< Predator



  • The unveiling of Ol' Painless, and the havoc that Blain unleashes with it.

Jesse Ventura: I'm the first person in film history to shoot this weapon handheld. Not even Rambo can say that.

  • The More Dakka scene after Blain's death, which has the surviving team members unloading their weapons into the Guatemala jungle after the Predator.
  • Billy, after spending most of the movie terrified of the Predator, pulls a You Shall Not Pass moment to buy time for the few remaining team members. It turns out to be a Senseless Sacrifice, but it's still unbelievably Badass.
  • Dutch destroying the Predator's cloaking device with exploding spears and arrows.
  • The final showdown between Dutch and the Predator, where the Predator takes off its armour to beat Dutch in a fair one-on-one fight... and beats the everloving shit out of him. Then Dutch takes it out with a tree stump from a booby trap he'd made that afternoon. Bad. Ass.
  • "What the hell are you?" "What the hell are you?" and the Evil Laugh following it.
    • Leave us not forget the Evil Laugh preceding the detonation of the Predator's wrist explosive, which sounded just like Billy's laugh.

Predator 2

Jerry: Come on, motherfucker... LET'S DANCE!!

  • After Jerry is killed, the obnoxious reporter (Morton Downey, Jr.) who was been following Harrigan around finally gets what's coming to him:

Pope: Hey Harrigan! More victims! More mutilations!
Harrigan: [punching him right in the face] FUCK YOU!!!

  • Harrigan single-handedly takes down the AUG-and-grenade launcher-armed Colombians with his car and some old shotgun. The Predator itself was impressed enough after it witnessed this.
  • When the Predator switches its vision over to ultraviolet.
  • The ending certainly qualifies.

Harrigan: Okay, who's next?


  • Katana vs. Predator Claw. Doubly so because it makes up for the unseen blade duels in the first two films. When that scene ended, people in the theater started clapping (though it was more of when the Predator died than when Hanzo did). It becomes especially awesome when you consider that this is the first time EVER that someone fought a peak condition Predator (all others in the series were worn down by the time it got to that stage) 1v1 in melee and beat them, all with two fingers missing.
  • Royce's final fight with the leader of the Black Predators. Made up of many little Crowning Moments of Awesome. Stopping Edwin, then boobytrapping his body with grenades to hurt the Predator. Using mud ""plus"" surrounding the camp with fire to avoid being detected, and then beating the hell out of the Predator with a bone axe. A combination of Dangerously Genre Savvy and sheer Badass.
  • Nikolai vs. the Predators, involving a few claymores... Nikolai spitting in the Predator's eye before blowing both of them up definitely gained him Badass points.
  • Stan's showing enough cunning to wear body armor under his prison outfit, playing dead after getting hit with a plasma caster, and then having the balls to leap on the lead Predator's back and shiv the hell out of him, giving his team time to escape before getting trophy killed.
  • This exchange:

Edwin: "You came back for us. You're a good man..." (Prepares to stab Royce)
Royce: "No, I'm not." (Intercepts the attack and jams the scalpel into Edwin's throat.) "But I'm fast."

Aliens vs. Predators

  • Weland Sr. to the Predator.

Weyland: "Don't turn your back on me!" (then Weland barbecues his ASS! ...Sort of).

  • Lex watches Rousseau loading her pistol.

Lex: "Seven seasons on the ice, and I've never seen a gun save someone's life."
Rousseau: "I don't plan on using it."
Lex: "Then why bring it?"
Rousseau: "Same principle as a condom. I'd rather have one and not need it, then need it and not have one."

  • Lex impaling one of the aliens to death as it tries to get her. It was so awesome in fact that it impressed the Predator enough to allow her to accompany him.
  • When the Predator demonstrates exactly what his self-destruct device will do to the nest.

Lex: It's a bomb... I hope it kills every fucking one of 'um!

Predator: Concrete Jungle

  • Predator: CJ is a very YMMV game. The story may seem like somebody's bad fanfic that got lucky enough to be made into a game. Especially groan-worthy when we find out that MOTHER is actually a survivor of the Scarface Predator's 1930 rampage, specifically Hunter Borgia's mother, and it turns out that she is in love with Scarface, and had been trying to attract him back to Neonopolis so she could see him again. However, this moment ends up redeeming itself when After admitting her love to the Scarface Predator, he responds by impaling her on his combistick. The look on her face is priceless.

"I promised you a night to remember, baby! Didn't I promise?"

  • In the ending, before executing Hunter Borgia, the Scarface Predator uses his voice replicator to play back MOTHER's words back to him, repeating them over and over in the form of a "The Reason You Suck" Speech. The look on Hunter's face during this is priceless:

"Mighty Bruno Borgia fathered a stunted weakling, but you (Scarface) made him strong.

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