A large anthropomorphic cat from the Classic Disney Shorts who is constantly causing trouble for Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy (all of whom, ironically, he predates).
He debuted in the Alice Comedies short Alice Solves the Puzzle. In that cartoon, he was a bear.
No relation to those two Petes.
Tropes used in Pete include:
- Abusive Father: To an extent, he is more often just obnoxious and self centered than directly abusive to his children however.
- Cartoon Creature: He was originally a bear, but he is a cat now. In Goof Troop, A Goofy Movie, and An Extremely Goofy Movie, he is portrayed as a Dogfaces.
- Cats Are Mean: Yes, we know he doesn't look like one.
- Chaste Toons: Averted. He has three children, Junior from "Bellboy Donald" and PJ and Pistol from Goof Troop.
- Consummate Liar
- Depending on the Writer: Pete has been seen as a Complete Monster (see YMMV), a calculating and scheming villain, a simple criminal thug, a simple annoying foil, or another type of creature all-together, in various appearances, and no one complains!
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: To Donald Duck in a series of Wartime Cartoons.
- Enemy Mine: In one of European comics Pete teamed up with Commisoner O'Hara to make a scheme that will get the idea to make police and his gang more like in action movies out of the heads of Police Chief and Pete's Wife.
- Everything's Worse with Bears: Before Steamboat Willie.
- Fat Cat
- Go-Karting with Bowser
- The Golden Age of Animation
- Heel Face Turn: He sometimes helps Mickey in his adventures.
- Honest John's Dealership: In Goof Troop.
- I Have Many Names: Peg-Leg Pete, Big Bad Pete, Pistol Pete, Black Pete, and Pete Pete, to name a few.
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: On occasion. Goof Troop, Kingdom Hearts II, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show a more sympathetic side for example. The latter show and a commentary feature on The Three Musketeers DVD implies that he's usually a case of Mean Character, Nice Actor.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Mega Neko
- Punch Clock Villain: In European comics continuity Pete is a robber but treats his profession like a normal job, up to the point of not committing crimes when he is on vacation.
- The Millennium Age of Animation
- The Renaissance Age of Animation
- The Silent Age of Animation
- Those Two Bad Guys: When teamed up with Sylvester Shyster in the Mickey Mouse comic strip.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: His marriage to Peg in Goof Troop certainly counts for this.
- His wife in European comics continuity is completely different, but still counts
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