Not Quite Daily Comic

Not Quite Daily Comic is an Animesque Meta Life Embellished Web Comic that is also available in print. It focuses heavily on Parody, and Breaking the Fourth Wall. It advertises itself as plotless, but there have been several Story Arcs, interspersed with one-off "Intermezzo" episodes. Despite the presence of aliens, ninjas, sky pirates, zombies, demons, and magic, the Not Quite Daily Comic features very little conflict and instead concentrates on interpersonal relationships and philosophical questions.
Not Quite Daily Comic follows an occasionally expanding cast of recurring characters:
- Mr. Artist: The self-explanatory Author Avatar with Nerd Glasses
- Ankhetmaruranetherure (aka Amaranthe): Our Vampires Are Different, Some Call Me... Tim
- Irene: Lady of War and Hot Shounen Mom
- Karl: The Strategist with a Dark and Troubled Past
- Kazuma: A Bokukko Yuri Demon Hunting Samurai
- Kira: Posthumous Character, Dark Magical Girl
- Lea: Irene's Little Miss Badass daughter
- Lulu: A Tortoise Girl and example of Turtle Power
- Malène: A Hot as Hell Succubus, Evil Albino and Kazuma's Arch Enemy
- Myshka: A Catgirl on the uncanny side of the anthropomorphic spectrum
- S-ko: Tall, Dark and Bishoujo Cool Big Sis, and literally a Little Green Men
- Tam: Also Little Green Men, with a Dark and Troubled Past
The default setting appears to be Belgium, with occasional travel elsewhere.
Tropes used in Not Quite Daily Comic include:
- Adventurer Archaeologist: : as a Shout-Out to Tomb Raider here and Indiana Jones, complete with Fedora.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Lea sometimes
- Art Evolution
- Author Appeal: girls, cats,swords, armor, goth costumes...
- Badass Longcoat: Irene
- Beam of Enlightenment: lampooned as a Shout-Out to Dragon Ball here
- Bilingual Bonus
- Brother Chuck: Irene's husband Alex
- Cat Fight: Irene and S-ko, Kazuma and Malène
- Cat Smile: Myshka, duh
- Character Development
- Commedia Dell Arte Troupe: particularly in The Canterbury Tales arc
- Constantly Curious: Lea
- Convenient Coma
- Cool Airship: Millennium Snowball
- Cross-Popping Veins
- Cut and Paste Comic
- Cute Little Fangs: Myshka, Malène
- Cute Monster Girl: Myshka, Lulu
- Demon Head: Kazuma does this
- Demonic Possession: S-ko
- Disappeared Dad: Lea's
- Dual-Wielding: Kazuma
- Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting
- Exposition Party: it's worse; Exposition Sex Scene
- Face on a Milk Carton: Kirika from Noir makes an appearance on one in a meta-joke.
- Faceless Masses: like here
- Fan Disservice: unless you're into that sort of thing
- Fan Service
- Fiery Redhead (inverted): Tam
- Foe Yay: Malène and everybody else
- Fourth Wall Observer
- Framing Device
- Furo Scene here
- Genre Savvy
- Genre Shift
- Gratuitous Foreign Language (Japanese)
- The Grim Reaper: Kira has appeared as such
- Hand Wave: often lampshaded
- Harem Anime: lampooned in its own story arc
- Harmless Villain: Malène
- Hellish Pupils: Malène
- Hermetic Magic
- Ho Yay
- Hot Amazon: Kazuma
- Hot Springs Episode
- Human Aliens
- Humans Are Ugly: S-ko regularly refers to humans as "slimy aliens"
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: episode titles go "Not Quite x" or "Intermezzo"
- Indy Escape: averted
- Immortal Immaturity: Malène
- Important Haircut: Irene
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Myshka and Lulu
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: Irene
- It Runs on Nonsensoleum
- Katanas Are Just Better: averted
- Les Yay
- Lightning Glare
- Lolicon: Mocked as well
- Love Dodecahedron
- Magical Girlfriend: Referenced by name and lampooned in its own story arc, making fun of such things as the You Suck nature of the male protagonists of said series.
- Mandys Law of Anime Gender Bending
- Man in a Kilt: Mr. Artist
- Musical Assassin: Attack by German composer! Probably also a Shout-Out to Neon Genesis Evangelion.
- Meganekko: Kazuma
- Ms. Fanservice: everyone, including the men
- My Friends and Zoidberg: in this strip.
- Naked on Arrival: the Henshin incident
- Non-Mammal Mammaries: averted by Lulu
- Not Distracted by the Sexy: Karl
- Obligatory War Crime Scene
- Older Than They Look: Malène, Lulu
- Ominous Latin Chanting: referred to by name.
- One-Hour Work Week
- Our Zombies Are Different: Shout-Out to Silent Hill here
- Panty Shot: Too many to count, though Malene does it on purpose
- Planet Eris
- Playing to The Fetishes
- Pretty Freeloaders
- Pretty in Mink
- Psychic Powers: Kazuma
- Quirky Household
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Malène
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Malène
- Reverse Grip: both Kazuma and Mr. Artist use it occasionally
- Rule 34: explicitly called out
- Samus Is a Girl: Kazuma
- Scenery Censor: used so inconsistently that it's presumably for laughs, such as with a speech bubble.
- Sdrawkcab Name: Mat's name change to Tam, Cos to S-ko.
- Self-Insert Fic: With predictable Lampshade Hanging
- She Fu
- Ship Tease
- Shirtless Scene: lots of them
- Shout-Out: the comic is highly intertextual, and has many references. Like to Revolutionary Girl Utena here
- Hell, Kira is very obviously Chloe from Noir.
- Given that Kira means "dark" in Gaelic, also an instance of Meaningful Name
- Hell, Kira is very obviously Chloe from Noir.
- Show Within a Show: at one point they watch themselves in a movie they made earlier
- Space Opera
- Speech Bubbles: interacting with characters
- Spot the Imposter: Malène does Voluntary Shapeshifting
- Stripperiffic: Mocked
- Super-Deformed
- Sword Fight
- Tarot Motifs here or here
- Temple of Doom: several times, as a Shout-Out to Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider
- Tentacle Rope here
- The Four Gods: Malène's mother mistakes Lulu for Genbu
- The Sweat Drop
- Tuckerization: several characters are based on real life people, including one who is a troper
- Two Gamers on a Couch: subverted, they sit on the floor
- Unusual Ears: Malène
- Viewers Are Geniuses
- Write Who You Know
- Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe lampooned here
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