< Neopets


Adam is plotting to take over the world.

  • Think about it- the sudden popularity in only a few years, paying users gradually getting more and more advantages, the McDonald's plushies... really, how much longer until he reveals his Evil Plan?
    • Nah, he isn't even at Neopets anymore. It's all that cult's fault.
      • Adam? Obviously the Meepits are behind it all.

Darigan is an avatar of Vecna.

  • Anyone who plays Neopets and has the Third Edition Dieties and Demigods, look up Vecna in the book. Now, look closely at his background. "He is missing his left hand and left eye, which he lost in a fight with his traitorous lieutenant Kas.
    • Not to mention the fact that Darigan came back from the dead. Vecna is a lich, and liches come back as long as their phylactery is intact, not to mention he came back in Ravenloft after being defeated in the Vecna Lives module.
      • Furthermore, look at the picture of Vecna on the cover of the follow-up module [dead link] , Die, Vecna, Die. I'll be damned if that doesn't look a lot like Darigan without the horns or wings. (And wearing a different outfit, but really, not even a lich would wear the same purple frocked robe all the time) Gods can change shape, so that explains Darigan's horns, wings, tail, green skin, and use of both eyes and hands (or perhaps he got back the Eye and Hand?).
    • But Darigan, now that he's out of the influence of the Three, has tipped over to neutral good...
      • Bah, that's what Vecna wants you to think.
      • Speaking of which, this would make the Three members of the Ancient Brethren, with at least one of them being Mok'slyk.

Gilly is Haruhi.

Just notice how she has not only one, but two important situations involving the Haunted Woods. Maybe Haruhi destroyed the Universe again and recreated as the whole Universe of Neopia. She has already found the Esper and the Slider, now, she needs to find the Time Traveler and the Alien, that is, if she didn't already met them. Also, she never will get bored because she's constantly running to save her life, or beating the crap out of the guys, unknowing that she is God.

  • I bet Sophie is Tsuruya. It would make Churuya be Shophee. Neovia~n

Neopia is Shinji's hallucinations

And it only got worse. And the way he's just messed up, he might be a furry fan, too. Also, Bruces are as faaaat as Pen Pen.

Everything since the discovery of the Lost Desert was a mass hallucination caused by Dr. Sloth.

The Grundos are still under his control, and they're just there to feed the humans and administer the daily doses of mind control susceptibility serum as he prepares the world for his rule after releasing the humans. The bug-type neopets that have been showing up all over the place were robots made to keep the humans in line after they're released from the Lotus Eater Machine ray.

Fyora is slowly morphing into Michael Jackson.

  • Dude, just LOOK at her. Ick. (hides)
    • Perhaps she's revealing that she's a Darkness Faerie, or she's just getting old really quick, while Viacom sucks her power to make money.
      • Judging by the most recent artwork of her, she's regained a lot of power and now looks more like The High Queen she should be.

Lord Kass is going to return

Let's see how many Christian allegories we can find in Neopets! (Feel free to contribute.)

We'll start with Fyora being God and Dr. Sloth being Satan and go from there.

  • I don't know. It seems more like The Three are Satan, or an unholy trinity, being that they tempted Darigan and Kass. And since Lord Darigan returned from the dead as a hero once more, that makes him the Neopian version of Jesus. As for God, it's... Something to do with Asparagus.
    • Adding to this, it seems the new plot's boss, Oblivion might be Neopia's Satan, since he seems to be the Ultimate Evil.
    • The first winner of the Pet Spotlight was an Aisha named Eve. (That was back in those days when names that actually exist in the real world were still available, of course.) Possibly wholly accidental. She actually still exists.

Faeries actually aren't the most powerful beings in Neopia...

  • Neopets are. The difference is that Faeries have mastered their elemental powers since they were born, or popped into existence or something. However, Faerie's can't become more powerful than they already are. Neopets, on the other hand, have to find the element that they're aligned with and train; However, once they find their natural element and hone their skills, they can be vastly more powerful than any Faerie. If, say, a Xweetok aligned with Air decided to hone her air skills to the maximum, she'd overpower any Air Faerie.
    • And now there may not BE any more Faeries...
      • And the Neopet responsible for that believes this theory. Funny how the example used above is a Xweetok...

The Faeries really aren't going to come back.

  • Not for a while, at least. The plot seems to still be going, and there aren't any hints that the Faeries have been unstoned. Of course, TNT might have it so the Faeries were unstoned when Hanso broke the artefact, but that would be kinda cheap.
    • Jossed. However, Faerieland is a LOT cooler looking now that it's being rebuilt.

The next plot will be the third and final chapter of the Meridell wars.

  • As a matter of fact, the reason Faerieland crashed was to make room for the final outcome of the final war for Meridell... The Darigan Citadel returning to its former glory. Here are the guesses to the plot;
    • Kass returns from the dead, and disguises himself as a Meridellian noble. He ends up leading a coup against Skarl, and taking over. He then sets his sights on Brightvale and the Citadel for his revenge.
    • Lord Darigan becomes the Big Good since Skarl and Hagan are both incapacitated.
    • Lord Darigan and/or Jeran does a Heroic Sacrifice to defeat Kass once and for all, ending with either of them Killed Off for Real. Manly Tears will be shed.
    • Lord Darigan and/or Jeran's deed ends with the Citadel being restored to its former glory, becoming a beautiful floating continent, and Darigan Neopets in-universe are now changed to look more heroic and mythic than Royal Neopets. A new paintbrush will be released, called the "Citadel Paint Brush," which will paint them this color. The old Darigan Paint Brush is still useable and has the same results.
    • Lisha is all grown up and a powerful sorceress.

The next plot will be set in Tyrannia.

  • Tyrannia hasn't had a plot since the Monoceraptor fell, and it's only had a cursory redraw - YEARS ago. Either Tyrannia will end up being axed, or it will get a plot to accompany a redraw.

The next few plots will lead to the discovery of some new worlds.

  • Let's face it - Neopia is in desperate need of a new world. There are a few that I think are the most likely candidates:
    • A Wild West world - This world will basically be not only a Wild West town, it's also a massive gold mining operation, complete with Minecart Madness, Forty Niners, and such. The theoretical name for it is Goldrun, after an April Fool's Joke that the NTWF pulled in 2010. It would probably be in the desert south of Altador.
    • A Viking world - Neopia's needed a Viking world, and what better place to put it than at the South Pole? We'll call it Eisholm for now.
    • New Geraptiku. Marquara got rebuilt, so why not?

Brynn is a Time Lord.

  • Considering that she got promoted to Captain of Queen Fyora's Guards at the end of the recent plot, she's probably a lot more powerful than people think. Not to mention, she was the ONLY main character in the entire plot that wasn't Taken for Granite [1]. Some kind of magical force, perhaps?
    • So Brynn just became MORE Badass?

Most, if not all plots (And probably the video game's story) will all be linked together for one truly epic event that spans way off the site.

  • There have been plenty of references to other stories and tales, particularly in The Faerie's Ruin, and some conclusions to the problems have not been made, so it may just be leading up to something...

The Bringer of Night is really the Nightbringer

  • And the Necrons will invade Neopia.

The Sharkaw and Varwolf were both designs for a Neopet species that ultimately went unused.

  • They have similar tails, teeth, and spotted patterns on their chests. Sadly, the finalized pet was never made, and likely never will be due to the team's increased focus on Petpet Park and Monkey Quest, and the rigors of designing a new species for Customization.
    • Maybe they could be new restricted pets like the Draik, Krawk, Lutari, and Grundo. In order to get them, you most likely have to pay real money to get the two, but they have great Battledome stats.

The original Island Mystic died

He was human, and seemed pretty old. The new one is a Kyrii.

There exist truly non-sapient Neopets

The Lost Desert plot had a Uni who was pretty much a steed, and Scordax. Neoquest has wild Aishas. Also, there exists a food item called Blumaroo steak, and another called Elephante trunk.

At least one of the Ensemble Darkhorse Altador Cup players is trying to sabotage it from within

There are already Fanon plotlines concerning this, and it would certainly create drama. Likely, it would be a player with a large fanbase who would never be suspected of doing such a thing. Plus, this could explain why the 'winner's curse' occurs.

  • ...or why Darigan Citadel, despite their huge fanbase, has not been able to win more than one Cup. Out of all the past Most Valuable Players, theirs (Layton Vickles) is the most consistent and has never left the Top Scorers' List. Coincidentally, the other forward on the team, Tandrak Shaye is arguably the most popular player on the team, or perhaps in the entire Cup. He has many fangirls and only one conspiracy theorist (who talks about this mainly on fansite Jellyneo Forums), who certainly isn't hesitant to voice her opinion. Then again, it could be just another Cloudcuckoolander trying to be a nonconformist.

Jacko the Phantom Painter is a more benevolent relative of Candle Jack

In the 510th Editorial, TNT said of him:

"We don't really speak about him. Just accept any paint brushes you find and be thankful. People that talk about Jacko tend to disa "

  • So he hands out paintbrushes, until you mention him by name, at which point he kidnaps you - perhaps because he doesn't take kindly to people begging him for expensive paintbrushes?

Mr. Krawley and Xandra are the same person

They bolth have shapeshifting powers, and Xandra has shapeshifted into someone of the opposite gender. Mr. Krawley's motivations are never explained, but all the problems he caused did seriously mess up the local power structures (assylum inmates overthrow caretakers, formerly shy boy, his little sister and a little girl from out of town sucessfully defy the mayor).

Delina is just as evil as the other Dark Faeries.

She's just going about it differently. Much like how Crowley realized the old way of corrupting people was outdated and troublesome, Delina found a faster way to bring Neopia under control. She cast a spell that would allow Neopets to wear clothing, which affected all but a handful of Neopets, since it would create an entirely new market that she could control. She then introduced the NC Mall, which gave her considerable influence over Neopia as many recent events became tied with the NC Mall.

Xandra's going to come back

  • However, she'll come back as The Atoner. Fyora has said she hopes to bring her star pupil back to the side of good, and given Xandra's formidable magic powers, she would probably be one of the few Neopians alive to be able to deal with the Darkest Faerie. Naturally, while she still wouldn't like the faeries, she'd be kind of like a female Jazan: Someone who's been evil, but has a hard time trusting the Loveable Rogue of the week. All they'd need to do is say that she was subconsciously influenced by the Darkest Faerie in a Plan for her freedom, and it'd work.

The Masks of Dread are basically the Friends on the Other Side

  • The upcoming booth at the Haunted Faire this year is apparently going to involve, well, dreadful masks, and the mysterious Cybunny is going to be the villain and a literal Killer Rabbit who uses Hollywood Voodoo. Bonus points if they use it as an excuse to finally put Bogshot on the site proper.

Saskia is Neopia's version of the Happy Mask Salesman.

There's a lot more to Xandra's evil than meets the eye.

  • All right, so Xandra is an absultely nuts example of a Well-Intentioned Extremist. And yet her only reasons for crashing Faerieland was because the Faeries don't do enough to help around Neopia, which is partially correct; most Faeries that aren't the Soup Faerie, Fyora, the Battle Faerie or the Space Faerie sit on their butts and do nothing but order Neopets around, and a larger amount of Faeries (The Drenched, Eithne, Jennumara, The Dark Faerie Sisters and, of course, The Darkest Faerie) have effected Neopian history far more than any other Faerie by doing evil, EVIL things. Why would she hate the Faeries? Her Freudian Excuse is probably that one or more Faeries did something absolutely, irredeemably horrible to her, and none of the good Faeries did anything about it - making her both a victim of evil AND "good" Faeries that was pushed way, way WAY too far. Note that Fyora DOES intend to "rehabilitate" her, which implies that she'll need SOME sort of therapy.

Fyora is a dark faerie

  • Just look at her! She's very purple, like a dark faerie. Plus, she seems to be one of the only people to not fiind dark faeries evil.

Dark faeries are not evil.

  • SOME are. Howver, there are also evil water, earth, fire, light, etcetera faeries. No faerie is evil or good solely because of their element.
  1. Yes, even the main hero of the plot, Hanso, got stoned at one point, and so did the rest of his team.
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