My Balls
"No trying to be cool while you're stroking your dick!"—Elyse
My Balls by Shigemitsu Harada: The fate of the world rests on one man's shoulders. Or, to put it more precisely, it rests in his right testicle.
Emmaniel, the Queen of Terror, is a demon on her way to destroy the world. Then, in an accident involving an angel, a Soul Jar and a stream of urine, she is sealed away inside the right testicle of perennial loser (and virgin) Satou Kohta. The angel informs him that if she remains sealed for the entire month, the world will avoid destruction. The only way for Kohta to keep her sealed is to not ejaculate for one month, or she'll escape. Thus Kohta must resist temptation for a full month, lest the world be destroyed.
He spends the remainder of the series fighting off dozens of Horny Devils on a mission to free the Queen of Terror, as well as the nigh-unstoppable advances from the hot co-worker he's had a huge crush on. Hilarity Ensues.
Although this manga is not technically classified as Hentai (technically in the sense that FAR less explicit content has been treated as hentai), it deliberately skirts as closely as possible while still being publishable in a mainstream magazine. Be prepared for some extremely raunchy, explicit and hilarious content if you read it.
- Satou Kohta: Loser Protagonist turned Kavorka Man.
- Michael: As in "The Archangel." Accidentally sealed Emmaniel into Kohta's junk.
- Elyse: A lesser devil who initially tries to free Emmaniel. She eventually gives up that goal after developing feelings for Kohta and betraying the Queen. After successfully helping keep the Queen sealed, she goes on the run from the Queen's wrath and soon after, her feelings for Kohta.
- Minayo Aizawa: Kohta's hot coworker. Returns Kohta's feelings. Hard-Drinking Party Girl Nymphomaniac. Succeeds, then fails.
- Emmaniel: The Queen of Terror. All-powerful (and sexy) demon queen trapped -- sigh -- in Kohta's balls.
- Irene: A succubus who also attempted to free Emmaniel. She later decided to keep her sealed, as she wants to continue screwing all the hot guys on Earth before it gets destroyed.
- Satan: Herself.
See also Yuria 100 Shiki, the previous work by the author. Not to be confused with "Ow, My Balls!!", Show Within a Show from Idiocracy.
- A-Cup Angst: Elyse. It's actually something of a plot point
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Kohta cannot even do that as it might release Emmaniel.
- Adult Child: A bit with Irene, who refers to sperm as "spermies" for some reason.
- Anatomically-Impossible Sex: Despite the lurid amount of detail on the various workings and characteristics of the sexual reproduction organs, the series seems rather insistent on presenting the testicles full of ready-made semen.
- Art Shift: Frequently shifts to Chibi / Kewpie Doll Surprise (complete with flailing arms) when Elyse gets flustered.
- Attack Its Weak Point: The pentagram marking on a demon.
- Babies Ever After: The last page of the series (besides the humorous 4 page epilogue) shows Kouta and Elyse's children talking about how their mother was a demon, and their father saved the world. No one believes them.
- Bandage Babe: Isabella the Dead.
- Battle in the Center of the Mind: What happens between Kouta, Elyse, Emmanuel and Satan is pretty much like that.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: averted.
- Benevolent Boss: Kohta's boss not only takes him out for a drink multiple times, but he also pays for a prostitute and for some time in a strip club. In ANY other situation Kohta would be in heaven.
- Bland-Name Product: The beer that Minayo likes to drink is "Badweiser". Kohta and Elyse visit "Mousey Land."
- Blessed with Suck/Cursed with Awesome: Kohta's condition means females are throwing themselves at him now, but he can't actually make it with any of them. (He's a masochist so that's a semi-bonus to him.)
- Break His Heart to Save Him: Elyse tries this, and instead of the desired effect Humanity Ensues.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Elyse can't admit her true feelings towards Kohta. Eventually, she does, of course.
- Can't Get Away with Nuthin': Elyse is always interrupted while busy with Kohta.
- Can't Have Sex Ever: Arguably the premise of the manga. "Arguably" because Kohta somehow ends up having sex quite a few times without invoking the "escape clause."
- Caught with Your Pants Down: Obviously.
- Cold Turkeys Are Everywhere: Everything in the universe has aimed itself at Kohta to make him do the one thing he must not do.
- Contract with a Demon: Kohta gets Elyse to help him via one; the latter gains control over his soul as a result, which basically amounts to controlling his body while he's unconscious.
- Creepy Cool Crosses: Elyse wears one.
- Cute Monster Girl: Tons of them.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Kohta essentially sexually dominates The Queen of Terror while she is trapped inside his testicle so he can relieve the sperm buildup.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Inverted. Kohta's junk is made to look like the shark from Jaws anytime Elyse pulls it out of his pants because it scares her.
- Double Standard Rape (Female on Male): Somewhat mitigated by the fact that Kohta would happily accept.
- Drop-Dead Gorgeous: Isabella the Dead, or maybe not.
- Dude, She's Like, in a Coma: Kohta does this twice, first to Minayo in a drunken stupor, then to an unconscious Elyse during the full moon. With plenty lame rationalizations about it. Elyse can be said to do it pretty much every time Kohta is sleeping.
- Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: Satan, most of the time.
- Ecchi
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: Ares the Reaper.
- Erotic Dream: Emmaniel tries raping Kohta in his dream in order to escape; it doesn't work since he wakes up too fast.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Titles don't get less subtle than this.
- Fan Service: Just about any female.
- First Girl Wins: Subverted. At first Kohta is only interested in chasing Minayo, but eventually realizes and admits his feelings for Elyse.
- Foreshadowing: Near the end of Chapter 2, Kohta starts seeing Elyse naked because he is starting to have feelings for her even though they are enemies. Guess what is the OTP by the end of the manga.
- Gender Flip: Satan.
- Generation Xerox: Kohta's mother apparently once had a demon sealed inside her uterus.
- God Is Good: Though shackled by the letter of His own laws, He generally ensures that things work out for the best.
- Good Angel, Bad Angel: To be more precise, Dere-dere Angel and Tsun-tsun Angel.
- Good with Numbers: Subverted. He's not very good at the 7 row.
- Hard-Drinking Party Girl: Minayo goes from demure coworker and would-be girlfriend into unstoppable nymphomaniac after only a drink or two. Of course she usually has a drink or two before meeting Kohta.
- Heel Face Turn; Elyse and Irene. In the final issue, Satan decides to shack up with Michael. Yep.
- Horny Devils: All of them so far.
- Hot as Hell
- I Was Quite a Looker: Michael.
- I Will Definitely Protect You: When Kohta says this to Elyse, it makes her even more crazy because she already won't admit to herself that she has fallen in love with him, a mere mortal human.
- Idiot Hero: Kohta. He throws out his porn, but he lets Elyse stay with him. He manages to resist Elyse and comes up with a plan that would have let him defeat Irene with her own magic, then decides it's a good idea to date Minayo.
- Improvised Weapon: Condensed milk and lotion. Breast milk.
- In Vino Veritas: Minayo turns into a raging nymphomaniac when drunk.
- Inconsistent Dub: In the final chapter Irene appears in, she's referred to as Alice.
- Invisibility: Ash the Invisible
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Subverted; because Elyse won't admit her feelings for Kohta, she tries to make him miserable. Of course he likes the abuse...
- Kavorka Man: Kohta, whether by magical influence or not.
- Large Ham: Emmaniel, during the pregnancy chapter.
- Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: Angel*** Jolie in Chapter 28.
- Legal Jailbait: Elyse and a few other demons.
- Magical Girlfriend: Once Kohta stops pining after Minayo and goes for Elyse.
- Mistaken for Pregnant: Emmaniel claims that she is in an attempt to get out. After some... up-close inspection on Kohta's part and confession by the Queen, her ruse is found out.
- Oh Crap: Kohta escapes a pair of rather smitten women while being chased by a devil with arrows much like Cupid's. He manages to flee and make his way on to a train. Right in the car for use by women only.
- One-Gender Race: All the devils shown are female, even Satan! Averted in the case of the angels, as of the two angels we've seen, there was one of each gender.
- Painting the Medium: In chapter 26 Elyse speaks in random icons that Kohta calls demonese, it's "so scary".
- Pillar of Light: A few times, most notably when Emmaniel manifests or when Michael sexes up Satan in the penultimate chapter.
- Pixelation: To prevent the target demographic from being exposed to Kohta's... thing.
- Power Perversion Potential: Most of the devil's powers are actually based on this.
- Princess Curls: What Elyse's horns become when she is in a human form.
- Refuge in Audacity: Just look at the premise and title.
- Refuge in Vulgarity: Again, look at the premise and title.
- Satan
- Sealed Evil in a Can: And by "can" we mean Kohta's junk.
- Serious Business: Premise.
- Share the Male Pain: When Emmaniel's arm comes out of Kohta's penis.
- Shown Their Work: Sometimes, it can seem as if this manga is a shameless plug for a health textbook.
- Stripperific: Elyse.
- Squee: Irene's reaction to Kohta confessing to Elyse.
- Tempting Fate: Kohta wandered on to holy ground to find a place to take a leak. He may as well have been holding up a metal rod and begging for lightning to come down while he was doing it.
- Timed Mission: Kohta has to make it without ejaculating until August 1st.
- Too Many Belts: Lady Emmaniels costume is made of this... and some strategically placed shadows.
- Took a Level in Badass: Kohta in the hours leading up to the deadline.
- Level Up At Intimacy 5 would explain the "process" better.
- Too Kinky to Torture: In this case however, it plays into the hands of the baddies.
- Tsundere: Elyse. Parodied in chapter 38, where the tsun- and -dere sides of her personalities start arguing and Elyse shoos them away. She then remarks that "it's not like she enjoys being tsundere".
- Victim Falls For Rapist: Elyse's solution to her increasing attraction to Kohta? Use her demonic powers to mind control him to pleasure her while he's asleep.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Touching a demon's pentagram.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Arguably, but how Kohta managed to vanquish several of the demons before Satan appears.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: The epilogue.
- Widget Series
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Gabriel
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle: Humanity is finally safe... except that Elyse is a demon and Kohta has realized he loves her. Now he only has a week to make her admit she loves him too (and thus cause her to become human to invoke the "safety clause" that keeps humanity safe for the week).
- Zettai Ryouiki: Baphomet; Elyse during her "date".