< Peter Pan

Peter Pan/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth flying for.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Peter Pan Fan Fics, all of which have been signed. After a few samples, you will be able to judge whether you might be interested in a certain 'fic, based on who recommended it.

Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found below. Make sure you sign your recommendation! No-name recommendations may be deleted at other tropers' leisure. Do warn when a fanfic includes sexual situations.[1] Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, Shipping is Serious Business. Likewise, warn if it may head into non-canon territory.

Discussion of the recommendation is welcome on the discussion page. As such discussion is important, do remember to add the discussion page to the watchlist, if need be.

Recommendations Template

Title of the Fanfic by Author OR Fic Trope Page, by Author (Link)

  • Recommended by: Troper Name[2]
  • Synopsis: What's the story about? Give here a brief summary of the plot. It would be also useful to point out in what moment of the series the story takes place. If it's a Gen Fic but it has some romantic elements, note here the characters involved too.
  • Pairing(s): If it's a Shipping Fic, list here the pairings that feature in the fic (warn here if it's het, male slash or female slash). If it's a Gen Fic, remove this line. To tell the difference between the two, notice if the focus of the fic is on a romantic relationship or if it focuses on the other aspects of the story. In case of doubt, classify the story according to the genres it's been tagged: the Romance tag for Shipping, absence of that tag for Gen Fic.
  • Tags: If any are known. This would be things like WAFF, Lemon, Dark Fic, any Trigger Warnings, etc. This is also where you would put character names with Characterization Tags if doing so would be equally indicative. ("uber!Harry" for Harry Potter, for instance.)
  • Comments: If you want to say something more about why you're recommending the fic, but please, keep it brief. We don't want Conversation in the Main Page.

Authors, and Websites

None Yet.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

A Hundred Years Ago, by Parsnips

  • Recommended by Roach Patrol
  • Synopsis: Wendy learns the trick of tidying up childrens' dreams while they sleep, and finds out things that even Peter no longer remembers—in this case, exactly who Captain Hook used to be, and how he became who he was.
  • Comments: It's achingly sad and beautiful, without ever being angsty or self-indulgent, and I think the style of the fic mimics Barrie's work astonishingly well.

Pan, by Bill Mudron

  • Recommended by Stardizzy
  • Synopsis: A three volume webcomic prequel and sequel to Peter Pan, with the last volume taking place in 2008. (Very incomplete, as yet.)
  • Comments: Haven't actually read this beyond the first couple of pages. Still, the art looks fine and so does the writing.

Neverland, also known as The Redemption of Captain Hook by Neverland/Anonymous (Warning: links within these pages may lead to NSFW material. You have been warned.)

  • Recommended by Wizard Joni
  • Synopsis: A short story of how Captain Hook seeks to regain his lost daughter. Here, Peter Pan is a fey creature who steals children.
  • Comments: What started off as a relatively normal RPG thread soon morphs into EPIC storytelling. Manly Tears are quick to follow.

The Secret Of Neverland by Breech Loader

  • Recommended by Harley Quinn hyenaholic
  • Synopsis: What is the real meaning of Neverland? The bo'sun Smee is one of the few who knows the secret, which is contemplated upon while aboard the Jolly Roger, listening to a lullaby carried on the wind.

"Fas est et ab hoste doceri" by Mistress of Sarcasm

  • Recommended by greeneyesrock
  • Synopsis: Wendy has decided to change the story. The mermaid stabs the prince and saves herself, because maybe, just maybe, Happily Ever After is overrated.
  • Comments: Could be a Tear Jerker for some. An alternate look at what would happen if Hook captured her. Very excellently splendorific.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

None yet.

  1. please note this includes all sexual activity, not just homosexual or bisexual, including het.
  2. Reminder - if you want to recommend the fic but not write a review, add your Troper name to this line after the original name
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