< Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

Power Rangers Lost Galaxy/YMMV

  • Alas, Poor Villain:
    • Treacheron was a loyal general to Scorpius, but was framed by Trakeena, just because he was stern towards her. He spend his final battle trying to prove his loyalty.
    • Despite being a Spider-squid creature, Scorpius' formal deathbed with his daughter in attendance is very sad.
      • In addition, he was killed thanks to Deviot tricking him into thinking Trakeena was in danger. He died thinking he was protecting his daughter.
    • So is Villimax's death, during the finale, at the hands of his own student, Trakeena. He also seems to care for her a lot, as he can't bring himself to hurt her.
    • And old warrior Loyax's death due to Deviot's machinations. He wanted to win a final battle against the rangers, but instead won by realizing he was not evil.
    • Also, Trakeena gets forcibly fused with Deviot and turned into a Complete Monster and ultimately destroyed, none of it of her own choice.
  • Complete Monster: In a show full of villains with standards, Deviot had none. He was a manipulative, treacherous Starscream who would cheerfully throwaway his men's lives, thought brainwashing was a useful tool, and had no loyalty to anyone. When Scorpius wouldn't allow him to enter the cocoon, Deviot arranged for his death. When Trakeena, and not he, inherited control of the army, he sends two of his men to kill her; when she survives the assassination attempt, he kills the assassins to cover his tracks. He later brainwashed Loyax into fighting the Rangers, leading to his death as well. . He ultimately becomes the Big Bad when he merges with Trakeena and his personality overrides her's, leading her to murder her mentor, Villimax, use her men as suicide bombers, and try to regain her full power by stealing the Life Energy of others. Totally untrustworthy, and out only for himself, Deviot proved that on his own, or influencing Trakeena, he could do more damage than any other villain in Lost Galaxy.
  • Crowning Moment Of Funny: Stolen Beauty. Apparently Trakeena sans monster makeup is attractive enough to prevent you from noticing that someone DROPPED A WRENCH ON YOUR FOOT.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome:
  • Evil Is Sexy: Trakeena. See Funny Moments.
  • Growing the Beard: The series starts off slow, but the Magna Defender arc and the resolution brought in the permanent Sixth Ranger and really started developing the characters both good and evil.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: The final battle. Mooks as suicide bombers against innocents was a Moral Event Horizon at the time it aired, but now...
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • At least for Doctor Who fans, see Shout-Out on the main page. Oh Steven Moffat, surely you did not watch Power Rangers, didn't you?
    • Also, in regards to the above scene with Trakeena and the wrench? The guy is Damon, whose actor later married Trakeena's actress.
  • Iron Woobie: Maya
  • Japanese Love Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: When it was dubbed back into Japanese, PRLG got better ratings than its source material Gingaman.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Trakeena when taken into account that turning into a Moral Event Horizon crossing Complete Monster that had to be destroyed wasn't of her own choice at all and she was literatelly dragged into it by Deviot.
  • It Gets Better: Like most Ranger series, early filler episodes may put off new viewers, but, when the Magna Defender shows up, the show gets really good, and, moreover, it stays good.
  • Les Yay: Maya and Kendrix.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Deviot
  • Moment of Awesome:
    • The Space Rangers showing up in "To The Tenth Power", and helping the others kick the Psychos' asses.
    • Leo vs. Trakeena.
    • Just about everything with The Magna Defender.
  • Moral Event Horizon: After steadily escalating her fight against the Rangers throughout the season, Trakeena snaps after merging with Deviot and launches her troops as suicide bombers against civilians. Even Villamax is disgusted (though he's admittedly not a good example of a standard bad guy on this show).
  • Nightmare Fuel: This series had some of the most twisted-looking baddies since Lord Zedd, especially Scorpius and Trakeena's final form.
  • Superlative Dubbing: Near-unanimously considered superior to its source material.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • Scorpius' final moments with his daughter, showing that, despite being, you know, EVIL, the two did in fact, love each other. This also doubles as a Heartwarming Moments.
    • If you didn't tear up during the near climax of Redemption Day then you have no soul.
  1. The link is to a cover version; the original version is difficult to locate
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