Ogre Slayer
Ogre Slayer (鬼切丸 Onikirimaru) is a manga series created by Kei Kusunoki. The manga has been adapted into a 4 episode OAV.
Ogre Slayer is about a young man who hunts ogres. The young man was born of an ogre's corpse, like the oni born of human's body, making him pure ogre blood. Though he was born like an ogre, he has the appearance of a human. Instead of being born with horns like traditional Japanese ogres, he was born with a sword. The young man doesn't have a name, but his sword is called Onikirimaru, the Ogre Slayer. Note: In original language Ogre is "Oni", demons of Japan tradition
Tropes used in Ogre Slayer include:
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: Onikirimaru
- Born Lucky: One of the Ogre hosts has escaped many accidents unhurt, turns out it's because the ogre is just protecting it's host.
- Cool Sword: Onikirimaru, one of the few things that can surely kill an ogre.
- Darker and Edgier: The OVA compared to the manga.
- Empathic Weapon: Onikirimaru won't hurt the nameless hero as it's actually part of him.
- Equivalent Exchange: Some of the ogres will grant a human a wish, it's not until later when they realize the price they have to pay for it.
- Eyes of Gold: Onikirimaru.
- Gorn: Borders in Narm at times.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters
- Hunter of His Own Kind
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Onikirimaru, whose quest to kill all of his kind is done in the belief that once he completes this nigh impossible task, he will become human, get a name of his own and live a normal life.
- Kick the Dog: Ryoko, the maid, get's constantly abused by the rich family she serves.
- Not So Different: Onikirimaru and Ryoko; conversely, some humans and the ogres.
- Older Than They Look: Onikirimaru.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: The nameless hero is most commonly known as Onikirimaru, which is the name of his sword.
- Pet the Dog: Onikirimaru to Ryoko, the maid.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Onikirimaru.
- Stepford Smiler: Ryoko, and Onikirimaru.
- Takes One to Kill One: He is a pure blood ogre, despite his looks.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Onikirimaru.
- Too Dumb to Live: Some of the ogre victims.
- Urban Legend: Younger people think Onikirimaru is just a legend.
- Walking the Earth: His endless quest to finish off all ogres.
- What Do You Mean It's for Kids?:By unbelievable that it sounds, this is one Shonen manga you don't want your kids to read.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: Onikirimaru
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