Paradise Thwarted
Paradise Thwarted is the sequel to Manchester Lost. It picks up several years after the events of Manchester Lost when humans regain memories of the two apocalypses almost happening to them. This leads to humanity declaring war on both Heaven and Hell. As a result, Above and Below have to join forces against mankind.
The story is as big in the Lampshade Hanging and Self-Parody department as the previous installment and very much worth a read if you enjoyed Manchester Lost.
Warning: Spoilers for Manchester Lost will be unmarked, since this a sequel.
- Badass Labcoat: What else could Pestilence be wearing?
- Brick Joke: With actual bricks!
- Butt Monkey: Steve the demon. No one likes the poor guy.
- Also Bobiel, the worst angel in Heaven. He cries a lot.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Uriel, still.
- Cool Car: Crowley's Bentley
- Enemy Mine: Heaven and Hell team up. It goes badly. Or well. It's a bit ineffable.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Invoked by fangirls, of all people, over the possibility of a Raphael/Uriel pairing
- Fangirls: get their own layer in hell
- Footnote Fever: but of course.
- Lampshading: lots and lots of it, sometimes with the trope names quoted.
- Oblivious to Love: Uriel. Or at least oblivious to seduction.
- Papa Wolf: Raphael. Also a heavy case of Beware the Nice Ones
- Recap Chapter: The introduction is this, with Crowley and Aziraphale telling the somewhat nerfed events of Manchester Lost to their godchildren.
- Samus Is a Girl: Dämonverderben
- Self-Insert Fic: Apparently, Uriel writes these types of fanfiction.
- Shout-Out: Far too many to name...
Michael: A hero in shining armor has been called upon! A land in turmoil has cried out for a hero! I have the power, to engage in butt-kicking for goodness! So go ahead, make my day! By your powers combined, I am Field Commander of the Army of God, One of the Chief Princes, Advocate of Israel, One Who is Like God, Angel of the Presence, Chief of the Virtues and Archangels, Angel of Truth, the Warrior, Defender of Christians, Patron Saint of Chivalry, Patron Saint of Warriors, Captain of the Host of the Lord, Prince of Light, Viceroy of Heaven, Prince of Israel, First of the Seven Who Stand Before the Lord, Archistratege of God, Prince of Primordial Fire, the Expeller, Supreme Commander of the Heavenly Host, Prince of the Seraphim, the Right Hand of the Lord, Conqueror of Satan, Saint Michael Mikha'el the Archangel! In the name of the Lord, I shall punish you!
- Take That: Spice Girls, Twilight, and anything else that can be caught in the crossfire.
- The Pornomancer: Belial, though it should be expected for the arch demon of lust and sloth. Crosses into Stupid Sexy Flanders territory at times.
- The Stoic: Gabriel, as he was in the last story. At least until near the end. Poor Michael...
- Zombie Apocalypse: Thank you, Pestilence