< One-Man Army

One-Man Army/Web Comics

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Examples of One-Man Army in Web Comics include:

  • Oasis and Bun-Bun from Sluggy Freelance. Kill tallies here.
    • After alien Santa's army was wiped out, he casually took the field alone and demolished half of Halloween.
  • Shogun from Harkovast kills what is literally a small army of Nameless warriors. To make matters worse, about how way through he pauses to announce that (despite having him ridiculously outnumbered) THEY are the ones who are all going to die.
  • Skoll of Cry Havoc has a body count of a paltry fourteen. Take note however that four of those kills were with a sword against assault rifles and shotguns. Three more were the crew of a main battle tank. That she charged down. As it fired every weapon it had. And hit her. Suffice to say, she worked for those kills.
  • In Super Temps that is main character Skully in a nutshell. Her powers allow her to decimate any threat so well that she has to hold herself back. If she went off the deep-end at any point, mass destruction and chaos would ensue!
  • Zeetha in Girl Genius is one-girl army. Also, any strong Spark with little preparation can be an enormous trouble. Case in point: an army of war stompers arrives. Gilgamesh Wulfenbach walks out of the gate to meet dear guests, alone. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Goblins has Kore, a Complete Monster of a paladin who has apparently wiped out entire armies of orcs and ogres single-handedly.
  • Every member of the The Order of the Stick. Belkar is a sexy shoeless god of war, Vaarsuvius is a mage with a trigger finger, Durkon is the giant dwarf, and even Haley can hold her own against multiple foes. The only official one who isn't is Elan, but he's working on it.
  • Karnak in Dominic Deegan by necessity. It's noted he doesn't really seem to gain or keep followers very well, so any battles he ends up fighting, he pretty much has to do it on his own. Being the single most powerful demon in Hell by this point certainly helps.
    • In one of the latest arcs, we see a battle. On one side, Demon Siegfried and a gigantic battalion of demons. On the other hand, Karnak. The tagline? Two armies clashing.
  • Pick any member of the main cast in Chaos Theory. Each of them can dish out epic destruction in their own way.
    • Clayton applies liberal amouts of Conservation of Ninjitsu, taking on a small army by himself on a regular basis.
    • Connor hacks into a security system to make people get killed by their own defenses.
    • Kevin drops explosives everywhere, leaving mostly rubble and singe marks.
    • Troy literally punches out tanks and wields an AA gun like a pistol.
  • Almost every single notable character in Homestuck; however Jack Noir takes the cake, who lights a planet on FIRE, and casually destroyed at least 15 more.
  • In The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, the Doctor does this regularly. A later chapter introduces the "Inverse Ninja Law", which reads, "One ninja is an elite and powerful adversary. Multiple ninjas make a group of faceless and incompetent pawns."
  • In American Barbarian, Rick himself.

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