< Ojamajo Doremi

Ojamajo Doremi/YMMV

  • Canon Sue: Some fans consider Onpu to be this, although mentioning it starts flame wars. Her detractors claim that she qualifies due to being a famous and beloved actress, model, and singer, a better witch than the others, someone who is often looked to for (rarely-questioned) advice that any other character could have given and is portrayed as being loving and sweet even when she can be rather rude. However, she is occasionally proven wrong or portrayed as being a jerk (particularly when she first shows up), and most Magical Girl characters are like this anyway.
    • Hana gets some haterade because she is essentially this as well due to her status of being the Sixth Ranger with a Special Snowflake Syndrome. She's so powerful she doesn't need to be in Magical Stage, she's usually the one who accompanies Baba through the door of the former witch queen's heart, she's the only one capable of destroying the curse of the brambles (with the help of Pao), she's crowned the future queen of the Witch World, and she's well-liked by everyone. Doremi and the girls sometimes spoil her because she's cute, and all the boys in class 6-1 (except for Kotake) have had a crush on her at some point. In fact, all the members of the Flat 4 were hitting on her during their first reunion episode.
  • Die for Our Ship: Shiori and Fujio are sometimes this for Hazuki × Yada fans, while there's some decent-sized Ship-to-Ship Combat between Kotake × Doremi, Akatsuki × Doremi fans, and Doremi-yuri-pairing fans. Imagine how the fans reacted when Aiko was given a Love Interest in Naisho where she neither admitted nor denied attraction to him, causing an uproar from fans who paired Aiko up with Nobuko/Momoko/Onpu.
  • Ear Worm: Just about any song done in the original or 4kids dub.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Non-chan and Fami from Naisho.
    • Also, Marina and Sachiko by spades. Although they were just side characters and haven't been featured in an episode together, they seemed to be popular characters because they were featured on more merchandise than even Majorika and Lala.
  • Fan Dumb: A lot of episodes, moreso in Dokkan, which has more themes of transitioning into pre-adolescents than the rest of the series, have so much depth and concept to them that many fans actually overlook the intentional messages in them. For example, in episode 9 of Dokkan, Hazuki gets jealous when Masaru Yada starts becoming better friends with local Ill Girl Shiori Nakayama. Up until then, Yada's only female friend was Hazuki, and naturally, Hazuki feels uncomfortable realizing that Yada is opening up to people other than her. The episode mainly deals with Hazuki overcoming changes in friendship, but to Hazuki × Yada shippers who don't care? "OMG, why is that black-haired girl getting in the way of my ship, roar!"
  • Fandom Gank: The ending of the anime left fans wondering, "why the change in tone?" It starts out as cutesy and nothing life-threatening, but then...
  • Fanon: Fami's surname being Harukaze. Some people forget that since she's Doremi's granddaughter, Doremi married someone and by japanese tradition adopted the surname of her husband. Plus, if we assume Doremi had a daughter, the daughter also adopted the surname of her husband. To sum it up: unless Doremi divorced (or not even married to begin with) and re-accepted her maiden's name and then had a son, or a daughter who also divorced/not even married, Fami's surname is not Harukaze.
  • Growing the Beard: The later seasons are generally considered to be far better in overall quality.
  • It Was His Sled: Not a twist ending, but almost any reference made to Hana by the fandom is to her "grown up" form. It's not new or surprising or interesting when one sees it happen in Dokkan because of this.
  • Les Yay: A lot among the girls. Some of the most notable are Doremi/Onpu, Nobuko/Aiko or Miho, and (if episode 3 of Motto and the second movie are anything to go by) Aiko/Momoko.
  • Macekre: The dub. *shudders*
  • Nightmare Fuel: During episode 22 of Sharp, Oyajide turns the current Ojamajos to stone. Their horrified expressions were frozen on their faces.
  • Tastes Like Diabetes: Just look at the art style.
  • Toy Ship: The majority of the pairings. Yes, even the Les Yay ones.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Kayoko, whose extremely short hair and ambiguous voice likely threw off people until Doremi states that she was a girl (likely tipped off by the red schoolbag).
  • The Woobie: All the main characters and nearly all the classmates at some point.
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