Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation/YMMV
- Mary Sue: Venus could have been any animal. Any animal at all. But she was a turtle, just to blatantly open up the possibility of a relationship with another turtle (even though they probably would have gone for any other species mutant). Leonardo and Raphael would probably have had a disagreement over her if the series had continued. And she kicked the Shredder's psyche in episode 1. She has a very feminine shape, despite not being a mammal. And she can use magic to kick the butt of everything.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Going Ape. All of it. Raph is forced to team up with Bonesteel (played by the ever great Scott McNeil) to survive against the Rank, and an escaped Gorilla. Hilarity Ensues. With the added Bonus of Venus being absent from the episode.
- Ear Worm: As brief as it is, the theme song is pretty catchy.
- Ham and Cheese: Scott McNeil as Bonesteel.
- Ho Yay: Leo and Raph still bicker and fight like they used to. Only now they aren't related because someone thought it would be a good idea for possible romance with Venus... Ooops.
- Replacement Scrappy: Venus for April, since the latter never appeared.
- The Dragonlord to Shredder.
- Special Effects Failure: The animatronics are better then the attempt in the third movie, but Jim Henson's costumes they ain't. Very noticeable during the Power Rangers in Space crossover
- The Scrappy: Venus has almost no fans even among those who know about her, because she's seen as a Mary Sue with her magic. She got such a bad reception that we will never see any female turtles. Ever. In fact the idea of any female mutants at all has not been touched on since then. Thus the turtles will probably never canonically hook up. Thanks a lot, Venus.
- Some fans consider her a Creator's Pet on top of this, due to the ease with which she permanently declawed Shredder and the Foot Clan, something that the original four had tried for years to do and never succeeded in.
- Replacement Scrappy: She's viewed as this as well because April never appeared in the series.
- Villain Decay: Dragon Lord and Rank. Dragon Lord mostly because in the Five Episode Pilot he almost kills Splinter and it takes all the turtles the take him down. Later on he’s defeated by itching powder…
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