Next Era/Characters
This page deals with the characters featured in Next Era and the tropes that apply to them specifically. More characters here.
Images to come at a later date.
Main Cast
- Silver
A general of the Maverickhunters. Was created by Raines. Married to Snex, mother of Atos. Weapon engineer, sniper, more or less the main of the main characters.
- Action Mom: And how!
- Enemy Within: Melissa, her maverick self.
- Friendly Sniper
- Happily Married: To Snex.
- Lawful Good
- Mama Bear: Harming her child is a very, very bad idea.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Rare heroic example - but the red eyes come with her sniper mode, meaning one most likely will be too far away to take warning.
- Shock and Awe
- Silver Skinned Robot Babe
- The Fettered
- The Hero
- Wrench Wench: Works as a weapon engineer.
- Snex
Also a general. Silver's husband.
- Arm Cannon: Plasma buster.
- Happily Married: To Silver.
- Neutral Good
- Stuff Blowing Up: His entire career is based on this.
- The Big Guy
- 666
Mercenary working for the hunters. Good friend of Silver.
- Blood Knight: And how.
- Chaotic Neutral
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Determinator: Like you wouldn't believe!
- Dual-Wielding: A beam saber and a katana.
- Fusion Dance: Has no fewer than two different fusions with his support unit. One that gives a great speed and strength boost at the cost of a rapidly-draining power cell, and one that makes no sense.
- Heroic Sociopath: Has gotten better after befriending Silver, but is still one.
- Last of His Kind: ONLY one of his kind. There were going to be at least 20 of them in the first batch... then the project had its budget cut for no reason, so some of the people working on it stole parts and sort of completed one.
- Made of Iron
- Must Have Nicotine: Doesn't actually take any harm from the smoke, but has a severe addiction.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- No Name Given: Technically, he has no name, and won't say where "666" came from.
- Power Fist: Claws.
- Power Gives You Wings: The Razor Angel fusion. But it's actually more of a Wings Give You Power deal.
- Smoking Is Cool
- The Lancer: To Silver. In a former band, he was one of two Big Guys instead.
- The Unfettered
- Think Nothing of It: Hates when someone calls him a hero, and insists on that being a mercenary is among the worst things you can be.
- You Are Number Six
- Voice of the Legion: Gets a dual voice when in Razor Angel form. The other voice being female. And is the voice of his former, now deceased girlfriend.
- Shiva
Also a mercenary working for the hunters. Old friend, companion and once short-time girlfriend of 666. Now in a relationship with Pallette instead.
- Action Girl, natch.
- Artificial Human: Perhaps the best example here. Is a cyborg, but all biological tissue she had when she was created had been made synthetically.
- Ascended Extra: Started out as a side character.
- Bi the Way
- Bottle Fairy and The Ladette, rolled into one. Somehow.
- Chaotic Good
- Drowning My Sorrows: She always liked drinking, but she never hit the bottle quite as hard as after she killed her own sister.
- Even the Girls Want Her: And when they didn't, she made them want her.
- Hot Amazon
- Flanderization: Definitely did not start out as a beer-chugger and skirt-chaser.
- Ladykiller in Love: What happened when she met Pallette. She fell, and fell hard.
- Most Common Superpower + Boobs of Steel
- Ms. Fanservice: Does it entirely on purpose.
- Never Gets Drunk: And doesn't have hangovers, either. No specific kind, just insane tolerance.
- Plucky Girl
- Purple Skinned Artificial Babe
- Really Got Around before she met Pallette.
- She Fu
- The Chick: Plays out this trope on purpose, to complete the band. In her former one, she was The Lancer, though.
- The Nicknamer: All the time, and she sticks to them. Examples include "Sparks" for Silver and "Sixboy" for 666 (who is less than amused by it). She hardly ever even calls her own girlfriend by her real name, opting for "sweetie" and "cutie" instead.
- Metro
A young hunter who manages to piss off both Zero and Snex, which seems to be one of the reasons he's not holding a higher rank than whatever rank he has right now.
- Bratty Half-Pint: Snex treats him as one.
- Expy: Not of a character, but of a position in the ensemble - Axl was for some unspecified never used, and the inclusion of Metro filled any need for that type of character... so if Axl ever DOES appear, he won't be a Hunter. Most likely is that he'll keep not being used, though.
- Type
A mysterious robot that appeared and attacked for no reason.
- Cowardly Lion
- Roof Hopping: Grand master of the trope.
- Sixth Ranger
- True Neutral
- Worthy Opponent: 666 was absolutely delighted when he turned out to be one. Took two losses before he figured out a way to best him.
- Raines W. Xenox
The man who created Silver, but it didn't go quite as intended (as the quote on the page states). Lives in a mansion. Brother of Gary.
- Badass Bookworm
- Badass Longcoat
- Cold Sniper, as well as The Gunslinger
- Cool Shades: And can't see without them when the sun is up.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Half vampire.
- Lawful Neutral
- Our Vampires Are Different: Implied to have been created due to mutation.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Played perfectly straight when his vampire half becomes the dominant one.
- Gary G. Xenox
The younger Xenox brother. Half-brother, in fact. Is a full vampire.
- Badass
- BFS: Which doubles as a Bifurcated Weapon.
- Chaotic Good
- Cool Shades: As with Raines.
- Determinator: Probably the greatest example of all the characters.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait: Centerfold Gary says hi. May be in part due to Author Appeal, as the artist in question is female.
- Really Gets Around
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Supporting Cast
- Mina Xenox
Mother of aforementioned two. Probably one of the most powerful members of the cast.
- Hot Mom: Oh hell yes.
- Pimped-Out Dress
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
Also, some of the used Capcom characters that have been subjected to Alternate Character Interpretation like you wouldn't believe.
- Blues
Survived past Maverick wars. Somehow.
- Scarf of Asskicking: Oh yes.
- Walking the Earth: Started doing this during the wars, when he realized he didn't have what it took to defeat these new things. He became one of the greater warriors of the new era.
- Sigma
- Big Bad: Subverted. He's not the one behind most of the plots, and disappeared after his first rebellion and later retaliatory strike (which roughly use the plots of X1 and X4).
- Pallette
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Still one of the three head navigators. But instead of being good at level layout and finding secrets, which didn't exactly translate well to written works, her main skills were changed into mathematics, programming, hacking and code decryption. Also...
- Lipstick Lesbian
- Mouthful of Pi: She claims to know all the digits of pi by heart. Noone has ever believed her or managed to figure out what the hell she means, and noone has dared to ask her to actually recite them.
- Must Have Caffeine