< Predators


The cast of Predators, in order of appearance:


Played By: Adrien Brody
"There is no hunting like the hunting of man. And those who have hunted armed men long enough, and liked it, never really care for anything else thereafter."

A mercenary dropped in the game preserve. Cold and ruthless, he slowly and relunctantly emerges as the leader of the group.


"Does this look like a team orientated group of individuals to you?"
Played By: Danny Trejo

A Mexican enforcer for the Los Zetas drug cartel. He is killed off-screen by a predator and used, unsuccessfully, as bait.

When I kill someone, it's for the payoff, the big money. You do it just 'cause.

Nikolai Fedorov

"Ну и рожа у тебя!"
Played By: Oleg Taktarov

A Russian Spetsnaz agent. Tough and courageous with a family back home, he's one of the more co-operative members of the misfit team.


"We're the monsters of our own world. It's probably better that we're never going back."
Played By: Alice Braga

A sniper for the Israeli Defense Force. Suffering from Survivors Guilt, she takes it upon herself to keep the team's moral compass pointed in the right direction.

  • Action Girl
  • The Atoner: The reason she's so nice is Survivors Guilt.
  • Badass Israeli: Royce identifies her as IDF.
  • The Chick: She's the most compassionate by quite a wide margin.
  • Final Girl
  • Friendly Sniper
  • Hot Amazon: She's tough as nails, and the guys explicitly find her attractive for it.
  • Morality Pet: Isabelle's faith in Royce is the only external sign the audience gets that he's not an irredeemable prick.
  • Small Girl, Big Gun: Though not of cartoonish proportions, it's a long-barreled, high-caliber sniper rifle, and she's rather petite.
  • Survivors Guilt: She is haunted by the loss of her spotter, who was killed in action shortly before she was kidnapped by the Predators.
  • Token Good Teammate: Only Nikolai comes close to being as unambiguously good as she is.

Walter Stans

"Who do you think you're dealing with, hoss?"
Played By: Walton Goggins

A Death Row inmate responsible for killing 38 people. Played by Walton Goggins.

Royce: I needed to know who we're up against. Now I do.
Stans: A man is dead because of that.
Royce: This morning you were ready to kill him.
Stans: Well it ain't this goddamn morning, is it?


"I am ready to die. [[[Beat]]] Are you?"
Played By: Mahershalalhashbaz Ali

An RUF member and a Sierra Leone Death Squad officer.


"Can someone please just tell me, uh, what the fuck is going on here?"
Played By: Topher Grace

A doctor with no combat background.


"...I talk too much."
Played By: Louis Ozawa Changchien

A silent member of the Yakuza.

Classic Predator

Played By: Brian Steele

One of the traditional Predators, he's found trussed up by the larger Predators.

Berserker Predator

Played By: Derek Mears

Berserker is the leader of the Black Predators, who spend the entire film hunting the protagonists for sport. He decorates his mask with a trophy's jawbone.

  • Big Bad
  • Blue and Orange Morality: The Black Predators clearly do not share the Classic Predators strict code of behavior. It's possible their actions would in fact be frowned upon by their own culture, though that is not explicitly stated.
  • Combat Pragmatist: He accepts the Classic Predator's challenge to a fist-fight, but once Classic starts scoring some hits, Berserker resorts to using his plasma blaster.
  • Dramatic Unmask: The only one in the entire movie (at least from an actual Predator).
  • Obviously Evil: The eyes on his mask glow Hellish-Red, compared to the yellowish glow of all the other Predators. His red-stained dreadlocks don't help much either.
  • Unflinching Walk: When he detonates his own ship he just walks away casually without even looking back at the end results.

Ronald Noland

"I'm the one that got away. The one you don't fuck with."
Played By: Laurence Fishburne

A veteran warrior who's survived in the game preserve for many seasons.

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