Penguin Musume
Sakura Nankyoku. Daughter of Nankyoku Mega Corp. Otaku Fan Girl. Student Council President. Total nutcase.
This is the world of Penguin Musume ♥ Heart. Adapted from the Penguin Musume manga running in Champion Red, it's one of the few anime to air completely online. No episode exceeds 14 minutes (counting the OP and ED), and new episodes went at 12:00 Japan Time on Saturday at (sometimes earlier for users of Nico Nico Douga, a Japanese Youtube analogue) Each episode follows Sakura (alias "Penguin"), her Nakama and whatever comedy can fit into that short span of time. The web series ran for 22 episodes, all of them available at the previous link.
Tropes used in Penguin Musume include:
- Amusing Injuries
- Animal Motifs - Sakura: penguin, Kujira: whale, Marie: polar bear, Sha Chi: orca.
- Assumed Win - Subverted! It's by this fluke that Sakura is in her position of power.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy - Whenever a character is naked or has very little clothing. However, when clothed nipples are visible through clothing, as well as a little camel toe.
- Battle Butler - Sebastian
- Broke Episode - Marie loses all of her fortune and is reduced to living in a shack in the aftermath of the giant naked catfight incident. On her birthday, no less.
- Butterfly of Doom - The plot of episodes 15 & 16.
- Calling Your Attacks - EVERYONE does this, but Etorofu Whale Punch gets used a lot.
- Catgirl - Crossed with a Intoxication Ensues, if by accident.
- And Not What It Looks Like when Sakura and Sha Chi tackle Kujira. Although Sakura seems to be going at it quite enthusiastically.
- Chinese Girl - Sha Chi
- Clothes Make the Superman - Sakura's "Cosplay Power".
- Clothing Damage
- Cosplay Otaku Girl - Sakura. She loves dressing up in costume and once got her Heroic Resolve back when she found out she could play dress up with Kujira if she won the match she was in.
- Often involving Exposed to the Elements.
- Cute Mute - Maguro, Marie's Meido. Also Saki-chan, who takes after her sister.
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune
- Dropped a Bridget On Him - Thanks to being raised as a boy, Kujira was dropped on herself at some point before the series started. She's still pretty danged tomboyish, despite her best efforts to the contrary.
- Also her fiance the Chinese Girl, Sha Chi, either has apparently still not realized Kujira's gender or she just doesn't care, although given that she sees the engagement as a way to have cool martial arts battles it might be the latter.
- Everything's Better with Penguins - Kinda goes without saying, doesn't it?
- Includes flying penguins.
- Evil Matriarch - Sakura's mother. Dear Lord, Sakura's mother.
- Evolving Credits - The first seven episodes slowly change before stabilizing into something that's more of a Bait and Switch Credits.
- Dancing Theme - One version of the OP, and a portion of the ED.
- Fan Disservice - Sebastian as a Catgirl wearing a bikini.
- Lampshaded at one point by Kujira.
- Fan Service - Quite a bit of it. Most of the girls are remarkably well-endowed for high school students.
- Fan Service with a Smile - Episode 6.
- Fiction 500 - Sakura's family as well as Marie's family.
- Flung Clothing - Sakura attempts it and ends up nude in the classroom. A second attempt makes it end up right.
- Gag Dub - An official one, too. Including recasting the show as a wrestling show and a Sentai team, all while messing around with the first 11 episode's scenes in a style reminiscent of a Fan Vid.
- Gag Series
- Gainaxing - Obviously, most of the girls have never heard of a bra.
- Genius Ditz - Sakura is an expert on all things anime. Completely brain-dead in all else.
- Hair Whip
- Handsome Lech - Sakura, as a rare female variety--as Saki finds out pretty soon.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming - Most episode names are references to other shows.
- Even the drama CD can't escape from this, as its title is Iruka Chuuihou
- Idiot Hair - Sakura, again.
- Last-Episode New Character - Sakura apparently has a sister, also called Sakura, who looks just like her.
- Les Yay - Sakura is rather... enthralled by Saki, who is also a fellow Otaku and seems to return the sentiment.
- Lucky Charms Title
- Luke, I Am Your Father - The Black Rose is in fact Sakura's mother.
- Meido
- The Messiah - Nene is qualified for sainthood.
- Miko - Nene
- Causes Nosebleed in Sakura.
- Mini-Dress of Power - Sha Chi.
- Moe Moe - According to Sakura, Maguro's little sister hits almost every major moe category, and then some.
- Panty Shot - It takes all of 5 seconds for this series to get to its first Panty Shot.
- Paper-Thin Disguise - Used in the last episode.
- Phenotype Stereotype - Marie Chupacabara W. Whitebear. Also has a bit of Red Eyes, Take Warning.
- The Power of Love - Sakura turns several feet tall and naked with the support from everyone in her duel against Marie. But not before she gets hit with a tranquilizer first. Marie tries this too, but since her own supporters are initially.... less then exuberant, she only grows a few feet or so initially but manages to do better a few moments later.
- Psycho Lesbian - The Black can't get any more psycho than the Black Rose. It doesn't help that she she uses a whip that resembles a vine full of thorns called the Black Rose Rabu Rabu Whip of Love...
- Quirky Miniboss Squad - The White Knights, Marie's followers.
- Recap Episode - For a show this short? Apparently yes.
- The Rival - Marie, daughter of the Whitebear Megacorp.
- Room Full of Crazy - A hall in this case.
- Scenery Censor
- Schoolgirl Lesbians - Sakura shows enough signs to be identified as one.
- In the last episode, she even gropes a newly transferred girl's breasts right off the bat. Case closed.
- As a kid, Kujira also once confessed her love to a girl--and none other than Sakura at that. To be fair, Kujira was very young at the time and raised as a boy.
- Let's not forget Maguro's reaction to Kujira (including Luminescent Blush), and Sha Chi.
- Thanks to time travel, Kujira managed to alter the event; instead, she confessed to her older self.
- Sequel Hook
- Shout-Out - Kamen Rider and Rozen Maiden among others. Several episode titles are puns on other anime, and by episode eight, the OP is animated as a joke at the expense of Revolutionary Girl Utena.
- Macross, Mobile Suit Gundam, Captain Harlock.
- Oh, and episode 19 has a Saint Seiya-style sacrificial attack.
- Macross, Mobile Suit Gundam, Captain Harlock.
- Sibling Yin-Yang - Sakura is a Genki Girl, her little sister Kaede is a Little Miss Snarker.
- Student Council President
- Supernatural Martial Arts
- Theme Naming - Polar animals in this case.
- Time Machine - Introduced in episode 15.
- To the Pain - The level of abuse The Black Rose inflicts on Sakura reaches torturous levels, up to the point where things become rather questionable.
- Verbal Tic - Sha Chi.
- Wholesome Crossdresser - Kare Ijuin.
- Whip It Good - The Black Rose.
- Widget Series
- Zettai Ryouiki
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