Nick of Time
A 1995 thriller movie starring Johnny Depp and Christopher Walken. A young girl is taken hostage, and her father is told that he must kill a woman if he wants to get his girl back. He soon discovers that this woman is the governor of California.
Not to be confused with what Nicolas Cage apparently ascended to the God Tiers as to survive the destruction of Earth.
Tropes used in Nick of Time include:
- Bulletproof Vest: Played straight, although one character finds cause to lament that the vests don't come with sleeves.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: Huey beats one of the bad guys unconscious with his prosthetic leg.
- Hot Dad / Papa Wolf: It's Johnny Depp, and he's willing to do anything to protect his daughter. Aww.
- I Have Your Wife: The bad guys are holding Watson's daughter hostage, in order to secure his cooperation. They keep showing up to remind him of the fact, just in case he gets any crazy ideas.
- Large Ham: It's Christopher Walken as a bad guy. What do you think?
- Obfuscating Disability: Huey really is disabled. But he's an amputee, not deaf as Watson lead Smith to believe.
- Mobstacle Course: Watson is able to invoke this trope by Firing in the Air a Lot in a crowded banquet hall in order to escape.
- Real Time: With multiple shots of nearby clocks to show exactly how much time is passing.
- Those Two Bad Guys: Smith and Jones, although technically only the former is a guy.
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