Life Embellished
Calvin: Well, you know what historical fiction is? This is sort of like that. I'm writing a fictional autobiography. It's the story of my life, but with a lot of parts completely made up.
Calvin: Because in my book I have a flamethrower!
Hobbes: Why would you make up your own life?
Web Comics are pretty informal. All you need is an idea, a modicum of artistic talent, and somewhere on the internet to host it. And hey, there are plenty of sites to help you with the the latter. And all the expanses of popular culture to inspire you with the rest.
The result is that an author is often pretty laid back about where exactly the line between Real Life and The Verse lies. We're talking about things past Author Avatar here. Way, way, past Reality Subtext. We're talking a protagonist whose name is the same as the author's Screen Name, and who has the same attitudes and interests (except that he also has Impossibly Cool Hair). We're talking a supporting cast that strikingly resembles the author's friends, except that they're always funny and one of them is probably a talking animal or something. We're talking about how they attend a Wacky College that seems identical to the one the author attends, except that the unpopular teacher is some kind of Orc or Robot and there's a portal to another universe in the basement.
If the comic gains an audience, the creator may attempt to remake the story to something that won't attract libel lawsuits. On the other hand, many don't bother: only a privileged few webcomics succeed well enough to make money, and... we are all pretty informal around here.
If Life isn't actually Embellished in the comic, then it's simply a Journal Comic. Can also overlap with Slice of Life.
In Literature it is also known by the phrase "creative nonfiction."
- Questionable Content takes place in modern-day Northampton, Mass., but with fully sentient A Is and robots, which function as anything from something like a pet to being a legal citizen.[1] Also, space stations are more widely used.
- The main premise of Framed!!! was that a character which Damonk had created had gotten out of control and had trapped Damonk in his own comic along with several of his friends.
- Greg Dean has even called his comic Real Life Comics.
- By his own admission, Dean has gotten a little out there (such as an early story where Tony and his then-current girlfriend's debate over Western vs Eastern mecha turns into an actual BattleTech versus Neon Genesis Evangelion fight), but he tries to keep things relatively normal. All bets are off when it comes to Tony, though.
- The Green Avenger is an autobiographical / superhero comic.
- In newspaper comics, the original four main characters of For Better or For Worse were based on creator Lynn Johnston, her husband, her son and her daughter, and were all named after the middle names of their real-life counterparts. April, the last child, is the embellishment and possibly the third child Johnston wanted.
- It starts getting even more embellished when the eldest children gets married and has kids of his own (which Johnston was hoping her own children would do), and in recent days this is combined with Accentuate the Negative in the 'new-runs' to make John as unlikeable as possible in the wake of her real life husband cheating on and then divorcing her.
- Film meta-example: In the movie Big Fish, Will Bloom grows up thinking that his father's stories about his life are absolutely true. As an adult, he comes to believe they're a complete fiction, based on the sheer number of improbabilities and impossibilities contained therein. While his father is on his deathbed, he comes to discover that the truth is somewhere in between—that they're simply his life embellished.
- TV example: Steven Moffat and Sue Vertue, the husband-and-wife team behind Coupling, have said that the relationship of Steve and Susan (ahem) in the show is loosely based on the early stages of their own relationship. Similarly, Moffat's earlier sitcom Joking Apart is based of the fallout of his first marriage. He has described Coupling as "my life as told by a drunk".
- Parts of Joking Apart were clearly recycled for Coupling (and Moffat's Doctor Who episode The Doctor Dances, oddly).
- Kismetropolis is a self-admitted, sometimes autobiographical webcomic.
- Jhonen Vasquez did a three-page comic in which he described his life, and how it was unlike Johnny C's life. It was embellished because, as he confessed, the scene wherein he flies out of his castle to buy a slushie from the devil didn't actually happen during a full moon.
- Overcompensating calls itself "a 100% true journal comic about things that actually happen". According to his, the average day in Jeffrey Rowland's life involves meeting God, complaining about internet slang to "The G Ød of the Internets", fighting a T-Rex (or daring Jesus to do it for him) and chatting with fellow webcomic-author John Allison, who is apparently a stuffy British superhero.
- The first year of Something*Positive was this kind of strip, but as time went by it got too "embellished."
- Penny Arcade's authors admit that Gabe and Tycho's adventures are sometimes extremely embellished versions of their own lives, but that they weren't originally intended to be literal Author Avatars until their fandom grew huge and began referring to them that way.
- Loserz. Mostly Slice of Life, but then suddenly the characters watch movies together with Yoda, or do something else you don't see in Real Life.
- Mac Hall, named after the dorm Ian lived in at the time.
- In The Slacker Handbook,a guide for the motivationally-challenged,a slacker's writing is inevitably described as "thinly-disguised autobiographical content littered with obscenities". Ooh,controversial.
- Flight of the Conchords is a television show starring the band Flight Of The Conchords. The main characters are pretty much what the guys are actually like. About the only really fantastic elements of the show are all in the music videos, and those are usually symbolic.
- Jayden and Crusader is a good example, as the main character started as a self insert and otherwise bears no relation to the real life of the artist. Despite a strong grounding to reality, it has also included a war between Gods over computers, an evil slime monster intent on world destruction and a cannon that can bring the recently deceased to life, similar to a defibrillator.
- The Van de Kamps on Desperate Housewives are based on creator Marc Cherry's family, with Cherry taking the comparison so far as to kill off Rex at the end of the first season despite him being one of the most popular characters, entirely because Cherry's father died at the same age. Another incident taken straight from real life are Bree's first words to Andrew (Cherry's own counterpart) upon his coming out of the closet: "I'd love you even if you were a murderer!" Though given some of the things that have happened since that first season, including Andrew becoming pretty much pure evil for a while, one would hope not everything is true to life.
- Comedity veers off into the wild blue yonder on occasion, but has a certain amount of grounding in its creator's life. One of the most notable changes? Alice, the Robot Girl, is his computer in real life.
- Well, she's his computer in the comic, too. Just, y'know, anthropomorphic. And sentient.
- Shin Goji from Twisted Kaiju Theater Every of the Toxic Pirates are based off of his friends. He also admits that Shin in the comic is what he'd be like if he could get away with the same stuff without going to jail. Though sometimes, they get too embellished for humor. Like when Space Hojo is revealed to be Nyarlothotep.
- Union of Heroes presents interludes between the end and the beginning of a new episode. The main character of most of these interludes is the photographed creator of the photocomic. Some interludes are only like a Journal Comic. But then there are interludes where he switches into a drawn version of himself and travels to the webcomic planet with a spaceship.
- Everyday Heroes is set in Indianapolis. Mr. Mighty drives down Keystone Avenue to his job in the "Vonnegut Building" (Regions Bank Building); his daughter attends "Washington Central" (North Central) High School, home of the "Wild CATS" (Panthers); the characters go to lunch at a deli suspiciously like Shapiro's, etc.
- Saying Sonichu is Life Embellished is an understatement. It's more 'author's wish fulfilment embellished', with the characters either being the author, stand ins for the author, and strawman versions of the author's real life enemies.
- Or one-dimensional love interests.
- In Megatokyo, many of the characters are based on the two original creators and their friends. However, that's about where the similarities of the creators' lives ends, but Piro still uses the character designs for his character and his wife's character as Author Avatars for them in Omake.
- Megatokyo basically started off as "Author Avatars visit Japan and get stuck" but very soon began moving further and further from reality, even before the Cerebus Syndrome took hold.
- The sideplots in Kit N Kay Boodle involve the artist and his girlfriend engaging in disturbing sexual activities with their parents. (No actual Parental Incest has happened as such, but the girlfriend's mother watched the couple have sex and then had cybersex with the artist's father in front of them and their friends.) A lot of critics sincerely hope that the emphasis is on the "Embellished".
- This is the setting of the "A Prairie Home Companion" segment "The News From Lake Wobegon" - the narrator Garrison Keillor making up exaggerated tales about his (fictional) hometown and the Eccentric Townsfolk that live there. There's no sci-fi or fantasy elements, but it has the same "not quite real" feeling.
- Seinfeld has elements of this; many of the episodes were based on personal stories of the writers, and the title character is a fictionalized version of the actor who plays him.
- It's even more prevalent in Curb Your Enthusiasm, where Seinfeld's co-creator, Larry David plays himself, and the supporting cast also includes several celebrities playing themselves.
- Enjuhneer subscribes heavily to this trope.
- Look At The Harlequins! by Vladimir Nabokov.
- Lunar Park by Bret Easton Ellis.
- Give My Regards to Broad Street has this In-Universe and may have had it absolutely.
- A Hard Day's Night was Life Embellished; only a few bits of absurdity kept it from being a Journal Film.
- The comic Rocky is autobiographical, but is often fictionalized for laughs.
- Eddsworld played straight, including animated shorts based off the comics featuring the main characters voiced by their real-life counterparts.
- Terrifying Monsters is mostly autobiographical, but the author and his friends are all represented as giant monsters.
- Arthur's strip-within-a-strip in Arthur, King of Time and Space, with the embellishments based on Paul Gadzikowski's old Infinity Labs Life Embellished strip.
- Don Quixote: Ruy Pérez de Viedma relates all his biography in “The story of the Captive Captain”. He was a handsome captive captain who wanted to escape the Moors and was helped by a Zoraida, a beautiful moor princess who wanted to convert to Christianity, organized a successful evasion to Spain, was well received by his powerful and rich relatives and married Zoraida. Cervantes (the author) was a captive who failed all his evasion intents, his family paid his rescue and always was an Impoverished Patrician.
- The Devils Panties: Mostly about the author's life, though her Author Avatar gets away with saying or doing things she couldn't in the real situation. Early strips include her talking to Jesus and the Devil and other bits of Magical Realism.
- ↑ Earlier in the comic, A Is only existed as "Anthro PCs", tiny robots which functioned as a companion and a personal computer. Later, other AI characters were introduced, one of whom got a humanoid chassis and a job, and later one was seen to own a fortune's worth of shares in the company at which he works