< Naruto ITP

Naruto ITP/Characters

There are a great many characters in Naruto ITP; some of them good and some of them bad, some of them active and some of them inactive.

Note: All names are arranged on a [Last name] [First name] basis.

Konohagakure Shinobi

Motogin Sen, Third Hokage of Hidden Leaf. Host of the 9 Tails

Player: Callos de Terran

Status: Active

Hatsumi Sokaku, Hidden Leaf Chuunin

Player: Knight Disciple

Status: Active

Takata Arahasa, Hidden Leaf Jounin

Player: Dorizzit

Status: Inactive

Nara Hari, Hidden Leaf Genin

Player: Over William

Status: Inactive

Satake Tomoya, Hidden Leaf Chuunin, Apprentice to Motogin Sen

Player: Kasanip

Status: Active

Wakahisa Yuuta, Hidden Leaf Genin

Player: Shades of Gray

Status: Inactive

Ito Kaede, Hidden Leaf Genin

Player: Shades of Gray

Status: Inactive

Himura Raiden, Hidden Leaf Jounin

Player: Doom ITP

Status: Inactive

Thum Senga, Hidden Leaf Chuunin

Player: Silver Raptor

Status: Active

Tenyama Ryuu, Hidden Leaf Genin

Player: Maximum Zersk

Status: Inactive

Yua Rin, Hidden Leaf Genin

Player: Callos de Terran

Status: Inactive

Katsurou Fukui, Hidden Leaf Genin

Player: Rebonack

Status: Inactive

Ikari Haru, Hidden Leaf Genin

Player: Krazddndfreek

Status: Inactive

Genji, Hidden Leaf Jounin

Player: Draken

Status: Inactive

Takumi Ryouichi, Hidden Leaf Chuunin

Player: Anyr

Status: Active

Watanabe Takeshi, Hidden Leaf Chuunin

Player: Falgorn

Status: Inactive

Takumi Ryouichi, Hidden Leaf Chuunin

Player: Anyr

Status: Active

Katsutaba Enrou, Hidden Leaf ANBU Captain

Player: Mage Sparrow Hawk

Status: Inactive

Hau Zel, Hidden Leaf Chuunin

Player: Kerfufflemach2

Status: Active

Kinoebu Erayue, Hidden Leaf Tokubetsu Jounin

Player: 13 CBS

Status: Active

A grim, unfriendly, bizarre—looking...creature that resides in Konoha. His combat skills and overall use as a field operative is limited thanks to his unique nature; due to being experimented on at a young age, Erayue is almost completely made out of a metallic substance similar to steel. He moves and bends his body by violently swirling and moving around the chakra within his body. Aside from using chakra in this manner, Erayue cannot otherwise use chakra techniques.

  • Chrome Champion — What Erayue looks like underneath his ragged robes and hat, though he's not exactly shiny.
  • Good Is Not Nice — Erayue might be loyal to his friends and serves Konoha, but he's not exactly a warm and friendly person, both on and off the battlefield.
  • Nice Hat — Erayue wears a metal Jingasa hat.
  • Shapeshifter Weapon — How he fights. Erayue can morph his metal limbs and body into the following: blades, razor wire, spears, high tension springs, pressurized water cannon, hammers, and talons.
  • Super Drowning Skills — Though not demonstrated yet in the game, this is what will happen to Erayue if he somehow finds himself in a sufficiently large body of water, unless he somehow increase his volume sufficiently enough to lower his density to below that of water.

Yoshiro/Dedoko/Niban/Midoru/Kouki, Hidden Leaf Jounin

Player: Iceman JRC

Status: Inactive

N13, Hidden Leaf Guest

Player: Purple Rose

Status: Active

Nakamura Neko, Hidden Leaf Cat

Player: Purple Rose

Status: Active

Moriki Kanna, Hidden Leaf Chuunin

Player: Kasanip

Status: Inactive

Ishikawa Eiji, Hidden Leaf Genin

Player: Over William

Status: Active

Iwagakure Shinobi

Coro, Hidden Stone Genin

Player: Silver Raptor

Status: Deceased

Iwao, Hidden Stone Genin

Player: Knight Disciple

Status: Deceased

Gan, Hidden Stone Genin

Player: 13 CBS

Status: Deceased

Amegakure Shinobi

Hazuma Kyo, Amekage of Hidden Rain, Leader of Shoku, ex Hidden Stone

Player: Innis Cabal

Status: Active

"You think I want conquest?! To take this city?! How wrong you are. I do not want control! All these pathetic sacks of meat, they are nothing! I want death. I want fear! I want isolation! I want every man and woman to hide from one another, hunt each other down and butcher each other in hate and let madness consume them!"

The eccentric, recently self-declared Kage of the Hidden Rain Village. But is political power over a small country the only thing he really wants? Hint: not a chance.

Hana, Amegakure genin

Player: Innis Cabal/Callos deTerran

Status: Pending

Kumogakure Shinobi

Kurosawa Haruka, Hidden Cloud Jounin

Player: Horngeek

Status: Inactive

Umari Susumu, Hidden Cloud Jounin

Player: Yarram

Status: Inactive

Kinoti, Hidden Cloud Genin

Player: Kinoti

Status: Inactive

Kachi Nero, Hidden Cloud Genin

Player: Silver Raptor

Status: Active

Hisakawa Ayaka, Hidden Cloud Jounin

Player: Horngeek

Status: Inactive

Tanmono Sano, Hidden Cloud Genin

Player: Kinoti

Status: Inactive

Aokigami Yuu, Hidden Cloud Genin

Player: Keveak

Status: Active

  • Blood Knight/Combat Sadomasochist: Has so far mostly displayed the former but the profile states that Yuu would rather lick blood up than dry it off
  • Cloudcuckoolander: To the degree of ot noticing an oponent was trying to kill Yuu and hir team despite the heavy use of poison and deady weapons. Stopped to ask were the opponent had got said weapons in the same battle.
  • Combat Cloth: Yuu's primary weapons consist of several straps of cloth that function like extra arms.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Frequently mentioned, has yet to play any role except when utilising it for Puppy Dog Eyes
  • Eyes of Gold: Part of Yuu's Kekkai Genkai
  • Puppy Dog Eyes: Used once or twice when trying to convince hir teammates to something.
  • Making a Splash: Yuu has the ability to create a water prison that encases an enemy.
  • Me's a Crowd: Another of Yuu's abilites is to summon water clones from any body of water large enough.

Haru Raikou, Hidden Cloud Genin

Player: Iceman JRC

Status: Inactive

Kurosawa Taiki, Hidden Cloud Jounin

Player: Callos de Terran

Status: Active

Kita Miku, Hidden Cloud Genin

Player: Shades of Gray

Status: Inactive

Kirigakure Shinobi

Nijuusandaime Mizukage

Player: Over William

Status: Pending

The mysterious past leader of the Village Hidden in the Mist. Claimed the title of the 23rd Mizukage out of order; chronologically was the 14th Mizukage. All record of his former birth name was erased from record when he was field promoted to Mizukage after the death of his predecessor in battle.

Kirisaku, Hidden Mist Genin

Player: Over William

Status: Inactive

Tanaka, Hidden Mist Genin

Player: Knight Disciple

Status: Inactive

Yana, Hidden Mist Genin

Player: Silver Raptor

Status: Inactive

Hayase, Hidden Mist Genin

Player: 13 CBS

Status: Inactive

Sunagakure Shinobi

Moroha Matsu, Hidden Sand Genin

Player: Moon Wolf (created by Mage Sparrow Hawk)

Status: Active

Arezawa Kai, Hidden Sand Genin

Player: Dorizzit

Status: Inactive

Hamake Miragata, Hidden Sand Jounin

Player: Moon Wolf

Status: Active

Fuuyama Ayame, Hidden Sand Shinobi

Player: Maximum Zersk

Status: Inactive

Sunadou Kyougo, Hidden Sand Genin

Player: Lord Asmodeus

Status: Inactive

Kugutsu Rakki, Hidden Sand Chuunin

Player: Keveak

Status: Active

  • Armed Legs: Rakki's main weapons are his feet which are made of steel and quite heavy.
  • Badass Normal: Unable to use Jutusus means that Rakki's abilities are limited to taijutsu and wordfighting.
  • Blade Below the Shoulder: Rakki have two blades encased in his arms ala Wolverine
  • Hot-Blooded/Badass Boast: Both show up when Rakki and the Kazekage met.
  • Puppet Permutation: The only parts of Rakki not puppet-ised are his brain and vital organs.
  • The Klutz: To a milder degree. outside of combat Rakki rarely sees where he is going and his lack of a sense of touch often causes him to drop things.

Takehiko Nori, Hidden Sand Genin

Player: Sucrose

Status: Inactive

Kichiro, Hidden Sand Genin

Player: Callos de Terran

Status: Inactive

Kurokuma, Hidden Sand Chuunin

Player: Iceman JRC

Status: Inactive

Aida Toki, Hidden Sand Chuunin

Player: 13 CBS

Status: Inactive

Nakahara Hideyoshi, Hidden Sand Chuunin

Player: Horngeek

Status: Inactive

Yoshifuku Akio, Hidden Sand Jounin

Player: nothingclever

Status: Active

Seven Swordsmen

Anahera Hoshiko, Swordsman of the Hidden Mist


Player: Callos de Terran

Status: Active, temporarily on hold

"You said you weren't angry!"
"I'm not."
"Then why'd you stab me?!"
"You stabbed me first. Teacher said that if someone stabs you, you stab back harder. Well, he actually said lots of big, confusing words, but I broke down what they meant eventually."

Kensai Shiro, Swordsman of the Hidden Mist

Player: Knight Disciple

Status: Active, temporarily on hold

Gakechigo Momo, Swordsman of the Hidden Mist

Player: Kasanip

Status: Active, temporarily on hold

Zurbesh Motah, Swordsman of the Hidden Leaf

Player: Silver Raptor

Status: Active, temporarily on hold

Endo Daichi, Swordsman of the Hidden Rain

Player: Shades of Gray

Status: Inactive

Mori "Silent Phantom" Ryoma, Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist

Player: Frozen Feet

Status: Active, temporarily on hold

Kitakawa Kanaye, Swordsman of the Hidden Mist

Player: Maximum Zersk

Status: Active, temporarily on hold


Leech, ex Hidden Mist

Player: Silver Raptor

Status: Active

Tenkumo Zenryuu, ex Hidden Cloud

Player: Saint Nil

Status: Inactive

Yoshi "The Hurricane", ex Hidden Sand

Player: Falgorn

Status: Deceased

Sasan Asorri, ex Hidden Mist

Player: Dorizzit

Status: Inactive

Chinatsu Rei, Shoku Member

Player: Callos de Terran

Status: Active

Higanji Kaguya, ex Hidden Grass

Player: Kasanip

Status: Inactive

Kiriyama Alilah, ex Hidden Waterfall

Player: Moon Wolf

Status: Inactive

Shaolong, ex Land of Iron

Player: Draken

Status: Inactive

Kusagakure Shinobi

Otogakure Shinobi

Fuma Kyuu, Hidden Sound Jounin

Player: Ganurath

Status: Inactive

Fushiyasa Urama, Hidden Sound Chuunin

Player: 13 CBS

Status: Active

Abe Clan

Hiroshi Itsuki, Abe Clan Member

Player: Innis Cabal

Status: Active

Missing nin

Nobu Goro, ex Hidden Leaf

Player: Callos de Terran

Status: Active

Yori, ex Hidden Waterfall

Player: 13 CBS

Status: Temporarily on Hold

Takumi Village

Matsuyama Kazuma, Takumi Village Tokubetsu Jounin

Player: Frozen Feet

Status: Active

Land of Iron


Mikitashi Yasuhiko, Rooster Clan

Player: Purple Rose

Status: Active

Kurotou Shikaku, Freelancer Genin, Host of the 8 Tails

Player: Fan

Status: Active

Karakuri, Eccentric Puppeteer

Player: 13 CBS

Status: Deceased

Bochi, Necromancer(?)

Player: 13 CBS

Status: Temporarily On Hold

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