Peppa Pig
Peppa Pig!
Peppa Pig is a British animated television series created, directed and produced by Astley Baker Davies and distributed by eOne Entertainment. Debuted in 2004 and still ongoing.
The series centers on Peppa and her family and friends. The pig family consists of:
- Peppa Pig: A young girl pig
- George Pig: Peppa's younger brother
- Daddy Pig: Peppa and George's father
- Mommy Pig: Peppa and George's mother
Other characters are other anthropomorphic animals whose names always start with the first letter of the name of the animal they represent.
Tropes used in Peppa Pig include:
- All Balloons Have Helium: in Mummy Pig's Birthday
- Alliterative Name: Peppa Pig, and most of her friends (Danny Dog, Suzy Sheep, Zoe Zebra, Pedro Pony, Rebecca Rabbit, et al.)
- Peppa and some of her friends get to pick out a name for Mummy Rabbit's baby. Pedro's suggestion elicits strong questioning.
Peppa and Rebecca: Michael Rabbit?!? No!
- Alternative Foreign Theme Song: Peppa Pig has an different theme song in Japan.
- Bigger on the Inside: Peppa's house looks to be about four or five "Daddy Pig"s across when they are standing outside of it. Plenty of room indoors, though.
- Blah Blah Blah: "That's how daddies talk."
- Blind Without'Em: Daddy Pig.
- Bumbling Dad: Daddy Pig can be this.
- Child Prodigy: "Edmond Elephant is a clever clogs."
- Christmas Episode: "Santa's Grotto" and the follow-up "Santa's Visit."
- Disappeared Dad: Danny Dog's father has been sailing around the world.
- "Everybody Laughs" Ending
- Often laughing so hard that they are all on their backs.
- Fantasy Helmet Enforcement: In a variant, this is to be seen in the future, Peppa and George wearing safety belts while riding in a car. And the creators of the show are taking retroactive remedy in that all older episodes are to be edited to feature them wearing safety belts as well.
- Fat and Proud: Daddy Pig.
- Have You Tried Rebooting: It always works.
- Kids Prefer Boxes: George ended up playing with the box instead when his parents took too long setting up the fancy electronic car he got in the Christmas episode.
- Recycled Soundtrack: Justified Trope. Richard Rabbit and George are both two years old. They don't have much of a vocabulary.
- School Play: Pedro develops Performance Anxiety; Madame Gazelle joins him on stage.
- Species Surname
- Sick Episode: Three of them.
- Spoiled Brat: Everyone who's a child, mainly George.
- The Cobbler's Children Have No Shoes: Pedro's father is an optometrist, but Pedro needs glasses.
- The Mountains of Illinois: The series never says where it is set. It is supposed to be somewhere in the UK, but things like high, alpine mountains, which aren't found in the UK, appear.
- Also in most foreign dubs, the dub will change the setting to where the dub takes place. For example, the Brazilian Portuguese version is supposed to have the series set in Brazil despite the fact snow-topped mountains and hills lined with temperate climate vegetation appear.
- Theme Tune Cameo: Peppa, her classmates and Daddy Pig play a lively rock-and-roll version of the theme tune in "Shake, Rattle and Bang" to end the episode. The same tune is then played over the closing credits.
- Through a Face Full of Fur: Rebecca Rabbit does it all the time.
- Unnamed Parent: All of Peppa's adult relatives are like this. So everyone calls Peppa's father "Daddy Pig", even his workmates and his own father-in-law.
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: Miss Rabbit doing every random job going is a running joke. Firewoman, supermarket checkout, museum shop, bus driver, train driver, Christmas tree sales ... Lampshaded in "Miss Rabbit's Day Off", in which everyone has to fill in for all her jobs.
- Yes, Virginia
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