< One-Man Army

One-Man Army/Quotes

"No power in the 'Verse can stop me."
"Back me up and I'll cut a path through these guys. Wait, did I say 'path'? I mean a five-lane blacktop highway with a two-lane service road - and I'm packing a fistful of tokens and a radar detector."

Soldier: You're going up against a whole ship by yourself?

Havoc: Yeah, doesn't seem fair does it? Maybe I'll shoot left-handed.
Command & Conquer: Renegade

I'm gonna fight 'em off

A seven-nation army couldn't hold me back
White Stripes, Seven Nation Army

853.M41. During the decisive moments of the Battle of Steel Cross, Captain Cortez single-handedly slew the Ork Warlord and his entire bodyguard. Cortez had managed to disarm the Ork leader with a twist of his torso after the Ork's sword had become embedded in his ribs.

867.M41. Despite suffering seventeen wounds, including a stabbing wound puncturing one of his hearts, and two serious wounds from enemy heavy weapons, Captain Cortez managed to break through Eldar lines and complete his mission successfully.

892.M41. Captain Cortez defended the breach in Fortress Maladon's wall for twenty-one hours of constant fighting despite overwhelming odds and the loss of his whole squad to several enemy attacks.

903.M41. Captain Cortez fought through the entire Kardian six week campaign without supplies after they had been lost to enemy fire during deployment. He attributed his survival to the Emperor's benevolence which nourished his body better than any food or drink would have.
Extract from the record of Captain Cortez of the Crimson Fists, page 447 of 512, Warhammer 40,000

Jim Rhodes: You're not a soldier.

Tony Stark: Damn right I'm not. I'm an army.
Iron Man: The Video Game
This fight... it is far from over. We are the generals. Protect her while I attack. I am the raiding party, I will destroy the enemy camp.
Guts, Berserk
Reinforcements? I am the reinforcements.
Ashley Riot, Vagrant Story
One riot, one ranger.
Captain Bill MacDonald, Texas Rangers
They didn't call Michael the Fist of God for nothing.

Cleric: You promised me an army, Doctor Song.

River Song: No, I promised you the equivalent of an army. This is the Doctor.
Doctor Who, "The Time of Angels"
Throughout this campaign, Häyhä basically just ran around doling out head-shots like the ice cream man gives out Dove bars on a hot sunny day in the Sahara desert. His personal best was fucking twenty-five kills in a single day. That's like an entire baseball team!
Gods... Is he even human? He fights with the strength of a brigade...
Hardin, Vagrant Story
His whole story involves a feud with the Philistines, people who lived in part of what is now Israel and embraced the long tradition of going to war with the Jews. Or, specifically, the Philistines went to war against just Samson. And, they pretty much lost.

Zuko: Where is my uncle!?

Jackass Guard: He busted himself out... I've never seen anything like it, he was like a One-Man Army!

Cyber Leader: We have five million Cybermen. How many are you?
Dalek Sec: Four.
Cyber Leader: You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?

Dalek Sec: We would destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek!
Doctor Who: Doomsday

David Fairfax: So, what have you destroyed today?
Shane "Scarecrow" Schofield: I've flooded a Typhoon-class submarine, levelled a building, and launched a ballistic missile to destroy a maintenance facility.

David Fairfax: Slow day, huh?
"What do you mean, 'He's unstoppable?' You are superior to him in every way that counts. You are better trained, better equipped, you outnumber him at least 20 to 1. Do... your... job!"
Nicole Horne, Max Payne
"My god. Do we really suck or is this guy really that good?"
Karl Hertz, Shoot Em Up
"Doesn't the enemy value their officers? If so, they shouldn't be sending them to fight me!"
"I once defeated a hundred knights single-handedly. To me, you two are nothing more than insects."

Loki: "I have an army."

Tony Stark: "We have a Hulk.
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