- Shirtless Scene
- Shoot Out the Lock
- Token Girl: Katherine.
- Vertigo Effect: Shown when Sharpe handling the bullets for his revolver.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: We don't find out if the other prisoners survived Charlie's rampage.
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