Nan Quest/Characters
The Guests
Our protagonist, Nan is an electronics technician and repairman. She liked to play arcade games as a kid. She is lazy and lets quite a few work orders stack up before she gets to them. She has the ability to hum showtunes.
- Accidental Pervert: Nan gets a peek of Henry's bare bum from the crack of his door when he went to go change. Subverted by the fact she wanted to do it.
- And again when she barges in on him changing while changing!
- Buxom Is Better: (In contrast to Ruby) Early in the game, one player asked whether Nan was wearing a bra or not, to which Weaver replied:
"Of course Nan's wearing a bra. She needs support when she's on the job."
- Ridiculously Average Goat: "Nan never really considered herself in terms of traits like that before. But if she had to choose one she'd probably be known for her ABILITY TO HUM SHOWTUNES. Actually come to think of it Nan isn't really sure what makes her special. Maybe nothing."
- Standardized Leader
- Weapon of Choice: Improvised rebar spear, and later a lead pipe.
Henry is a Gazelle or something, and might be Nan's boyfriend. He claimed to have gotten into the hotel quite recently when Nan showed up. He was a travelling on business when he had to stop for the night.
- Chivalrous Pervert: He certainly jokes a lot towards.
- Keet
- Pretty Boy
- Tears of Joy: When he finds that Nan is not dead.
- Weapon of Choice: Makeshift club.
Pablo is a more experienced resident of the hotel, he is first seen in possession of a fire axe. He came to the hotel when he was called in to be it's janitor, about ten days before Nan got there. He has been surviving in the hotel since. He is probably a bat.
- The Atoner: Some sort of variation in Nan's Mind Screw Nightmare Sequence.
- The McCoy
- Weapon of Choice: Fire axe.
Another guest Pablo found trapped in the hotel, whom had been there far longer. He taught Pablo much about the Hell Hotel and how to survive it. He was eventually carved apart by the Pilgrim.
- Mentors
- Posthumous Character
Anna is an elevator operator, who came to the hotel in response to a job advert.
- Action Girl
- Killed Off for Real: ...Or was she?
- Nice Hat
- Weapon of Choice: A kitchen knife.
An ex-US Marshall who stopped by to see the recently-constructed hotel. He might be a dog.
- Badass
- The Big Guy
- Eyes Always Closed: Well, almost always.
- Nice Hat
- No Sense of Humor
- Old Soldier
- Papa Wolf: To Kim.
- The Stoic: With a hint of Cynic.
- Weapon of Choice: A revolver.
A college student who stopped at the hotel overnight on her way home.
- Conspiracy Theorist
- Jerkass: Sometimes.
- Meganekko
- Weapon of Choice: A taser.
A loony, darkness-dwelling fox who honestly believes that the hotel is a free world and a heaven of man's design.
- Affably Evil: Well, just as long as you don't piss him off.
- Cloudcuckoolander: He's an eerie version of this.
- Fearless Fool
- Hit by the Corruption: This is strongly hinted towards.
- The Idealist
- Loves the Sound of Screaming: Once defined it as "lovely".
- Slasher Smile: Constantly.
- Terrifying Rescuer
- Think Nothing of It: Actually, more of a Berserk Button, really:
"He didn't do it for HER. He did it because HE wanted to.
He tells Nan not to EVER thank him."
The "Uninvited Things"
The name given to the dark creatures that inhabit the hotel and threaten to kill the guests. Despite the fact that they seem like a similar malevolent presence, they are indeed, not on the same side.
- Exclusively Evil
- By the Lights of Their Eyes: Or alternatively, Red Eyes, Take Warning.
- The Dreaded: The three major ones listed below, but especially the Beast.
- Eldritch Abominations
- Only Known by Their Nickname: The recognizable ones.
- Weakened by the Light: Subverted by the ones listed below.
The Padre/Father Velaico
Unlike the other creatures in the building, he doesn't seem very afraid of the light, and he seems to be nearly invincible.
- From Nobody to Nightmare
- Humanoid Abomination
- Sanity Slippage: Caused by prolonged exposure to the cold, storms, and vermin, apparently.
- Sinister Minister
- The Voiceless
The Pilgrim/Lorenzo
A skeletal equine with a cloak and and severed noose hanging around his neck. Also unfazed by the light.
- Black Cloak
- Dark Messiah: Somewhat.
- Dem Bones
- Don't Fear the Reaper: Horribly Subverted.
- The Dragon: To the Padre -- possibly.
- Evil Laugh:
[[color:brown:HA.<br/> HA HA.<br/> <br/> <br/> HA HA HA HA<br/> HA HA HA HA<br/> HA HA HA.]]
- Expy: It looks like the animal version of Death.
- From Nobody to Nightmare
- Future Badass: Lorenzo is a friendly and nature-loving soul. The Pilgrim is a nightmare made flesh. Subverted in that his future self is seen first.
- Nice Guy: As Lorenzo.
- Nigh Invulnerable
- Weapon of Choice: BIG, SCARY, FUCKING KNIFE!!
The Beast
A huge animal, as black as night, feral and vicious. Cold and unthinking. It lives in the hotel's courtyard, which lies just beyond the windows.
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can't kill the beast
- Large and In Charge: Subverted -- There is no unity within the Uninvited.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast