Pokémon 4Ever

Pokémon 4Ever, also known as either Celebi: Voice of the Forest in the English version or Celebi: A Timeless Encounter in Japan, is the fourth Pokémon film.
A long time ago, a little forest guardian known as Celebi is chased by an unknown Pokémon poacher. A young Trainer, Sam, saves Celebi, and the two travel through time. In the present day, a member of Team Rocket, known as the Iron Mask Marauder ("Vicious" in Japanese), confronts the now-old poacher and destroys his home, taking a Tyranitar with him.
Ash, Misty, and Brock see a Suicune, and Oak tells them about the legendary Pokémon. While in the woods, they see Sam, and they befriend him. Unfortunately, the Iron Masked Marauder plans to capture Celebi for himself, and he plans to overthrow Giovanni in the process.
- All Just a Dream: In the Japanese version, Sam wakes up after being returned to the past and mentions he had "a wonderful dream". In the dub, this isn't the case.
- Adaptation Expansion: Or in this case a dub expansion. 4Kids had the Japanese animators create additional scenes to make it more clear that Sammy is Professor Oak.
- In all honesty, the fact that the movie leaves a few hints scattered throughout and that the second movie revealed the full name of Professor Samuel Oak was enough for most Japanese fans.
- Big Bad: The Iron Mask Marauder
- Big Damn Heroes: Suicune.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Dark Celebi.
- Captain Obvious
Brock: (after the water from the Lake of Life turns Celebi healthy again) This must be the Lake of Life. ...Hey, that's it! The lake water must have brought Celebi back to life!
- Chekhov's Classroom: The conversation with Professor Oak at the start of the movie. He mentions Suicune's ability to purify water, as well as his claiming that he only saw Suicune for just one time.
- Conspicuous CG: Most notably in the scene where Suicune makes its first proper appearance and with the giant twig monster Celebi creates.
- A Day in the Limelight: Professor Oak, even though we don't know it at the time.
- Disney Death: Celebi.
- Back from the Dead: In the Japanese version, though it was changed in the dub.
- Family Unfriendly Disney Death: It looks like a corpse!
- Damsel in Distress: Jessie becomes one.
- Eldritch Abomination: Whatever the hell Celebi makes out of the chunks of forest it decimates. It has spider legs, horns, skeletal wings, and can blast the crap out of about half a mile of tree canopy to vaporize half of the lake on the other side.
- Everything's Better with Sparkles/Everything's Better with Spinning: Celebi is trailing sparkles and spinning when it pops out of the Lake of Life completely healed and when it heals Misty's twisted knee.
- Fish Out of Temporal Water: Sam travels from the past to the present day.
- Genki Girl: Celebi, if seen as a girl. She is very hyperactive.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar
Brock: (to Diana) Why don't you come, too, and protect us?
Misty: Then she'd need protection. From you.
- Made even worse by the other definition of "protection".
- Most likely an accident, but for those at home who have the DVD , look at the back cover, mainly at Misty. I'll wait.
- Not seeing it, elaborate.
- She appears to have no pants on.
- Not seeing it, elaborate.
- When Vicious blows up the hunter's camp, the hunter begs for mercy while clinging to Vicious's...crotch.
- Green Thumb + Psychic Powers: Celebi.
- Humongous Mecha: The giant spider-robot-four-legs thing that the Marauder uses to try and capture Celebi.
- Lighter and Softer: Than the past three films...well, until the climax, that is. See Nightmare Fuel in the YMMV page.
- Nature Spirit: Celebi, though Suicune also shows off its ability to purify water in this movie.
- Never Say "Die": Averted in the English dub. Sam specifically says "Now it's too late to choose because Celebi's going to die!"
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Celebi.
- Saying Too Much: In one of the 4Kids-added scenes, Misty realizes how strange it was for Professor Oak to know Sam's name, even though Ash never mentioned it.
- Sleep Cute: Pikachu and Celebi. Awwwwwww.
- Stable Time Loop: See Timey-Wimey Ball.
- The Starscream: The Marauder was planning on being this by using Celebi's power. It doesn't go anywhere.
- Stuff Blowing Up: At the beginning of the movie, the Marauder uses Dark Tyranitar to blow up the old hunter's ranch to make him say where he found Celebi.
- Time Master: Celebi can travel through time.
- Timey-Wimey Ball: Sammy's identity has become ripe planting ground for Epileptic Trees regarding the series, some bordering on Fridge Brilliance and/or Fridge Logic