Power Rangers GPX/Characters
The Character Sheet for the Fanfic Power Rangers GPX.
Cast-wide tropes
- Loads and Loads of Characters: And how!
The Rangers
The Rangers as a team
Sean O' Callahan / GPX Red
Nationality: American
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
The leader of the GPX Rangers, Sean is the former captain of a junior ice hockey team. Due to the fact that he became Red Ranger instead of Daisuke, the two have a hate / hate relationship. Initially skeptical, he eventually warms up to his job and comes to embrace it (or, in his words, "have hot, sweaty sex with it".)
- A Man Is Not a Virgin: Hilariously averted, since he is a virgin and only had one kiss in his entire life (Maria did kiss him in an earlier episode, but it was a "Shut Up" Kiss and Maria says it doesn't count).
- But also a positive aversion, since even though he's a virgin, he still kicks ass.
- Ascended Fanboy: Sort of. He knows a few things about Power Rangers, that's for certain.
- Badass
- Bandage Dude: After Phaedos beats the crap out of him.
- Berserk Button / Hair-Trigger Temper: Whenever Daisuke insults him
- Break the Haughty: Prior to episode 13, he had been a jerk to everyone else, and even Daisuke, but Daisuke's mutiny and eventual beat-down by Phaedos forces him to undergo obvious Character Development.
- Brown Eyes
- Cluster F-Bomb: Almost every other word of his dirty mouth is a swear word.
- Cool Car: The GT Racer, his zord.
- Cool Sword: The GT Sword. However, the first one broke so he gets a new one, which resembles the Master Sword from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. However, that's just the way he asked them to make it.
- Deadpan Snarker
- The Determinator: The source of his Heroic Second Wind moments. He doesn't chock it up to stupidity, just stubbornness.
- Dual-Wielding
- Eagle Land: Averted, big time.
- Fighting Irish-American
- Genre Savvy
- Hair-Trigger Temper especially early on. He's grown out of it for the most part, but it's still there; related to Fighting Irish.
- Has Two Mommies? He just mentions "moms" and that's it.
- The Hero
- Hey, You: Called Daisuke "Rich Boy"
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Heroic BSOD: Suffers a nasty one after getting beaten by Phaedos. He recovers.
- Heroic Second Wind: He's practically a master at this.
- He's Back: See Heroic BSOD above.
- Hot-Blooded: BIG TIME.
- Idiot Hero: Subverted, he had a high GPA in high school. He says the reason he won't quit is due to stubbornness.
- Improbable Weapon User: Uses a blasted hockey stick as a weapon.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: A possible example where he doesn't try to hide his Heart Of Gold.
- Large Ham: When he's in Hot-Blooded mode.
- Leeroy Jenkins: Was bad with this at first, but eventually he stopped and began to think things through.
- Papa Wolf: Mess with his niece, and he will kill you.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: He gives out a few of these.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red Oni to both Kevin and Daisuke.
- Refusal of the Call --> Jumped At the Call: Starts out skeptical of Project Ranger before fully embracing his status as a Ranger.
- Ship Tease: With Maria and Hitomi.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Well, it's not exactly a small name, but he does have an ego.
- The Strategist
- Tsundere: Unsorted male version. Tsuntsun towards Daisuke, Deredere towards the others... and Maria.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Gives two to Daisuke.
- The Windy City: South Side, to be exact.
Kevin O' Donnell / GPX Blue
Nationality: Irish
Hometown: Dublin
A friend of Sean's prior to coming to Tokyo. He is a former member of the Irish Defense Forces. He acts sort of as a counter for Sean.
- Badass
- BandageDude: After Phaedos beats him up.
- Berserk Button
- BFG: The Touring Cannon. It gets upgraded and is now more like a rifle than a cannon, so it's a Cool Gun.
- Brown Eyes
- Cool Car: The Touring Racer
- Deadpan Snarker
- Fighting Irish: About the only Oirish thing about him, and he still subverts it since he's the Blue Oni to Sean's Red.
- Genre Savvy: Implied.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: The text mentions that he uses rugby tackles when he fights.
- Heroic BSOD: Suffers a nasty one, just like Sean.
- He's Back Recovers from his Heroic BSOD.
- Hot-Blooded: Not as much as Sean, but when he does get Hot-Blooded, he's about as or maybe more Hot-Blooded than Sean.
- The Lancer / The Big Guy: He's second in command, but he's also the biggest member of the team physically.
- Military Superhero
- Mixed Martial Arts: Tends to fight like an MMA fighter.
- Nice Guy: Less of a jerk than Sean.
- Oireland: Averted, just like Sean.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue Oni to Sean's Red Oni.
- Would Hit a Girl
Mandla Aaron Ndebele / GPX Green
Nationality: South African
Hometown: Johannesburg
Daisuke's replacement as the Green Ranger. He's a college student who seemed reluctant to be a Ranger. He wants to help out the people of the townships, but Ranger duty interrupted it.
- An Axe to Grind: The Mountain Axe, his new weapon.
- Badass
- The Big Guy
- But Not Too Black: Averted, the text describes his skin tone as dark and he is from South Africa, after all.
- Chilly Reception
- Deadpan Snarker
- Hot-Blooded: Oh, yes!
- Last-Name Basis: Sean called him this instead of "Newbie" until Mandla saved the others.
- Hey, You: Sean calls him "Newbie" until he asks Sean to at least calling him by his last name.
- Not anymore.
- Naive Newcomer
- Noob: Or at least how Sean sees him... until he saves the other Rangers.
- Reluctant Warrior: At first.
- Replacement Scrappy: Sean treats him as one, but he does tell him that if he proves himself in battle, he'll earn Sean's trust.
- Sixth Ranger: A not-so-traditional example since he's brought on to replace Daisuke.
Daisuke Miyazawa / GPX Green
Nationality: Japanese
Hometown: Kyoto
The older of the Miyazawa siblings. The son of a wealthy family, Daisuke had been promised a position of leadership in the Rangers. However, he is angered when Sean is made Red Ranger. Eventually, after the other Rangers are nearly killed, he recognizes his flaws and leaves the team.
- Achilles in His Tent: Played straight at first, but inverted when the other Rangers save him.
- Ascended Fanboy: Again, implied, but for Super Sentai.
- Anti-Hero: Type IV
- Badass: Despite his Jerkass tendencies, he is able to stand up to Phaedos.
- Break the Haughty: Episode 14, in one battle.
- Big Brother Instinct: Obviously.
- Blade on a Stick: The Mountain Staff, a naginata-like weapon.
- Blue Blood: Comes from a very wealthy family.
- But Now I Must Go
- Cool Car: The Mountain Hauler, which looks like a pick-up tuck.
- Entitled Hero: Arguably his biggest character trait. He believes he should be the leader, and thinks that a middle-class fool like Sean does not deserve to be leader/
- Fiction 500
- Glory Hound / Glory Seeker: A possible Deconstruction, related to Royal Brat below.
- Heroic BSOD: When Phaedos beats him and Hitomi calls him out for his selfish actions he goes bye-bye.
- Hey, You: Gets this from Sean (he calls him "Rich Boy") and does this to Sean in response.
- Japanese Politeness: Oh, ho ho ho, no way!
- Jerkass: More of a jerk than Sean and is borderline racist.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: See Pet the Dog below.
- The Lancer / The Smart Guy: He tends to oppose Sean on occasion.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Eventually, he recognizes his selfish actions and leaves the team.
- Opt Out: Due to realizing his selfish actions nearly got them all killed.
- Pet the Dog: Even though he's a racist, nationalistic, egotistical asshole, he will protect his sister if she's in trouble.
- Rage Quit: The first time he split.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The other Blue Oni to Sean's Red Oni.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections: He thought his family would guarantee him a leadership position, but he finds out that's not the case.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: He thinks he can do this, but he Can't Get Away with Nuthin'
- Spoiled Brat / Royal Brat: He's a modern, non-royal version of this trope. Possibly deconstructed, since his selfishness not only splits the team up, it nearly gets them all killed.
- Take That: He's pretty much a Take That aimed at Japanese nationalists.
- Ted Baxter: A less comedic version. he thinks he can lead, but he freezes up whenever something bad happens. This allows Sean to become leader.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives one to Sean and is on the receiving end of one from from his sister. He's later on the receiving end from Sean.
- What the Hell, Hero?: On the receiving end of several of these. The first is when he he nearly fires on civilians, the second is when Hitomi yells at him and third when Sean decks him for his behavior.
- Would Hit a Girl: Especially if they're a complete bitch and she's threatening his sister.
Maria Aparicio / GPX Yellow
Nationality: Venezuelan
Hometown: Caracas
The first lady to be introduced. She's a tough, no-nonsense lady from Venezuela (but has been living in Brazil for the past 3 years for unknown reasons). She acts as the reasonable figure of the team.
- Action Girl: More so than Hitomi.
- Badass
- Bandage Babe: After Phaedos pounds her nearly to death like Sean and Kevin.
- The Veronica: To Sean.
- Bilingual Bonus: Some of her dialogue is in Spanish.
- Cool Car: The Haz Runner
- Cuteness Proximity: She gushes over Sean's baby niece along with Hitomi. Sean lampshades this.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Erotic Eating: She eats a chocolate cake suggestively.
- Everyone Can See It: At least Mandla can, he can easily tell that she has some kind of attraction to Sean.
- The Exile: Implied. She's been living in Brazil for three years under mysterious circumstances.
- Confirmed. She was kicked out of Venezuela because she apparently threatened Chavez. Hoo boy...
- Famous Ancestor: She says she's related to famous Venezuelan Simon Bolivar. Her case is more plausible, however, since she says he's a very distant relative.
- Female Gaze: In Episode 17, she watches Sean practice hockey a with a little too much interest.
- Chica, get a hold of yourself!: Delivers one to Hitomi in episode 20 during her.. Berserker Rage.
- Granola Girl: Toned down a bit, just a mere mention of not wanting to eat meat.
- The Heart / The Chick-->The Smart Guy
- Heroic BSOD: Again, just like Sean and Kevin, she suffers one after getting beaten by Phaedos.
- Hot Amazon
- Hot-Blooded
- Knife Nut / Knife-Throwing Act: The Haz Daggers. They too, get and upgrade.
- Ms. Fanservice: She wears revealing clothes and is a nudist. She seems to recognize that though, and wears jeans to prevent Panty Shots.
- She's Back: after her Heroic BSOD.
- Ship Tease: With Sean and Hitomi.
- "Shut Up" Kiss: Gives one to Sean in episode 13 after Daisuke splits from the team in the previous episode.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Spicy Latina: Albeit a snarkier version.
- Stepford Smiler: Implied, since it's mentioned she's angry at Hugo Chavez for revoking the broadcasting licence for the TV startion he owned
- Tsundere: Type B towards Sean
Hitomi Miyazawa / GPX Pink
Nationality: Japanese
Hometown: Kyoto
The other, younger Miyazawa sibling. Unlike her brother, she doesn't have much of an ego, instead trying to make friends with Sean, Kevin and Maria. Unfortunately, she has confidence issues that tend to compromise her fights.
- Ascended Fangirl: She loves Sailor Moon and she lampshades the appearance of the Zordonians.
- The Archer: The Am Bow. It too, gets a makeover.
- Blade on a Stick: She gets a repainted version of her brother's Mountain Staff.
- Badass Adorable
- The Betty: To Sean.
- Berserk Button: When one of her friends is turned evil. See Beware the Nice Ones below.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Episode 20. Hoo boy...
- The Chick
- Cool Car: The Am Chaser.
- Covert Pervert: She gets Maria flustered.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Hel-looo! Look below!
- Cute Bruiser: She may be a cutie and have confidence issues, but she can be tough when she needs to be. See "The Reason You Suck" Speech below.
- Cuteness Proximity: Along with Maria, she goes ga-ga over Sean's baby niece. Lampshaded by Sean.
- Extreme Doormat: For some reason, Daisuke is able to get her to follow him, which shocks the other Rangers. She gets better and stands up for herself. It later turns out she was hypnotized and programmed to become this if Daisuke says a certain phrase.
- Fiction 500
- Genki Girl
- Gosh Dang It to Heck: "You STINK!!"
- Hypnotize the Princess: It turns out she had been hypnotized and was programmed with a special phrase that if Daisuke said it, she'd become subservient to him. She got better, of course.
- The Ingenue
- Kawaiiko
- Lady of War: She may be cute, but she sure can fight.
- Otaku: She loves Sailor Moon.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Delivers an epic one to Daisuke after they get beat by Phaedos.
- Ship Tease: With Sean and Maria.
- Spoiled Sweet
- Stepford Smiler: She has confidence issues despite her Genki and Moe-ness.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Related to "The Reason You Suck" Speech above.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: One that's genki, moe and a Cute Bruiser.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Implied and played for laughs at the same fucking time.
Colonel Alan Greene
Nationaly: American
The military leader of Project Ranger. He is a rational man who prefers to think things through instead of rushing into things blindly.
Yuusuke Godai A.K.A. "Godai-san"
The owner of a sumo food restaurant that the Rangers meet after morphing for the first time. He eventually lets them stay at the inn he owns near Mount Fuji during the final arc of Part 1.
- Happily Married: To his wife Hikari.
- Nice Guy: He is literally described as having no hidden pain. That should tell you what kind of person he is.
- Team Dad: The other one, at least.
Hikari Godai
Godai-san's wife. She's a little Closer to Earth but just as caring as Godai-san. She's also a nurse who helps bandage up the Rangers.
- Closer to Earth
- Happily Married: To Godai-san.
- Team Mom
A little boy who Sean saves early in the story. Eventually, he plays an unwitting part in the plot when Zordonian general Phaedos kidnaps him.
Daisuke and Hitomi's bodyguard. He isn't seen much after the second episode. Until the 15th chapter, that is.
- Badass Normal: Takes out a bunch of Swabots with little trouble.
- Battle Butler
- Chekhov's Gunman
Bridget Jackson
Sean's older sister who lives in Orlando with her husband Ken. She helps the Rangers move in to their new house. She has two children,
- Cool Big Sis
- Happily Married: Implied. She does have two kids, after all.
- Has Two Mommies?
- Hot Mom: Somewhat justified, she is 26, after all.
- Team Mom: She's already taken over the role, although it doesn't count for Sean since she's his sister. Of course, we do have Cool Big Sis for that.
Robert "Rob" Jackson /GPX Silver
Bridget's husband and Sean's brother-in-law. He hasn't been developed yet, so tropes are coming. It's been revealed he's the Silver Ranger.
- Badass
- Big Damn Heroes: His MO
- Happily Married: Implied.
- Hot Dad
- Large Ham: He out-Hams Sean!
- Military Superhero
- Papa Wolf: The Zordonians take a preschool his daughter attends. He was pissed.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Semper Fi: He says flat-out he's a Marine. It makes Hitomi a little uncomfortable. He shouts "Ooh-rah" as the Silver Ranger, which tips Sean off to Marine training.
- Sixth Ranger
- Team Dad: Will most likely become this.
Tomas "Tommy" O' Callahan
Sean's little brother. He's in Orlando with Bridget because their dad (As in Sean's, Bridget's and Tommy's dad) dumped him with Bridget.
- Bratty Half-Pint: He seems to have the same attitude as Sean. Must run in the family.
- Has Two Mommies?
Barack Obama
Since we already know who he is, there isn't much to discuss. He's an off-screen character and will likely remain that way.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: He gives the Rangers the go-ahead to operate on American soil after some deliberation (and probably seeing the Zordonians attack on national television).
Choushinsei Flashman
A second team of Rangers who pop up in episode 19. They don't get off to a good start with the GPX rangers.
- Anti-Hero: Type IV
- Big Damn Heroes: They save the GPX Rangers from being killed, but they only did it to get revenge on the Zordonians.
- No Name Given: The individual Flashmen have yet to be given a name.
- Until now.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge / Best Served Cold
Tom Maelstrom
The director of Strategic Worldwide Organization of Reconnaissance and Defense, aka S.W.O.R.D. He first shows up in episode 25 with a proposition for Col. Greene.
- Bald Black Leader Guy
- Badass: He's based off Nick Fury!
- Deadpan Snarker
- Expy: He's obviously based off Nick Fury.
- You Look Familiar: He's the Samuel L. Jackson version.
Enemies: The Zordonian Empire
The Zordonian Empire
- Captain Ersatz / Expy: They are admitted (by Word of God) clones of characters from Sailor Moon.
- Human Aliens
- The Beautiful Elite
- The Empire: Duh.
- Older Than They Look: They are all implied to be way older than their appearances.
Emperor Rashon
The leader of the Zordonian Empire. Not much is known of him but it's hinted he commands respect from billions of beings, including his own soldiers.
- Affably Evil: He's actually pretty polite to the Rangers. Of course, they don't like him anyway.
- Badass: Oh, dear.
- Big Bad
- Captain Ersatz: Of Prince Dimande of Sailor Moon.
- Orcus on His Throne: For the most part, but he has gone down to Earth, first in episode 4 and again in episode 16.
- Actually justified! He does have to govern the empire, after all!
- Theme Naming: Gets his name from a planet in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy.
- Underestimating Badassery: Both from his enemies and from him. The Rangers underestimate him and he underestimates them.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Rashon's brother and second-in-command. Not much else is known about him, either, but he seems to coordinate the Zordonians' attacks.
- Badass: He's low-key, but he's a force on the battlefield.
- Captain Ersatz: Of Safir, also from Sailor Moon.
- The Dragon
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Unlike Rashon and Eltar, she's actually given some character development. She becomes the rival of Maria and Hitomi and fights them a couple times over the course of the story.
- Berserk Button: If you scar her in anyway, RUN.
- Captain Ersatz: Of Emeraude of Sailor Moon.
- Dark Chick
- Even the Girls Want Her: Maria has to admit that Liaria's hot.
- Minor Injury Overreaction: When she's scarred by Maria and Hitomi, she gets really pissed off.
- Noblewoman's Laugh
- Theme Naming: Named after another Power Rangers planet.
- Villains Out Shopping
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair
The muscle of the Zordonians. He thinks almost entirely of destruction, never thinking about anything but smashing things. He fights the Rangers from time to time, getting beat only once. Unlike the other Zordonians, he's not based on any other Sailor Moon villain.
The Four
The four greatest Zordonian generals. They are tasked with beating the Rangers by their Emperor Rashon.
The first Zordonian general the Rangers face. He is smug, usually sporting some kind of smirk on his face. His plan is to separate the Rangers and he almost succeeds.
- And I Must Scream / Fate Worse Than Death: Ends up getting cased in a block of ice, just like his Sailor Moon counterpart.
- Badass: Despite being a Smug Snake, he is able to beat the Rangers in their very first meeting.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Captain Ersatz: Of Jadeite from Sailor Moon.
- Evil Laugh
- Large Ham
- Let's Get Dangerous: Subjects Sean, Maria and Kevin to a severe beating in episode 13, nearly killing them.
- Manipulative Bastard: Manipulates Daisuke to leave the team. He almost succeeds.
- Smug Snake: He thinks he's hot, but he's not.
- You Have Failed Me...: After losing to the Rangers too many times, Emperor Rashon gets rid of him.
Kalderon / Marcus Schneider
The second Zordonian general the Rangers will face. He has currently been charged with defeating them, but hasn't done much yet.
- Captain Ersatz: Of Nephrite of Sailor Moon.
- Paper-Thin Disguise / Clark Kenting: Strangely averted. his German accent is mentioned to be pretty convincing. Plus, he took the place of an already-existing person named Marcus Schneider... whom he had killed.
- You Are in Command Now: After Phaedos is dealt with.
The third Zordonian general, this one has yet to face the Rangers.
- Ambiguous Gender: The general is only referred to as "the General" or a gender-neutral pronoun.
- Captain Ersatz: Of Zoicite of Sailor Moon, which may lead to the Ambiguous Gender.
The fourth Zordonian general, and apparently the best.
- Captain Ersatz: Of Kunzite.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy