Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi/Characters
Character sheet for Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi. If you looking for the Powerpuff Girls character page, go here.
Note: Only list characters that have made a significant contribution to the story; that is, if they are only a cameo or have yet to appear in the story at all, leave them out.
Leader of the Powerpuff Girls, naturally, although a bit more reserved in this version than in the TV series. Hasn't done much as of late in regards to the plot aside from striking up a friendly relationship with Dexter after being saved from Mandark.
- Action Girl
- Damsel in Distress: During the Dexter vs Mandark arc.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Ironic in that she is a redhead herself.
- If you take Blossom as the hero, Dexter is a redhead, so the trope applies.
- It Is Not Your Time: Very nearly bites the dust, but Dee Dee shows up in the nick of time and pulls some strings in order to give her a second chance.
- Slipknot Ponytail: Played for comedy.
- Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty: Uses GIR as a shield during her fight against Bell.
- Use Your Head: Tries this while trapped in the Drowning Pit. To quote John Doe, it doesn't work.
The perky blonde of the trio. Not much difference between her version here and the TV version, and she hasn't done very much, either. The most recent arc seems to be trying to change this.
- Action Girl
- Dance Battler: Type 2
- Damsel in Distress: For a little bit when Mojo's monster ambushes her.
- Friend to All Living Things: Gets along quite well with Courage.
- Fan Girl: Bubbles pounced on
XJ-9Jenny the moment she saw her. - Magical Girl: At first as a gag but it seems she might take up the title for real one day. If GTFDB does share the universe
- Opposites Attract: Bubbles striking up a friendship with Mandy and Gaz of all people.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Jenny.
The rough-and-tumble brunette of the trio. Much more aggressive here than on TV, and has an amusing crush on Jack-sensei, the gym teacher.
- Action Girl
- Blood Knight
- Boisterous Bruiser: Was there ever any doubt?
- Deadpan Snarker
- Eyepatch After Time Skip: Grim Tales from Down Below show us that by her prime she'll be wearing an Eyepatch of Power. See Shared Universe on the main page.
- Feminine Women Can Cook: To everyone's surprise, when she actually tries it, she completely subverts this and even seems to be becoming the Team Chef.
- Foreshadowing: Early in the comic she lampshades the likelihood of Jack being a Samurai by making a joke about how she's a ninja girl. And lo and behold. See Shared Universe on the main page.
- Freud Was Right: In-comic, Jack looks just like Professor Utonium. Considering Buttercup has a schoolgirl crush on Jack, that doesn't bode well for her subconscious.
- Incoming Ham: LET THE HAM GO!
- The Ladette
- Magic Skirt: In the first chapter, where Dexter is holding her upside down by one foot.
- Martial Arts Uniform: First a kendo one and a green gi as a Future Badass. See Shared Universe on the main page.
- Teacher-Student Romance: Develops a one-sided crush on her PE teacher Jack.
The titular boy genius of Dexter's Laboratory. Still the same Science Hero that we all know and love, though thankfully not as arrogant this time around. Tests the girls' combat skills on their first day at Megaville Elementary, becoming friends with Blossom afterwards. He is haunted by the death of Dee Dee, his older sister, who died trying to protect him while he was fighting Mandark, his arch rival. He is now attempting to reconstruct her as an android.
- Badass Bookworm
- Badass Labcoat: Observe.
- Bishie Sparkle: When being particularly sciency.
- Cute Shotaro Boy: His appearance in the comic leans slightly more onto the Bishie side, but considering his age, the trope applies.
- Dead Big Sister: Dee Dee.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Again, irony abound.
- Heroic BSOD: Twice.
- Now It's My Turn: In the first fight against the Powerpuffs.
- Science Hero
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Most often coupled with Purple Prose. His Internal Monologue in chapter six is probably the best example.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: About Blossom.
- Shirtless Scene: After the fight with Mandark. Made even better with the bandages.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: To Mandark.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: When he hacks the underground vault to the panic room and changes the password to "Big Red Bow" telling Olga it had no real meaning. Course its hard to deny this in a room full of scientists.
- What Beautiful Eyes!: Blossom was amazed.
Dee Dee
Dexter's sister. She died after Taking the Bullet for Dexter during a firefight with Mandark, returning later on to keep history from repeating itself with Blossom.
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Became an angel apparently.
- Blue Eyes
- Died in Your Arms Tonight: In Dexter's arms.
- Hair of Gold
- Robot Me: What Dexter's trying to do, against Dee Dee's wishes.
- Slipknot Pigtails: Bleedman seems to like drawing her with her hair down.
- Taking the Bullet
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth
Yes, that Jack. Plays the role of gym teacher at Megaville Elementary and lives at a dojo located near the school. He teaches students basic self-defense while also helping to maintain order on campus, as demonstrated during the Powerpuff Girls' fight against Dexter. Has quite a following amongst the female students.
- Badass Beard: By the final Battle. See Shared Universe on the main page.
- Badass Normal
- Badass Teacher
- Big Damn Heroes: Mojo Jojo's newest monster is about to literally eat Bubbles and Buttercup alive, and Dexter stops Blossom just as she's about to jump into the fray, saying that "help is on its way". Cue Jack.
- Cool Teacher / Hot Teacher: The female half of Megaville Elementary's student body certainly seems to think so.
- Everything's Better with Samurai: Except for Dexter, none of the other characters seem aware of Jack's samurai status.
- Honor Before Reason: With his brief battle against Sam. Despite having just bisected one of the Darkstar cronies not a second ago, he holds back because against her since she still a child. Sam, of course, takes advantage of this and shocks him into submission. To add insult to injury, she steals his sword as well.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Stern Teacher: Natch.
The little history wiz from Time Squad. Another one of the students at the school, and also a friend of Dexter's. In this version, he is an accomplished Time Ranger with the equipment to travel through time. He shows Blossom Dexter's past in order to help her better understand him. Later, he acts as the messenger when Mandark kidnaps Blossom, and ends up joining in on the rescue mission.
- Has Two Daddies
- Mr. Exposition
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: About Blossom. Unlike Dexter, he means it.
- Time Master
- Time Police
- Unlucky Childhood Friend
The big loveable buffoon of Megas XLR. Comes to Dexter's aid to help rescue Blossom, holding off Samantha and her mecha while Dexter deals with Mandark. Before that, he loaned Megas to Dexter for repairs and maybe some tweaking.
- And This Is For: One of his trademark statements.
- Big Eater: Which doesn't end well for him in another certain comic set in the same universe.
- Doomed by Canon: In Grim Tales from Down Below he is casually killed of, a victim of his own unhealthy diet.
- But only if Grim Tales From Down Below is from the same universe.
- Humongous Mecha: Megas.
- Large Ham: Would be out of character if he wasn't.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Buttercup calls him "Poop".
Darkstar Council
A group comprised of all of the story's main villains and headed by Dr. X. Unsurprisingly, their ultimate goal is World Domination.
Dr. X
A mysterious, faceless figure with a flaming head who has his sights set on taking over the world, starting with Megaville.
- Big Bad
- The Blank: Almost. While he does have unblinking Monochromatic Eyes, he lacks a nose and mouth.
- Eyes Do Not Belong There: Had four extra eyes on his chest, which might justify his shirtlessness.
- Man Behind the Man: He's pretty much the direct cause of everything evil that has occurred up to this point.
- Manipulative Bastard: Manipulated Mandark into serving him.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: All his eyes turn red when he gets pissed.
- Villains Out Shopping: When he's not busy plotting.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: His pajama top is a pair of armwarmers, for mercy's sake!
Dr. X's daughter and a Powerpuff Girl-look alike / copycat / clone. One of the strongest fighters in the Darkstar Council. She manages to give Blossom a real run for her money during their Cat Fight. Has deep emotional attachment to Mandark and GIR, whom she calls "Girly".
- Affably Evil / Punch Clock Villain: Aside from doing what her father tells her, she seems to have no interest in the whole world domination plot. When not on a mission she acts like a typical little girl.
- Arch Enemy: Considering she targeted Blossom twice already, she shaping up to be this to her.
- Batman Can Breathe in Space: Not only that, somehow she can still talk on the Moon. The only thing she needs the space suite for is communication with Earth.
- Bishie Sparkle: In this page.
- Break the Cutie
- Calling the Old Man Out: After Mandark's death.
- Cute and Psycho: She pretty reserved most of the time, but also seems to enjoy violence and when she flips, look out!
- Daddy's Little Villain
- The Dragon: She seems to have this position, since she is the one who seems to do the most field work for the Council.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: On this page, she refers to one of the Cluster bots as a "stupid bit character".
- Moe: Drawn in a style much more reminiscent of the original Powerpuff Girls than the girls themselves and refers to GIR as "GIRLY".
- Slasher Smile: During her fight with Blossom.
- Tyke Bomb: Strongly hinted to be one of these.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Dexter's bitter rival in all things science. During one of their usual scuffles, one of his Jackbots managed to get clear aim at Dexter. Dee Dee, however, jumped in the line of fire to save him at the cost of her own life. Mandark took her death as hard as Dexter did, possibly even more so, and with a little prodding from Dr. X and Bell, he convinced himself that Dexter was at fault and plotted to kill him for it by kidnapping Blossom and using her as bait to lure him out. Sure enough, Dexter comes to rescue her, and the two duke it out in one final battle, which cumulates in an emotional breakdown so severe that Mandark outright demands that Dexter kill him. Dexter refuses on the grounds that Dee Dee wouldn't want him to do it, and Mandark, having completely lost the will to live at this point, triggers his lair's self-destruct mechanism and presumably dies in the ensuing explosion.
- Evil Laugh: Per the source material. "Ha ha-ha! Ha ha-ha ha-ha!"
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Dexter slaps him during his rant. Subverted in that Mandark doesn't shake out of it, and presumably died when he triggers his lab's Self-Destruct Mechanism.
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: He practically rushes headlong off it.
- Love Makes You Evil: Well eviler anyway. Before it was just the usual petty villainy stuff. But after Dee Dee's death, things got much more serious.
- My God, What Have I Done?: After he accidentally kills Dee Dee. Then he goes nuts and tries to put the blame on Dexter instead.
- Never Found the Body: It's generally assumed that he died, but only his glasses were found in the wreckage.
- Save the Villain: Subverted.
- Strike Me Down: Demands Dexter kill him after having lost the fight.
- Villainous Breakdown:
- Has one after Dee Dee's death -- which was technically his fault, only he didn't want to believe it—from which he never really recovered.
- Has a much more massive one during the final battle with Dexter.
Everyone's favorite Irken invader is seen here fulfilling the role of Dr. X's house maid, while his robot companion GIR is off with Bell. Dr. X has promised him the chance to take a shot at the Powerpuff Girls himself. Whether he was just humoring Zim or truly meant it remains to be seen.
- Big Bad Wannabe: If only he had the brains for it. Perhaps to get the point across, Bleedman introduces him by having him sitting on a throne and giving a Motive Rant about how the Council is going to rule the world... then Dr. X shows up and tells him to get out of his chair.
- Butt Monkey: Dr. X just loves to humiliate him.
- Demoted to Extra: He's seen a lot less often than his sidekick GIR.
- Dragged Into Drag: Made to wear a maid outfit by Dr X.
- No Indoor Voice: He's Zim, what did you expect?
- You! Get Me Coffee!: After you're done mopping the Supervillain Lair that is.
Zim's robotic assistant. Silly and nonsensical as always, Bell has taken a liking to him to the point of unofficially adopting him as her pet, and the two can usually be seen together in any strip in which Bell makes an appearance.
- Character Exaggeration: The things he says in the comic are even more random than what he says in his show, mostly acting as random Shout Outs.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Gratuitous German: GIR is guilty of this. English translation is Ah! My eyes! The goggles do nothing!
- Omniglot: He has recently shown to be fluent in many languages, as shown in these pages here.
- Pass the Popcorn: During the Bell vs Blossom fight.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: He's in his dog disguise the majority of the time.
- Team Pet: To the Darkstar Council and Bell in particular, as she seems to be the only one who actually likes him.
The resident bully from the Medabots series. Why she joined forces with Dr. X is anyone's guess.[1] She assists Mandark during his battle with Dexter by distracting Coop and Megas with her own equally powerful Humongous Mecha, and she has the upper hand until Buttercup shows up, forcing her to retreat but not before vowing revenge on Buttercup. She is later seen having the left side of her body replaced with robotic parts for reasons as of yet unknown.
- Arch Enemy: Declares she is this to Buttercup after their first meeting.
- Artificial Limbs: Her left arm.
- Actually, as it turns out, both of her arms are robotic.
- Blood Knight: During a fight, Jack observes that she seems happy to be fighting.
- Dark Action Girl: Enjoys beating the heroes and targets Buttercup first chance she gets.
- The Brute: Typically shows up at the head of a bunch of Cluster Mecha-Mooks and Elite Mooks, and her villainy consists mainly of attacking the heroes.
- Humongous Mecha: The Megabee.
- Kick the Dog: Not enough to beat Jack, she has to take his sword as well.
- Super Senses: Has telescopic vision, as well as x-ray and infared.
- Symbol Swearing: After she gets suckerpunched by Buttercup.
- Talk to the Fist: When Coop is doing one of his usual speeches, she interrupts him by smashing her arm through the windshield of Megas's cockpit and pulling him through.
- Teeth Flying: Buttercup sends Samantha's tooth flying when she appears. She later in the story tries to return the favor but only succeeds in sucker punching the powerpuff cause, well, she a superhero.
- Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty: During her fight with Jack, she catches his sword, and then uses it to electrocute him.
Mojo Jojo
The Powerpuff Girls' arch nemesis; his obsession with destroying the girls caused him to follow them into Megaville after they moved there. After his initial attempt on their lives on the first day of school failed, Mojo was shanghaied by Bell and brought to Dr. X, where he was offered a place in the Darkstar Council. Just what plans Dr. X has for him remains uncertain.
- Put on a Bus: His joining of the Council is made to look like a big deal, but he's only been seen twice since then - once in the background, hooked up to a machine of some kind, and then in a flashback of Bell's, where he's arguing with Zim over something.
A cowardly pink canine who was left in Jack-sensei's care by his previous owners, Eustace and Muriel Bagg, for reasons unknown. Became fast friends with Bubbles.
- Audience Surrogate: Courage, bordering on being a Meta Dog.
- Big Damn Heroes: Alongside Jack.
- Cowardly Lion
- Morality Pet: Jack give Courage to Buttercup, presumably to act as one of these.
- Team Pet: Mostly with Bubbles.
- Took a Level in Badass: While helping to clear out the crowd from the Darkstar attack, he actually takes on one of their monstrosities head on.
The Rowdyruff Boys
Brick, Boomer and Butch, the Powerpuff Girls' evil male counterparts who were originally created by Mojo Jojo. Here, they're the subject of study in a secret government project called "Project Rowdy". Exactly what said project entails remains a mystery. In this version, Boomer is a little more innocent, while Brick and Butch are apparently planning revenge against the Powerpuff Girls for their last defeat. Interestingly, the idea to include the Rowdyruff Boys in the comic at all wasn't Bleedman's, but that of a deviantART member.[2] By the time of comic, the Rowdyruffs hadn't reappeared back in the TV show yet.
- Arch Enemy: Brick's reason for participating in the project is to become stronger, since he finds his previous defeat at the Powerpuff Girls' hands via kissing particularly humiliating.
- Kick Them While They Are Down: Butch would've blasted Jenny to bits if Brick hadn't stopped him.
- Love Redeems: Things appear to be moving in this direction with Boomer, given his reaction to the memory of Bubbles' kiss.
- Nonuniform Uniform: While their uniforms have a similar design, they each retain their own individual colors.
- Put on a Bus: Haven't been seen since the third chapter.
- Rapunzel Hair: Brick, although it's not explained how he got it. The comic predated the boys new appearance in the TV show. Many amused expression were had at this, some joking "Bleedman can see the future!".
- Smug Super: Butch.
- Tyke Bombs: What they're apparently being trained to become.
The robot heroine of My Life as a Teenage Robot and also part of Project Rowdy, where she more or less serves as the boys' punching bag combat training opponent. Their last simulation session ended badly. She lost an arm and was seen having it repaired. Has recently reappeared back in the story.
- Cool Big Sis: To Bubbles.
- Mind Rape: What the Cluster bots seem to be doing to her.
- Robot Girl
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Bubbles.
- Swiss Army Appendage: Including her pigtails, which can turn into a portal.
Dr. Wakeman
Jenny's "mother" and another participant in Project Rowdy. She disapproves of the Rowdyruff Boys' extreme fighting style, particularly that of Butch. And isn't afraid to talk down to them in spite of their power. It was later revealed she in town from Tremorton for a science expo, which the ballet class from Megaville Elementary is opening for.
- Art Evolution: Compared to this to the above page image.
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Quite overprotective, considering her daughter is a robot.
- Mama Bear
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Seen briefly here.
The Grim Reaper, though he hasn't been doing much reaping lately. His existence in this universe is expanded upon in the semi-related Grim Tales from Down Below. If that is the two comics do in fact share a universe.
- Black Humour: This. (Spoiler if you haven't read past chapter 6.)
- Don't Fear the Reaper: Actually a pretty nice guy for a hooded skeleton with a scythe.
- Grim Reaper: Duh.
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Averted. The only time we see him in the comic is when he's actually doing his job.
Olga Astronomonov AKA Lala Vava *thunderclap*
Mandark's sister and previously unseen member of Megaville Elementary student body. Appeared immediately following Mandark's death and seems to be keeping an eye out specifically for Dexter and the Powerpuff Girls. Has apparently been head of the school's dance troupe since something happned to the previous leader Presumably Dee-Dee dying and previously hung out with Mandy and Gaz.
- Dramatic Thunder: Just like in Dexter's Laboratory every time someone utters her nickname, a lightning strikes. Even when they happen to be inside.
- Emotionless Girl: Almost to the extent of Mandy, which is certainly saying something.
Better known as Atomic Betty. Stars in a sidestory entitled The Forgotten, in which she and her crew come across a seemingly abandoned ship that turns out to be occupied by the Cluster. The outcome wasn't pretty.
- Break the Cutie: And how!
- Dramatic Space Drifting: And yet somehow she barely survives, long enough for Amazo to saves her.
- Sole Survivor: Sparky and X-5 didn't make it.
Professor Utonium
The Powerpuff Girls "father". Ended up moving his family to Megaville after a job opportunity and trying to help them adjust. A very loving father with a bit of a silly side occasionally.
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Almost as much as in the original show.
- Big No: Upon hearing that he needs to go to a parent-teacher conference.
- Hot Dad
Dexter's lab monkey who was given superpowers from his experiments, unknown to the boy genius as Monkey keeps it hidden from him. Was called into action by Honeydew (one of the MC's of the science expo) after the Darkstar Council invade it.
- Big Damn Heroes: Arriving just in time to save Olga from being blasted to bits, especially since Blossom and Bubbles were incapacitated.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys