Otomeiro Stay Tune
Hinako Amari is a famous radio host and a notorious skirt chaser. However, recently, she has been keeping unusually chaste, and the reason seems to be her new radio host partner, Arise Tsukishiro, with whom she collaborates on a Girls Love Radio Drama. Arise is young, brilliant, Dangerously Genre Savvy, and hopelessly in love with Hinako. Yet Hinako, to the astonishment of her friends and exes, is in no hurry to jump her bones, despite obviously caring for her...
Otomeiro Stay Tune (also shortened to Stay Tune) is an early Girls Love manga by Miyabi Fujieda that has been on Series Hiatus since summer 2008. It is apparently set in Fujiedaverse, just like the author's many other works, e.g. Iono the Fanatics. In the Ame-iro Kouchakan Kandan volume 1 extras, Fujieda explained that he only started Stay Tune as a side project to draw in his spare time, which explains the long hiatus.
- Accidental Marriage: Technically an accidental mock engagement to be lovers.
- Fan Girl: In-Universe. Arise has been Hinako's fan for at least five years and it is heavily implied that she became a radio host to be with her idol.
- Girls Love: Played both straight and meta.
- Lipstick Lesbian: Pretty much everyone.
- One-Gender School: St. Lotecia Academy in Hinako and Arisa's radio drama.
- Say It with Hearts: Sometimes shows up.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Hinako and Arise's Radio Drama is set in an all-girls school, which actually encourages students to form marriage-like relationships with each other in order to "learn to be good brides". Luckily, no such reservations are made in the actual manga.
- Show Within a Show: Hinako and Arise co-author (and voice) a Radio Drama.