Obscure Game Theatre
The Obscure Game Theatre is a channel run by YouTube user Frankomatic that is dedicated to Let's Plays of older games. Although the title of the channel includes the word "Obscure", unknown games aren't the only focus as the occasional more well-known game or game series sneaks itself in as well. Almost all genres of games have been touched with the exception of Flight Simulations. Though Frankomatic has let it be known that he is a particular fan of Adventure Games, he is currently taking a break from them after completing a run of a large chunk of the King's Quest series.
Tropes used in Obscure Game Theatre include:
- Angrish: A recurring theme in of the OGT. Particularly in a number of the more sadistic titles, such as the Adventures of Rad Galaxy, Air Fortress, Amagon, the Lone Ranger, and Space Ace.
- Classic Video Game "Screw You"s: Far, far too many to list. However, few games can match up to the pure, unbridled gamer-hatred that is Adventures of Rad Galaxy. Listen for the precise moment that Frankomatic's soul snaps like a twig.
- Dance Party Ending: Skull and Crossbones When rescuing your damsel from a creepy, rape-faced wizard just isn't enough.
- Deadpan Snarker: Frank's default setting is around here.
- Everything Is Trying to Kill You: Perhaps the prevailing theme of Obscure Game Theatre. Particularly evident in the King's Quest Series, Space Ace, Dragon's Lair and Brain Dead 13 among others.
- Extraordinarily Empowered Girl: Rosella, a Damsel in Distress in the third installment, becomes noticeably more capable than both her father and brother in King's Quest IV and again with her mother, Queen Valanice, in King's Quest VII.
- Fast-Forward Gag: A long-running gag often brought on by Youtube's strict recording limits and / or failure. Donkey Kong - Gameboy
- Flat What: Frank and Sess have this in Willy Beamish when the Japanese tourists become Ninjas
- Genre Savvy: Frank himself is this, demonstrating a broad knowledge in popular culture, movie and video game cliches, and anime. It borders on dangerous.
- The Ghost: Frankomatic himself is usually this, rarely appearing in front of the camera.
- Loads and Loads of Loading: The Sega CD port of The Adventures of Willy Beamish. Frank at one point calls it Loading Screen: The Game.
- Malevolent Architecture: Evident in many entries of the Obscure Game Theatre, however none more prevalent than in the King's Quest Series; where in a world filled with malevolent dragons, witches, and trolls; stairs, walkways and bridges are the leading causes of death.
- Mind Screw: Panic! is pretty much the prime example of this ever committed to the Sega CD. Particularly this insanity.
- Mobstacle Course: Amagon A scrawny Marine and a hungry dinosaur in a foot-race! A daring escape or deserted island cuisine?
- Musical Episode: What is Kirby. That is all.
- Nintendo Hard: The OGT hits this kind of game a lot, from Air Fortress to Space Ace on the SNES.
- One of Us: Frankomatic noted in his Panic All Gags Run that he enjoys seeing this very page be updated.
- Precision F-Strike: One is given to Cedric in King's Quest V after Graham returns from the desert after almost dying from dehydration, getting stuck in an ancient treasure vault, and stabbed to death by bandits.
- Rated "M" for Manly: Ducking spears, dodging boulders, leaping over spiders, crocs and snakes, swimming with piranha and crossing broken rope bridges? It must be the Aztec Challenge! Add killer flamingos (that're full of grenades) and you'll have Rambo for the NES.
- Self-Deprecation: "I need more extra lives, as I have none of my own."
- Shout-Out: Lately, several have been made to DBZ Abridged.
- Spy Fiction: Martini in a pop-top beer can: Covert Action. Where, even in success, the Chief is a jerk.
- Tempting Fate: Mentioned during the Let's Fail of Hercules on the C64. Fate takes a little while to respond. It also probably wasn't the best idea to mention that Moonstone has random lockups early on in the run of the game, either.
- Testosterone Poisoning: When being a MANLY man just isn't MANLY enough, there's Blood & Guts!
- The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: Just one of the many ways SNES's Space Ace is a testament to sadistic game design.
- The Many Deaths of You: The myriad of death scenes within the King's Quest Series, Space Ace, Dragon's Lair and Brain Dead 13 are enough to warrant their own end credit. Also provides numerous examples of Yet Another Stupid Death and Have a Nice Death.
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle: Wizards & Warriors In which our hero, Kuros, rescues countless damsels only to leave them, cold and alone, to fend for themselves in his search for his princess.
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