
Nobility is a Blood+ fanfic. The story expands on the monarchy-type classification of chiropterans. With that expansion, it introduces two more queens and two princes born in each generation of nobility (the collective term for queens and princes). Most all of the nobility have Technicolor Eyes, to the extent that it turns into a plot point. The plot centers around Anjou, a prince with a prideful disposition and Eyes of Gold. His driving force is to live peacefully with the rest of the nobility. However, his Complete Monster of a brother, Didier antagonizes him every chance he gets. It is thought that Didier's motivation to kill Anjou, thus becoming the the only prince, and king. The series is at this point fairly young and ongoing.

Tropes used in Nobility include:
  • Badass Princess: Nathalie is revealed to be one, going toe-to-toe with Anjou, and two of his Chevalier, even though she is technically a queen.
  • Berserk Button: The most notable example is Anjou's and Nathalie's first encounter. Forrest first pressed Nathalie's by pulling out a few strands of her hair. She killed him, which turned out to be Anjou's button.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: Anjou will voice his distrust of quiet people and stoics.
  • Big Bad: Didier.
  • Black and Gray Morality: On one hand we have Complete Monster Didier. On the other, we have Anjou, who seemingly regards human life as low as you can get, but really just wants to be with his family.
  • Chess Motifs: During Anjou's and Nathalie's first battle, they consistently refer to all of the fighters as chess pieces.
  • Complete Monster: Didier will kill anybody simply because they support Anjou. Also, He even blows off chances to kill Anjou in favor of Mind Rape.
  • Dream Sequence: Chapter 5 was almost completely dream sequence, in which Anjou's memories of his lost Chevalier's deaths are detailed.
  • Evil Twin: Nathalie and Didier are definitely evil. However, Diva has yet to make an appearance.
  • Hammerspace: Lampshaded with Cato's violin.
  • Hammerspace Hair: Nathalie pulls a sword out of her hair. Slightly averted in the fact that the sword can actually fit in her hair.
  • Musical Assassin: The twins Pizzi and Cato use a flute and a violin to attack, respectively.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Didier, to the max. Nathalie too.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: The story expands on the original concepts.
  • Pregnant Badass: It is revealed that Nathalie is pregnant when her blood fails to kill Naomi.
  • Rapunzel Hair: Nathalie's hair drags on the floor whenever she walks. It also doubles as a Berserk Button.
  • Shout-Out: The author loves this trope. Specifically in chapter 6, where he has Anjou and Didier fighting, shouting quotes from Bleach as taunts, and Corina leaving a doll specifically designed after Shinku, from Rozen Maiden.
    • Also, Pizzi and Cato, Didier's Chevalier, were based completely off of Kanaria from Rozen Maiden.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Anjou is prideful, chivalrous, quick to anger, and, recently, has generally good morals. Didier kills people For the Evulz, prefers to Mind Rape his victims, and is actually relatively calm. They're Technicolor Eyes are even on the opposite sides of the color wheel.
  • Technicolor Eyes: Taken to an extreme as a plot point. Each member of the nobility has an eye color that corresponds to the color wheel. The primary colors and the secondary colors must fight each other.
  • Theme Naming: All of the members of the nobility, besides Saya and Diva, have French names.
  • Title Drop: A lot, but that's because the title is used to refer to the main characters.
  • Troperiffic: The author has stated that he loves TV Tropes, and purposely invokes tropes.
  • Winged Humanoid: Anjou's chiropteran form has huge, yellow wings.
  • Wolverine Claws: When Anjou transforms his hands, his claws reach the floor.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Didier did this in Anjou's dream sequence, which was a collection of memories of how his Chevalier had been killed. The child Chevalier wasn't even a serious threat. He just did it For the Evulz.
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