< Pretty Little Liars (TV series)

Pretty Little Liars (TV series)/Trivia

  • Actor Allusion: Emily and her mom are discussing Aria's hair in the pilot when this line comes up

"What kind of mother would I be if I let you run around looking like a goth?"

  • Adored by the Network: The show is loved by ABC Family so much that it released another series based on novels by Sara Shepard, The Lying Game.
  • Channel Hop: In Britain, the first season was shown on Viva very soon after its US debut - but after the mid-season break it eventually started from the very beginning on MTV. Unfortunately, MTV dropped it after season two, but fortunately for British fans Netflix came to the rescue (as they did for UK followers of Breaking Bad), and the series makes its bow on the service from New Year's Day 2015.
  • The Danza: Sara Shepard plays Miss Shepard, whose first name is probably Sara.
  • Dawson Casting:
    • All four main girls are played by actresses who are between the ages of 20 and 25. Maya is the most Egregious example as the character is 16 but the actress, Bianca Lawson, is 31. Bianca Lawson also appeared on Dawson's Creek in 2000 playing a 16 year old at age 20 making her an original Dawson Casting actress.
    • Averted with Alison. Sasha Pieterse was 14 when she was cast. She's now seventeen, but since three years have passed in-story, she's still the same age as Alison.
      • Actually inverted. She was 12 when she got the pilot.
    • Tammin Sursok, who plays blind high school student Jenna, is 28.
    • Most egregious is that their teacher played by Ian Harding (born 1986) is either barely older than or actually younger than some of his students.
  • Directed by Cast Member: Chad Lowe (Byron, Aria's dad) directed "Touched By An 'A'-ngel", "Father Knows Best" (appropriately), "Kingdom of the Blind", "That Girl Is Poison", "Hot Water", "Into The Deep", "Who's in the Box?", "She's Come Undone", "Surfing the Aftershocks", and "March of Crimes".
  • Fake American: Samara and Caleb's dad are played by Australians Claire Holt and Bernard Curry, Jenna by South African-born/Australian-raised Tammin Sursok, and Emily by Canadian Shay Mitchell. This is not the case for Alison because while Sasha Pieterse was born in South Africa, she has spent most of her life in the United States.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Piper Halliwell is Aria's mom, Moze is Emily's overly competitive swim teammate Paige, and Janel Parrish as Mona. Lucy Hale plays Aria, Kendra is Maya, McGee's sister is Spencer and her sister is Nanny Carrie, and Ryan Merriman is Ian.

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