Nightmare Ned (animation)
Yet another animated series from Disney, premiering on April 17, 1997. Ned Needlemeyer is a nervous 8-year-old with several intense fears, which play themselves out in exaggerated fashions in his dreams. Each episode is basically one long Nightmare Sequence of Ned facing a different fear. The show lasted for 25 episodes.
Tropes used in Nightmare Ned (animation) include:
- Amazing Technicolor Population
- Art Shift
- Big No
- Black Comedy
- Chess with Death: One sequence has Ned playing checkers with the Tooth Fairy over his teeth.
- Defanged Horrors: The nightmares Ned comes across...for the most part.
- Downer Ending: In the show, all the nightmares of course end this way.
- Everythings Better With Bunnies: The Easter Bunny in one episode.
- Face Your Fears
- George Washington: Or at least, a talking version of him on a quarter in one episode.
- Homage/Shout-Out:
- The Willie Trout episode was a play on Pinocchio, with Geppetto himself, and Cicero as Figaro.
- Ned's silhouette shakes hands with that of Mickey Mouse from the Real Life Disney World, along with another cartoon-ish figure.
- The environment of the Graveyard Nightmare is known for bearing a strong resemblance to the works of Tim Burton and Edward Gorey.
- Losing Your Head
- Nightmare Sequence: The entire premise.
- Panty Shot: In "A Doll's House", because Ned is shrunken to the size of a doll, the twin girls are giants compared to him and from his point of view, he gets upskirt views of their undies.
- Potty Emergency: on an episode where two tall girls keep Ned as a pet and force feed him water.
- Primal Fear
- Talking to Himself: Kath Soucie in one episode.
- Those Two Bad Guys: Conrad and Vernon, who were not named at all until one of the last episodes.
- World of Symbolism: Every one of Ned's nightmare worlds
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