< Peter Pan

Peter Pan/Funny

Disney's Peter Pan

  • "I've never shaved him this close before!" (Smee thought Hook lost his head.)
  • "Cap'n... no splash."
  • This dialogue:

Wendy: Father! What have you done to your shirt?
Mr. Darling: What have I...? OOOHH!!!

  • "Girls talk too much."
  • Smee shaves the feathers off a seagull's butt. Then he puts some aftershave on his hand and gave the seagull a nice firm pat on the butt.
  • Drunk Smee. "*sobs* Ain't it a BLOOMIN' *hic* SHAME?!!"
  • Tinkerbell's disgust at the size of her hips...and then a few moments later those same hips get her stuck in a keyhole.
    • Even better is when he goes skimming off over the ocean, so it goes, "SMEEEE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE..."
  • When Pan finds out that Tiger Lily has been kidnapped by Hook, the Crocodile is pursuing hook as usual, he then stops and looks at Peter and Wendy Smiling at them before continuing his pursuit. This troper was laughing because he was imagining what the croc was thinking at the time: "Food Food Food Oh hi Peter, Food Food Food."
  • Almost every duel Pan has with Hook.
  • The crocodile chase in Skull Rock. Enough said.

Return To Neverland

  • The Lost Boys get some really funny moments in this movie.
    • Cubby's indignant "Let's play the 'No more hitting Cubby on the head' game!" when the Lost Boys are arguing about which game to play. He immediately gets bonked on the head again.
    • Slightly, Nibs and the Twins' reaction when Peter comments that Jane is acting like a grown-up: Slightly pretends to stick a finger down his throat, the Twins back off, huddle together and stick out a wooden sword to defend themselves, and Nibs is making a cross out of his index fingers to ward off the evil word!
    • While the scene where Slightly plays "doctor" to Tinkerbell is not played for laughs, there is a funny detail in that the thermometer he uses is simply marked "GOOD -- OK -- VERY BAD," and Slightly's diagnose after checking the thermometer is that it "looks kinda bad."
      • Causing Cubby to freak out: "Kinda bad?! KINDA?! Oh, it's hopeless! Poor little Tinkerbell!"
    • Tootles ignoring every possible physical law and lifting up all the water in a small puddle -- in which a fish is lounging as if in a hot-tub -- to see if Jane is hiding under the water. Made even better by the stunned look on the face of the fish.
    • When Peter tells the captured boys "Be brave, lads! Don't let them see you cry!", they immediately slink behind the mast they're tied to so the pirates won't see them... and then begin bawling loudly.
  • Captain Hook showing Jane a picture of his "mother" -- who looks like Hook in drag, complete with pencil-mustache and two hooks.
  • "I promised I wouldn't harm a single hair on his head. And --" *ploink!* "-- THIS is the one I won't harm!"
  • Jane sailing off, to the triumphant theme of "Rule Britannia"... only for the song to lose in strength as the raft sinks, finishing of with a strong note when Jane herself falls in.
  • Peter just falling out of the sky following Jane claiming he was "full of hot air".
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