< Prince of Persia (2008 video game)

Prince of Persia (2008 video game)/YMMV

  • Awesome Music: This game has arguably the best score of any of them, as heard in this End Credits medley.
  • Complete Monster: The Hunter. He sold his soul so he could slaughter humans in vast numbers rather than just animals, and he quite happily murdered men, women and children... and then hung their bodies from a tower in full view of anyone who cared to look. Not to make an example of them, either. Nope. Just because.
  • Cult Classic: While it moved a good number of units and got good reviews at the time of its release, it had a strongly polarizing reception among gamers for being such a radical departure from the Sands of Time trilogy and for a number of experimental game design decisions, as well as its unusual ending. While many people continue to dislike this take on the franchise, it maintains a devoted fanbase who praise the game for its beautiful art direction, great music and characters, and wish Ubisoft would go back to the title and follow up on the Sequel Hook.
  • It's Easy, So It Sucks: Probably the largest complaint against 2008. You can't ever get killed, because Elika automatically uses her magic to save you, resetting just the current puzzle or combat. You never had to reload the game unless you chose to stop playing. The Sands trilogy had been similar in principle because rewinding time also allowed you to cheat death; however, it was trickier in practice. You could only rewind a few seconds at at time, so you could wind up too deep in trouble to back out again. Plus, the power had limited uses and needed recharging. Screw up too much, and you got sent back to the last save point.
    • The mechanic of Elika saving you from "death" was an intended mechanic to strip away time from reloading saves and having to travel all the way back to the spot you failed, as well as creating an illusion of an unbroken story (so you don't go through earlier cut-scenes, etc unless you loaded up a save). It as much a Death Is a Slap on The Wrist as the previous trilogy, only that you no longer have to sit through loading, cut scenes, and wading through the same traps over and over. Many people don't see it that way.
  • Player Punch: Seriously, how often does a game have two gut punches in a row? And just how often is the one in which a beloved character dies the lesser of the gut punches?!
  • Suspiciously Similar Song: The start screen theme is this to the main theme of Lawrence of Arabia.
  • That One Boss: A lot of people don't like the Warrior very much, mainly because he tends to result in a lot of broken mice and controllers due to his Quick Time Event.
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