Overlord Academy

"That makes you a student, and we don't allow transfers. You're either leaving with a diploma or in a body bag. Welcome to Overlord Academy."
Overlord Academy was a weekly webcomic about an oboist who accidentally transfers into a school for evil overlords. However, it went on hiatus in July 2013 and has yet to return.
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Tropes used in Overlord Academy include:
- Aerith and Bob: Arthur the Naive Newcomer meets Hiro, Thaelia, Nobara, and... Kevin
- Berserk Button: Thae definitely has one when it comes to Hiro.
- Just... don't mess with Nova.
- Bi the Way: Kevin
- Boobs of Steel: Thae is by far the most busty member of the cast. She's also a ninja.
- Butt Monkey: Poor A-san can't seem to catch a break.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Kevin
- Combat Stilettos: Action Girl Thae is rarely seen out of her stilettos.
- Crash Into Hello: A-san and Kevin's first meeting
- Cute Bruiser: Nova
- Destination Defenestration: Nova's favorite method of disposing of anyone who pushes her Berserk Button.
- Elaborate University High: Somewhat subverted, since according to Thae, Overlord Academy actually is this.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: Nova's preferred style of dress.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Darku-san
- Extranormal Institute: Overlord Academy itself.
- Form-Fitting Wardrobe: Thae, with bonus Magic Skirt
- Functional Magic: Thae and Nova both seem to take for granted that magic exists, and Nova even uses it to heal A-san's head.
- The Glomp: Nova literally knocks Thae to the ground in her first appearance.
Thae: Nova, your love hurts!
- Gratuitous Japanese: Mostly the use of honorifics in nicknames. Somewhat justified by the fact that Nova is actually Japanese.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Hiro and Thae. He's 6'2", she's 5'0".
- I Call It Vera: Hiro has "Alice"
- Idiot Hair: A-san's cowlick
- Improbable Hairstyle: Thae somehow manages to be an Action Girl ninja with hair down to her ankles.
- In-Series Nickname: "A-san" for Arthur, despite his objections. "Darku-san" for his roommate. Both courtesy of Nova and Thae.
- "Nova" and "Thae" are actually nicknames, too, for Nobara and Thaelia respectively.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Kevin
- Miko: Word of God says that Nova works as a shrine maiden part-time. This may or may not have anything to do with her apparent magical powers.
- Mr. Exposition: Thae plays this to A-san's The Watson for a lot of the first chapter.
- Ms. Fanservice: Thae, both in the comic and in the voting rewards.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Hiro has the entire right side of his face obscured by bright blue bangs.
- Rapunzel Hair: Thae
- Turns into a Braid of Action when she's in ninja gear.
- Sai Guy: Thae's weapon of choice.
- Sexy Santa Dress: Thae in the Christmas voting reward.
- School Uniforms Are the New Black: Thae wears the school uniform for much of the first chapter, despite the fact that school hasn't even started yet.
- Spy Catsuit: Thae, in her first appearance.
- Hiro seems to be wearing a matching one underneath his leather jacket.
- Stranger in a Strange School
- Super Strength: Nova
- Super-Hero School: Inverted with the titular academy being a school for villains. Word of God says that there is also a Hero Academy, though it has yet to appear.
- Villain Protagonist: Every main character aside from A-san is voluntarily attending a school dedicated to teaching them how to be evil.
- The Watson: A-san acts as this a lot in the first chapter.
- Webcomic Time: Lampshaded by Hiro, who made his second appearance in the comic after a year's worth of strips.
Thae: Hiro. It's been too long.
Hiro: It's been a DAY.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Thae accuses Nova of being this.
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