< My Wife and Kids
My Wife and Kids/YMMV
- Crazy Awesome: If you don't mind Franklin (see below), he can seem like this.
- The wedding that Michael and Jay had planned for Junior was going to be this, a bit too much.
- Creator's Pet: Franklin, and how. It got to the point that he was included more than Michael's wife and kids. Think about that for a second.
- And of course, Franklin has to come save the day in several episodes — the remodel of the garage as mentioned above; when things turn sour, of course it turns out he's a certified contractor. Michael curbstomping everyone in foosball? Guess who's the one person who can beat him?
- Michael has to deliver a baby? Guess who knows how to do that.
- But, of course, one man's Creator's Pet moment is another man's Moment of Awesome.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: The CALVINATOR!
- Fixer Sue: Franklin.
- Flanderization: Hoo boy, where to begin. Junior's stupidity, Claire's clumsiness, Jay's callousness, etc.
- Germans Love David Hasselhoff: The show's pretty popular in Brazil, due to it being constantly aired in an open TV channel. It's also popular in Italy.
- Jerk Sue: It's what Jay stands for. Her personality is pretty much a more promiscuous Debra Barone.
- Jumping the Shark: Junior's girlfriend gets pregnant. This is followed by The Other Darrin (again), Mass Flanderization, and reliance on Running Gags. The storylines also disappeared when the final season began.
- Moment of Awesome: A meta example - The final season featured Michael playing a one-on-one game of basketball against Michael Jordan, his all-time favourite basketball player. The credits to this episode show more of the footage of Wayans playing Jordan, and ends with Damon Wayans scoring against one of the greatest basketball players of all time.
- Retroactive Recognition: Isn't that genius kid Micah Sanders? Yep, it's him.
- Toy Ship: Kady and Franklin.
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