< Polity Series
Polity Series/YMMV
- Complete Monster: Jay Hoop literally by the time of the novel and Rebecca Frisk in The Skinner; also, the Prador are pretty much an entire species of these. So are the Jain.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Many... Practically a requirement to join the cast...
- Mr. Crane is a walking Crowning Moment of Awesome with an aura buff that causes these to happen in his presence.
- A teenage Outlinker (a species of human so flimsy that they can only survive in zero gravity), wiping out a platoon of baseline human soldiers.
- Jack Ketch's battle against four of his own attack ship offspring.
- The final fight against the Erebus' fleet/hivemind/swarm.
- Evil Is Cool: Straight or Averted, some YMMV here, as while a lot of the evil characters have some cool elements, generally these are overshadowed by other things, such as Body Horror, incest, stupidity and being Complete Monsters.
- Evil Is Sexy: Subverted in all cases, except possibly for Arian Pelter, possibly.
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