
Privileged tells the tale of 23 year old Megan Smith, a Yale graduate who is fired from her New York job and sent to meet with Laurel Limoges, a successful businesswoman in the field of cosmetics. On arrival at Laurel's grand Palm Beach home, Megan learns that she is to be hired as a tutor for Laurel's twin grandchildren, sixteen year olds Rose and Sage Baker. Easier said than done, as the girls are much more focused on shopping and parties than studying. To add to the drama, we soon learn that Megan has a history of her own in Palm Beach including the father and younger sister Lily she left behind when she went away to Yale. Throw in a childhood friend with a crush (Charlie), an attractive and wealthy next door neighbour (Will) and a gay chef who's not afraid of straight talking (Marco) and drama's never far away.
The series was created by The CW; it was cancelled after the first season, though not before managing to finish on a cliffhanger. It was based on the book How To Teach Filthy Rich Girls by Zoey Dean, though there are changes -- notably, the main character's surname was originally Simms, but was changed to Smith for the series.
- Alcoholic Parent: Megan and Lily's father. Recovered when we meet him but relapses after Shelby leaves again.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Symbolic: Megan (redhead) is literal big sister to Lily (blonde) and becomes like a big sister to Rose and Sage (Brunette) but does not really fit in with either.
- Blondes Are Evil: Lily and Jordanna.
- Broken Bird: Lily Smith.
- The Cast Showoff: Two episodes include scenes designed to show off Lucy Hale's singing talent.
- Confessional: Sage.
- Dawson Casting: Megan (JoAnna Garcia), Lily (Kristina Apgar) and to a degree, Rose and Sage (Lucy Hale and Ashley Newbrough).
- Expy: Megan appears to be a poor man's Amy Adams.
- Genki Girl: Megan tries to be this.
- The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: Megan and Lily.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: All episode titles begin "All About", for example All About the Power Position, All About Love, Actually, etc.
- Missing Mom: Shelby, mother of Megan and Lily, who returns mid-season only to leave again a few episodes later.
- Odd Name Out: Megan is the main character and is the only one of the main five female characters to not have a flower/plant-related name.
- Pragmatic Adaptation: As with any book-to-TV-show transition.
- Put on a Bus: Charlie in the penultimate episode.
- Promotion to Parent: Megan (both in her backstory and in the series) and to an extent, Sage.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Megan and Lily. Rose and Sage are a milder form.
- Theme Twin Naming: Rose and Sage.
- Title Please
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Charlie.
- Welcome Episode: In the first episode, Megan meets (or is reunited with) most of the important characters for the series.