< Muv-Luv


While the cast of Muv-Luv remains relatively constant across the three main installments, the tropes applying to them do not. Thus, they have been sorted by each individual story.

Muv Luv Extra

Takeru Shirogane

Voiced by: Soichiro Hoshi

The protagonist of Muv-Luv Extra, Unlimited, and Alternative, Takeru is generally talented both athletically and physically, but tends to be rather lazy. He also happens to be good looking and a nice guy, so he ends up fairly popular with girls. Not that he ever notices.

  • The Beard: During Ayamine's route she asks him to be her fake boyfriend because she's avoiding Sagiri. She mentions that it doesn't have to be fake at the same time but he doesn't take it seriously.
  • Clueless Chick Magnet
  • Hot-Blooded
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He has a rather vicious sense of humor, especially where Sumika's concerned, but his circle of friends find him reliable and trustworthy.

Sumika Kagami

Voiced by: Hiroko Taguchi

Sumika is Takeru's childhood friend. She's very obviously in love with him from the start, but since he's dense he has yet to catch on. Sumika and Takeru tend to have a fairly abusive friendship.

Meiya Mitsurugi

Voiced by: Kazumi Okushima

A strange girl who simply moves in one day, Meiya is the heir of the Mitsurugi Group. She is highly talented at essentially anything she does, but appears rather socially clueless. For reasons unknown to Takeru, she has apparently decided she is going to marry him.

Miki Tamase

Voiced by: Minami Hokuto

Miki is a small, friendly girl in Takeru's class. She gets along well with others, but gets nervous easily and dislikes confrontation. She bears a strong resemblance to a cat, so Takeru usually calls her Tama based both on her family name and a common cat name in Japan.

Kei Ayamine

Voiced by: Yuuko Nagashima

A strong but weird girl in Takeru's class, Ayamine seems to enjoy messing with others. She tends to be very unemotive and butts heads with Sakaki frequently due to their similar personalities.

  • Boobs of Steel: She’s probably the most physically powerful of the heroines in Extra. She’s also easily the bustiest.
  • The Gadfly: She really, really likes to mess with people. Particularly people with the last names of Shirogane and Sakaki.
  • Image Song: Astraea, which is also used in her ending in all-ages Extra.
  • Kuudere
  • Painting the Medium: At one point, Takeru tells her not to appear so suddenly. After a short pause, she agrees and enters the scene again, but this time her character sprite only shows up slowly. Who knows what this looked like from Takeru's perspective.
  • Rebellious Spirit: Especially if Sakaki is involved.
  • Rei Ayanami Expy: Going by her name, she would be one, if not for The Gadfly above.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A.

Mikoto Yoroi

Voiced by: Reiko Takagi (Akane Maniax OVA), Megumi Kubota (all other appearances)

Takeru's only apparent male friend, Mikoto is as much of a fan of the arcade game Valgern-On as Takeru. He looks quite girly and rarely pays much attention to others.

  • Ambiguous Gender: He's referred to as a boy in Extra, yet suspiciously used a Modesty Towel during the group's stay in the hot springs. Several lines in Alternative by Mikoto's father seem to support the hypothesis that Mikoto was a girl even in Extra.
    • One particular scene has Mikoto replacing a team member in the Women's Lacrosse team and wearing their uniform, prompting Meiya to ask why it looks so good on him.
  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Mikoto is a rather odd character. He never seems to pay attention to what people are saying.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: If he actually is a guy.

Chizuru Sakaki

Voiced by: Masayo Kurata

Sakaki is the class representative of Takeru's class. She's very fussy and a stickler for rules, though she's also surprisingly competitive. She tends to get into fights with Ayamine due to their similar personalities.

She is best friends with Akane Suzumiya, the class representative of 3-D.

Marimo Jinguuji

Voiced by: Miki Inoue

"When you get to the point where you can laugh at your mistakes, you'll find new things to replace what you lost."

Takeru and company's homeroom teacher in Extra, who has difficulty holding onto her boyfriends, something for which she is endlessly teased by her old friend and fellow teacher Yuuko.

  • Christmas Cake: Her exact age is difficult to pin down, but she’s teased mercilessly about this by Yuuko.
  • Image Song: Calling, which serves double duty as the ED of Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles sidestories.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Mad Dog" in both worlds, though the reason differs: In Extra it's due to her insatiable... "appetite" (especially when drunk).
  • Sensei-chan: Takeru has gotten into the habit of calling her Marimo-chan, much to her exasperation.
  • Teacher-Student Romance: Yuuko teases her endlessly about Shirogane especially when they're both present, though Shirogane doesn't take it seriously. In Extra, she has a very short miniroute, but it has little to do with romance since they're both very drunk.

Yuuko Kouzuki

Voiced by: Emi Motoi

Marimo's best friend as well as a surprisingly renowned physicist, Yuuko is a genius and a nutcase. Occasionally, she interrupts her class to start lecturing about her work, which none of the class has the slightest chance of understanding.

  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: She has a... unique idea of proper attire for a school teacher and is constantly messing with both students and her best friend, Marimo.
  • Cosplay Otaku Girl: She likes forcing Marimo into various costumes, such as Morrigan[2], a reindeer, and in the ongoing manga adaptation of Alternative, Mami.
  • Ditzy Genius
  • Drives Like Crazy: Considers red lights a suggestion and attempts to drag race Takahashi's limousine
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Has more than a streak of this in Extra, if the cavalier notions of nearly running over Sumika in the beginning are any indication.
  • Shipper on Deck: In Extra she's quite fond of teasing Marimo about liking younger guys, especially Shirogane.
  • Stripperiffic: As a teacher, she wears a top that leaves her entire midriff exposed and is basically a fishnet covering for her breasts. She gets away with this because everyone is a little scared of her.

Takahashi Ichimonji

Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu

Takahashi is Meiya's personal driver.

Mana Tsukuyomi

Tsukuyomi is Meiya's personal attendant and highly qualified at a number of tasks. She's quite devoted to Meiya and seems to act like a big sister. Normally, she acts quite refined and friendly, but when irritated she'll begin to speak quite crassly, hinting that she might really be fairly violent.

  • Meido
  • Ninja Maid: Played absolutely straight in Extra, to the point of being able to appear and disappear ninja-style.
  • Shotacon: She seemed quite taken with Mikoto in Extra...

Minagi Ebisu, Tatsumi Kamiyo and Yukino Tomoe

Meiya's maids under the supervision of Mana. Known as the "Three Idiots", they tend to make numerous mistakes, blame others for those mistakes and then insult them.

Akane Suzumiya

Voiced by: Kaori Mizuhashi

Originally a heroine from Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, Akane is the Class Representative of Class 3-D, a talented swimmer and the best friend of Chizuru, with whom she has a friendly rivalry.

  • The Ace: In addition to being a the top student of her class and a talented swimmer, she masters lacrosse in just a couple of weeks, in time for the school festival.
  • Friendly Rivalry: With Chizuru.
  • Gut Punch: Chizuru's and Ayamine's Extra routes take a turn into heavy drama when she gets accidentally injured in the final lacrosse match.

Genjyousai Tamase

Voiced by: Tetsu Inada

Miki's father.

Naoya Sagiri

Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu

Sagiri is a talented local doctor and friend of the Ayamine family. He used to board with them until one day he made a mistake at the hospital and Ayamine's mother took the blame for the error, resulting in the loss of her job. He and Ayamine used to have a sort of relationship, but he ended up marrying the hospital director's doctor in order to improve his career. In Ayamine's route, he claims he is willing to give it up in order to be with her.

  • Love Triangle: In Extra, he exists only to be a rival to Takeru.
  • The Scrappy: He is not a popular character in the fandom, to say the least.

Muv Luv Unlimited

Takeru Shirogane

Fresh from the world of Extra, Takeru wakes up one day in a wasteland that used to be his home town. He goes up to where his school should be and finds a military base. Eventually, he catches the interest of an alternate version of Yuuko and ends up enrolled in the Eishi program, otherwise known as the pilots of the series' mecha.

  • Ace Pilot: Finds that his experiences in the Extra world on video games and roller-coasters prepare him for TSF training, and gives him abilities beyond that of his compatriots. Thanks to this, he maintains credibility when people claim he is special.
  • Ascended Fanboy: First reaction over waking up and seeing his childhood friend's house crushed by a Humongous Mecha? "WOW! A GIANT ROBOT! COOOOOOL!" A major motivation for him for joining the Pilot Training Program is the promise of piloting a giant honest-to-goodness robot.
  • Clueless Chick Magnet: He gets called out on it late in the story, where he admits that he sort of noticed but since it was such a bizarre situation for him he assumes he must have been misunderstanding.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He's a very dangerous TSF pilot, thanks to his skills in videos games. It begins as soon as everyone realizes that he doesn’t get motion sickness from all the shaking that pilots normally have to deal with.
  • Hot-Blooded
  • Idiot Hero: Unlimited starts to show that this just isn’t enough in this kind of setting.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: Looks like those hours spent on Valgern-On didn't go to waste, eh?
  • Image Song: Tsubasa ("Wings"),
  • Little Hero, Big War: In Unlimited he's primarily valuable for information. Otherwise, he's just a pilot. A good pilot, but a pilot.
  • The Load: In Unlimited, before his skill with a TSF becomes known, his abysmal skills at soldiering pretty much relegates him to Team Pet status.
  • New Transfer Student: Into the Pilot Training Program at the start of Unlimited.

Sumika Kagami

Voiced by: Hiroko Taguchi

To Takeru’s relief, when he tries to check on her status he’s told that she does not exist in this world.

Meiya Mitsurugi

Voiced by: Kazumi Okushima

In the world of Unlimited, Meiya appears to be even more of a celebrity than in Extra. However, as Unlimited is more serious than Extra, it is generally not played for laughs. While she is related to the local royalty of sorts, she tries to downplay this and seems surprised when Takeru is genuinely unable to recognize her. Personality-wise, Meiya is even more serious and stoic.

  • Badass Princess: Sort of. She's related to the Shogun, though the degree of relation is unclear.
  • Born in the Wrong Century: Contrary to her appearance in Extra, she fares much better in the environment of the Unlimited, though she’s still a little too stiff.
  • Image Song: -sion- ("The Sound of Purple"). Also serves as the OP of all-ages Unlimited.
  • Keigo
  • Knight in Shining Armor: She believes that the law exists to protect the freedom of the citizens, and gets into several arguments with Takeru about freedom and preserving life.
  • Leitmotif: The eponymous Meiya.
  • Making Love in All the Wrong Places: In her ending she and Takeru consummate their relationship in one of the simulation pods. She's a little freaked out at the idea at first.

Miki Tamase

Voiced by: Minami Hokuto

In the world of Unlimited, Miki is the daughter of a UN Undersecretary. Unlike the world of Extra, she appears much more confident, though she still fares poorly when her friends begin to fight.

  • Animal Motif: She’s still sort of catlike in Unlimited, but the harshness of the world really downplays this.
  • Friendly Sniper: Carrying her skills over from Extra.

Kei Ayamine

Voiced by: Yuuko Nagashima

In this world, Ayamine is much the same as her Extra counterpart. She is also the daughter of a disgraced general. To her personality being largely the same as it was in Extra, she is still butting heads with Chizuru, though it's much more serious now that both are in the army.

Mikoto Yoroi

Voiced by: Reiko Takagi (Akane Maniax OVA), Megumi Kubota (all other appearances)

As opposed to the ambiguously gendered Mikoto of Extra, Mikoto is definitely a girl in Unlimited. She is largely as scatterbrained as ever, but she's quite hurt when Takeru mistakes her for a boy at first.

  • A-Cup Angst: She seems pretty gloomy about her lack of a chest.
  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Boy or girl, you can't deny that Mikoto is very odd.
  • Gender Bender: To Takeru’s dismay and Mikoto’s serious hurt, he’s really uncomfortable around Mikoto at first due to being used to her as being a guy.
  • Intimate Healing: Body warming type when Takeru gets bitten by a snake they believe to be poisonous. It's actually just a cold.

Chizuru Sakaki

Voiced by: Masayo Kurata

In this world, Chizuru is of course no longer the class rep. However, she holds a similar position as the leader of the squad. She's as much of a stickler for protocol as ever which causes tension with Ayamine.

Yuuko Kouzuki

Voiced by: Emi Motoi

The Unlimited version of Yuuko is the reason Takeru isn't kept in a prison throughout the story. She is a renowned physicist and appears to be second-in-command of the Yokohama base. She has an odd interest in Takeru and grants him a security clearance level far above what he would normally have.

  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: She’s still weird in Unlimited. Here, her oddity is expressed in how little regard she has for her position despite her extremely high rank and clearance level.
  • Ditzy Genius
  • Drowning My Sorrows: After failing to complete Alternative IV.

Marimo Jinguuji

Voiced by: Miki Inoue

"When you get to the point where you can laugh at your mistakes, you'll find new things to replace what you lost."

In the world of Unlimited/Alternative Marimo is the drill sergeant and instructor of Training Squadron 207, which Takeru joins early on. She is much stricter than she was in Extra.

  • Image Song: Calling, which serves double duty as the ED of Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles sidestories.
  • Sensei-chan: Takeru keeps calling her "Marimo-chan" in Unlimited, though now it’s outright insubordination and gets a harsher reaction.
  • Sergeant Rock: She constantly reminds Takeru and his squadmates of many important things.

Mana Tsukuyomi

Unlike in Extra, this Tsukuyomi is far more harsh and serious than the Tsukuyomi Takeru knows. She is extremely suspicious of him, revealing that she cares every bit as much about Meiya in this world as she did in Extra.

Genjyousai Tamase

Voiced by: Tetsu Inada

Kasumi Yashiro / Trista Sestina

A strange, quiet girl who appears to be involved with Yuuko. She reminds Takeru of Sumika, though the two do not act very similarly.

Sergeant Kyouzuka

One of the new characters in Unlimited, Sergeant Major Kyozuka is a kind woman who largely serves the role of a cafeteria lady. She is a kind woman and supports Takeru from the sidelines.

Muv Luv Alternative

Takeru Shirogane

After his experiences in Unlimited, Takeru actually starts out as physically fit and competent as he was at the end of Unlimited, leaving his new squadmates in awe rather than their dismissive attitude in Unlimited.

  • The Ace: Better in hand to hand combat than Meiya, an expert in military doctrine despite spacing out, confident, an ace pilot and more. Unlimited really changed Takeru. The only ones able to really outdo him at anything are Tamase’s sniping skills and Meiya’s resolve.
  • Ace Pilot: People are actually in outright awe of his skill when Alternative rolls around after he retains all his skills and training from Unlimited, where he was already easily the best pilot in the squad.
  • Badass: He was nearly there in Unlimited, but now he kicks MAJOR ass whenever he fights.
  • Break the Cutie: The PTSD Arc, yeesh. Guy can’t catch a break in Alternative.
  • Clueless Chick Magnet: The suicide mission at the end really hammers this in. It’s not as clear as it was in Unlimited as to whether he’s entirely oblivious, though. Still didn’t catch on to Meiya though.
  • Cosmic Plaything: Poor Takeru...
  • Heroic BSOD: He really doesn't take it well when Marimo dies..
  • Hot-Blooded
  • Idiot Hero: And it bites him in the ass far harder than it did even in Unlimited. Alternative really has him doing his best to grow out of this.
  • If We Get Through This: "We're doing our punishment rounds together!" They don't.
  • Image Song: Tsubasa ("Wings"), which also plays at the end of Alternative's Chapter 7, when Takeru resolves to fix the mess he had created.
  • Inelegant Blubbering: In Alternative when he sees Marimo in the Extra world after seeing her Unlmited/Alternative self being brutally killed in front of him, he absolutely breaks down weeping. After regaining control of himself, he sees her again after school and does it again.
  • It's All My Fault: He suffered massive guilt in the aftermath of Marimo's death, and was nearly driven mad when he caused it to happen again in the Extra branch. It takes a long time, further breakage, an interrupted suicide attempt, and more than one instance of Get a Hold of Yourself, Man! before he moves past it.
  • Little Hero, Big War: He’s still primarily valuable for information. However, now he’s an outright amazing pilot and knows far more, which gives him far more influence.
  • Mistaken for Pedophile: His close relationship with Kasumi looks rather questionable to the rest of his squad.
  • Near-Rape Experience: After breaking down due to Marimo's death, Takeru nearly rapes Meiya out of frustration with what he sees as her 'get over it' attitude. Because she does not resist and even says if it would helps she will put up with it, he runs out instead.
  • New Transfer Student: Just like in Unlimited. However, with his skills this time around they seem to think he’s actually overqualified instead of just some rookie.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Not once, but twice. The first instance is when he attempts to change the timeline to stop Alternative V from occurring, which unknowingly caused the coup d'etat to happen, an event that claimed the lives of Sakaki's father and Ayamine's possible lover, among many others. And the second is when Takeru flees back to the Extra timeline, bringing the darkness of the Alternative timeline with him.
  • No Yay: In-Universe: After his memories of previous loops begin returning and he remembers the relationships he had, Yuuko teases him if the two of them ever had one. Takeru denies it, but the conversation reminds him that one of the ways the Drowning My Sorrows incident can end up in Unlimited is with him having sex with her in an attempt to lower her guard enough to get information about Alternative IV. He doesn't remember why it happened, but the idea he might have been in a relationship with Yuuko appalls him.
  • Placebo Effect: Isumi orders him to take a second round of hypnotherapy after he returns from the PTSD arc, but since he goes willingly she merely has it set up so he thinks he got the therapy. During his next battle, he still acts as though he had the therapy.
  • Ret-Gone: After Sumika, who had been sustaining his existence, dies he soon ceases to exist. Due to his nature as a quantum causality phenomenon he is wiped from the memories of everyone. The epilogue has him back in an altered version of Extra where he gets tearful at the sight of his old squadmates who had previously died. Interestingly, Kasumi is in this world now and appears to be familiar with the events of Alternative.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After Marimo gets killed, Takeru decides he's had it with this reality and attempts to go back to his home reality. This proves to be a big, BIG mistake.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong
  • Theme Music Power-Up: Takeru's moments of awesome are invariably-heralded by Storm Vanguard starting up.
  • Trauma Conga Line: The entirety of the aptly-nicknamed PTSD arc.

Unit 00 / Sumika Kagami

Voiced by: Hiroko Taguchi

The end result of Alternative IV, Unit 00 is a construct created by Yuuko. She is actually a robot version of Sumika with her brain uploaded into a quantum computer.

  • And I Must Scream: The only reason she didn't go completely insane and simply die from stress while a brain was the desire to see Takeru and the mental stimulation received from Kasumi. Even then she's pretty screwed up for awhile after getting a new body.
  • Brain In a Jar: She wasn't the only one, merely the only one that was actually recaptured alive.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: We learn near the end of Alternative just how clingy and jealous she can be in her subconsciousness, though there's little she could have done about it. After she's returned to mental stability, she does what she can to end Takeru's status as a causality conductor.
  • Damaged Soul: When brought Back From the Dead as the 00 Unit, this is what appears to be happening. It's not because of the process, though, but what happened before that. Also, she gets better.
  • Hair Decorations: Sumika's ribbon now contains tech to stop her from reading the minds of certain individuals. She can't read Yuuko due to not having the clearance level to know what Yuuko does and she eventually had Takeru sealed off because Takeru can remember things from previous loops that would really hurt Sumika. She appears to approve of this function.
  • Image Song: Divergence.
  • One-Way Trip: She never intended to survive the Original Hive mission, and originally wanted to be sent in alone.
  • Patient Childhood Love Interest
  • Psychic Powers
  • Rape as Backstory: Apparently, the BETA were experimenting with how to subdue humans via sexual pleasure for some reason. Cue numerous strange fetishes played for Fan Disservice.
  • Red Headed Heroine
  • Robot Girl: She's Sumika with her brain uploaded into a quantum computer and given an artificial body that mimics all aspects of the human body, putting her quite close to Artificial Human territory.
  • Sole Survivor: In Unlimited/Alternative, of a BETA attack. Well, if you call being reduced to a brain and a spinal cord surviving...
  • Shallow Love Interest: This is literally her entire gimmick; she really, REALLY likes Takeru. However, it was this love that helped use the resident sci-fi magic which allowed an amalgamation of Extra's Takerus to form in her Unlimited/Alternative world.

Meiya Mitsurugi

Voiced by: Kazumi Okushima

Meiya remains largely unchanged from Unlimited, but due to the differences in Takeru, the two are more prone to arguing than before. While Meiya values Japan's heritage and pride, Takeru is somewhat desperate after the events of Unlimited and sees little point in anything other than what it takes to defeat the BETA. She becomes Takeru's closest friend despite this. Unlike Unlimited, her self sacrificing tendencies and attachment to duty are more closely examined and she does her best to value herself more.

  • Badass Princess: Still related to the Shogun. She’s actually the twin sister of the Shogun, who is dead in the world of Extra.
  • Born in the Wrong Century: Contrary to Extra, she really fits into the world of Alternative.
  • Dying Declaration of Love
  • Friend Zone: The plot requires Takeru to be in love with Unit 00/Sumika, but he tells Meiya that she's his closest friend, his "precious one", and trusts her more than anyone. She's clearly unhappy but hides it well enough from Takeru.
  • Image Song: -sion- ("The Sound of Purple"). Also serves as the OP of all-ages Unlimited.
  • Keigo
  • Knight in Shining Armor: She believes that the law exists to protect the freedom of the citizens, and gets into several arguments with Takeru about freedom and preserving life.
  • Leitmotif: The eponymous Meiya.
  • Retcon: Unlimited claimed she was part of the Imperial family. Alternative turns that into being related to the Shogun instead. The actual emperor and his family go almost completely unmentioned.
  • Romantic Runner-Up: She's the secondary heroine. If you plot what is most likely the 'most' canon ending for each game, in Extra she helps him realize how he feels about Sumika, in Unlimited with Sumika gone she seems to be the main heroine based on the retrospection from Alternative and in Alternative itself she gets friend zoned in favor of Sumika, but is still his closest confidant. See above.
  • Shoot the Hostage: Though the Primary Objective almost certainly doesn't understand the idea of taking hostages, it unintentionally does so when it pins Meiya inside of Takeru's firing radius. She begs him to take the shot to not only complete the mission but also to stop whatever it is doing to her. He does.
  • The Virus: After defending the Susano'o from assault by the Primary Objective, she is eventually struck and pinned to it while it first begins taking control of her TSF and then her own body, causing massive veins to show all over body while causing tortuous pain.

Miki Tamase

Voiced by: Minami Hokuto

While her role is largely unchanged from Unlimited, as the story progresses she eventually makes strides in getting rid of her nonconfrontational demeanor and sticking to her opinions more frequently.

  • Animal Motif: Like in Unlimited, she’s less catlike than in Extra, but now she laughs at how Takeru calls her Tama, which is a common name for cats in Japan.
  • Friendly Sniper
  • You Shall Not Pass: After her TSF is damaged during Operation Cherry Blossom, she stalls for time so Mikoto can destroy the BETA brain in time.

Kei Ayamine

Voiced by: Yuuko Nagashima

While she is the same as ever in Alternative, Ayamine features prominently in the coup d'etat arc due to her connection to a certain army captain named Sagiri. As the story goes on, she puts effort into being more open.

  • Boobs of Steel: Still.
  • Call Back: Remember the running theme about her and Sakaki never having their timing match up? Their very last scene together has them finally in synch when they set off their self destruct mechanisms.
  • The Gadfly: Downplayed from her earlier appearances, but still obvious.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: She and Sakaki both set off their self destructs at the same time to stop a massive BETA wave.
  • Image Song: Astraea, which is also used in her ending in all-ages Extra.
  • Kuudere
  • Rebellious Spirit: Alternative's story structure just leaves this as something that Takeru tries to work around rather address directly. By the end of the coup arc it's largely been dealt with.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A.

Mikoto Yoroi

Voiced by: Reiko Takagi (Akane Maniax OVA), Megumi Kubota (all other appearances)

In Unlimited, Mikoto was the token member of the squad with a normal family. However, Alternative reveals that her father is the head of the Imperial intelligence agency. Like the other girls, after a certain event she begins to work on her flaws, which in this case would be her lack of attention to what's going on around her.

  • A-Cup Angst: Downplayed from Unlimited since Alternative does not focus as much on romance.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Boy or girl, you can't deny that Mikoto is very odd. Takes after her old man in that.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: She’s electrocuted when she manages to destroy the BETA brain by stabbing it. Judging by her screams, it was extremely painful. Judging by her face being obscured when we see inside the cockpit, it was extremely gruesome.

Chizuru Sakaki

Voiced by: Masayo Kurata

While still a celebrity of sorts in Alternative as the daughter of the Prime Minister of Japan, this fact becomes mostly irrelevant after he is assassinated by Sagiri. The advancing storyline shows the harm of her flaws of perfectionism, by the book behavior and emotional denial can inflict, so she does her best to resolve these issues.

  • Big Ol' Eyebrows
  • Call Back: Remember the running theme about her and Ayamine never having their timing match up? Their very last scene together has them finally in synch when they set off their self destruct mechanisms.
  • Class Representative: Takeru starts teasing her by calling her other things after she’s gotten used to it, so she insists that he keep calling her that.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: She has a lot of trouble accepting sympathy and support. In Alternative, her position in the squad makes her feel as if she can't publicly mourn her father when he is killed.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: She and Ayamine both set off their self destructs at the same time to stop a massive BETA wave.
  • Image Song: Kizu wa Kaseki ni Narenai Keredo ("Won't Let My Wounds Scar"), which plays in her all-ages Extra end.
  • Meganekko

Yuuko Kouzuki

Voiced by: Emi Motoi

Yuuko's role is greatly expanded in Alternative as compared to Unlimited. Determined to prevent Alternative V from taking place, Takeru involves himself closely with her Alternative IV program in the hopes of making it succeed this time. In the process, he learns far more about this world's version of the crazy teacher he knew. Turns out, she's pragmatic to the extent that she horrifies Takeru on occasion.

  • Ascended Extra: She was largely in the background of Unlimited but in Alternative Takeru forces himself into Yuuko's plans.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Still way too informal.
  • Dead Person Conversation: With Marimo near the end, showing that she was lying when she said she was just another pawn.
  • Ditzy Genius
  • I Did What I Had to Do: The patron saint of this trope in this series in Alternative. She does plenty of things such as sit on the knowledge of a BETA attack, use it to collect samples of BETA, releasing those samples inside the base to rattle up the troops (making her partially responsible for Marimo's death), and her manipulations of nearly everyone in the cast, that skirt ethical boundaries and disturb even her Extra counterpart. All to prevent human extinction by the BETA.
  • Jerkass Facade: Her Alternative self is not nearly as heartless as she tries to act, nor was she telling the truth when she said things like Marimo merely being one of her pawns.
  • Kick the Dog: While her actions such as unleashing BETA on her own base to test military readiness gets an instory excuse, the main purpose is to show that she's rather morally ambiguous and willing to sacrifice almost anything for her goals.
  • Manipulative Bitch
  • Mean Character, Nice Actor/Playing Against Type: Emi Motoi's role as Yuuko is nothing like her usual ones. And this is her normal voice.
  • Metaphorically True
  • Necessarily Evil: Take her extra self, drop a lot of the comedy and make her highly manipulative and this is what you get in Alternative, to the point that Takeru is somewhat horrified by her. Her Extra self also appears appalled at how manipulative and cruel she can be. The story and Takeru largely agree that her rather manipulative behavior and disregard for sacrifices is necessary, and she gives Takeru the opportunity the opportunity to shoot her twice. The first time is if he feels her behavior is unforgivable and the second time is after everything is all over.
  • Pet the Dog: Opposite of Kick the Dog, later events in the story such as reassuring Isumi that her sister is okay before Isumi dies, the Dead Person Conversation moment above and comforting Takeru before he vanishes serve no purpose for her goals and took both effort and influence on her part.
  • Shipper on Deck: It’s shown that her Extra self really was trying Marimo in regards to Takeru. She also wants Takeru to sleep with Unit 00, but in that case she doesn’t even pretend it’s for Takeru’s sake: It will help keep Sumika stable.
  • Strike Me Down with All of Your Hatred (leaning towards Suicide by Cop): Yuuko twice offers Takeru her gun, telling him that he's free to go ahead and gun her down if he thinks what she's doing is too much; she's set up the system to go on without her, anyway. Takeru refuses both times.

Marimo Jinguuji

Voiced by: Miki Inoue

"When you get to the point where you can laugh at your mistakes, you'll find new things to replace what you lost."

In the world of Unlimited/Alternative she is the drill sergeant and instructor of Training Squadron 207, which Takeru joins early on.

Takahashi Ichimonji

Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu

Mana Tsukuyomi

While Tsukuyomi starts every bit as suspicious of Takeru as she did in Unlimited, he manages to make a good impression on her by accident and she warms up a little to him.

Genjyousai Tamase

Voiced by: Tetsu Inada

After a small role in Unlimited Genjyousai returns for an even smaller role in Alternative. However, this time he is actually more important to the plot as he helps bring in foreign aid to deal with the coup, though Miki is depressed at the thought that her father may have been selfishly getting others in trouble.

  • The Gadfly: It’s noted that he’s largely messing with his daughter when he does the inspection in Alternative. He appears to know perfectly well that she’s not really the squad leader.
  • Large Ham

Naoya Sagiri

Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu

A captain, and commander of the Imperial Army's 1st TSF Wing, 1st Squadron. He was a follower of Ayamine's father, a general who was disgraced unjustly for prioritizing the evacuation of civilians from the frontlines, and later launches a coup d-etat, ostensibly to return power to the Shogun from a perceived corrupt government.

Kasumi Yashiro / Trista Sestina

After returning from the world of Unlimited, Takeru vows to himself to get to know Kasumi better so he has more success influencing Alternative IV. In the process, she reminds him even more of Sumika than she did the first time. This is a fairly direct hint towards the true nature of Sumika and perhaps the world of Unlimited/Alternative in general. An astute reader will already have known about her telepathy and it is in fact revealed directly fairly early on.

  • Animal-Eared Headband: One of the great mysteries of Muv-Luv goes unrevealed: Why does Kasumi wear bunny ears?
  • Ascended Extra: Kasumi is much more important than she was in Unlimited and in the ending has been 'promoted' to the world of Extra thanks to Sumika.
  • Emotionless Girl: Early on; she opens up more and more in the course of the story.
  • Gray Eyes
  • Psychic Powers: She was bred to have them, as one of the few survivors of Alternative Plan III.
  • Sole Survivor: She’s the only survivor of Operation Cherry Blossom. Sumika, Takeru and her were the only ones not killed in battle, Sumika dies soon after destroying the Primary Objective and Takeru eventually ceases to exist, though he technically lives through the mission as well.
  • Terrible Artist: She likes to draw and uses it as a focus to keep Takeru anchored but she's not very good at it.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl

Sergeant Kyouzuka

Michiru Isumi

Voiced by: Kumiko Watanabe

Second eldest of the Isumi sisters and a heroine in age's debut game Kimi ga ita Kisetsu. Michiru is the commander of the 9th Squadron ("Valkyries") of Special Task Force VF-A01, becoming the de facto leader of the latter after the 9th remained the sole surviving unit.

After failing to reactivate the downed Susano'o Mark II she resolves to self-destruct it, taking out the Sadogashima Hive as well as the entire island.

Haruko Kashiwagi

Reappearing again after a small role in Extra, Kashiwagi is revealed to be one of the mid range fighters in Alternative of squad 207-A. She appears to nurse a clinical and detached attitude whenever possible in hopes of completing the mission as successfully as possible.

While guarding the Susano'o Mark II as Michiru tries to reactivate it at Sadogashima, Haruko is overwhelmed by attacking BETA and impaled by a Fortress class tail stinger, killing her instantly.

Mitsuki Hayase

Voiced by: Chiaki Takahashi

Originally from Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, Mitsuki is Haruka's best friend and rival for the affections of a certain guy, and constantly engages in playful rivalry with her. She is the second-in-command of the Valkyries, and as their best front-liner, occupies the elite Storm Vanguard 1 position.

During the defense of Yokohama Base from an invading BETA horde, she attempts to disable them by destroying the BETA reactor at the base's lowest level. Due to her preparations for remote detonation of S-11 explosives getting sabotaged by BETA, she opts for manual detonation at the cost of her life.

  • The Rival: She keeps trying to match up to Takeru until the Sadogashima mission, at which point it becomes clear that he’s far better at piloting than her.

Haruka Suzumiya

Haruka is the elder Suzumiya sister. Due to an accident during training, she lost her legs. However, thanks to the more advanced medical technology in the world of Alternative she managed to procure prosthetic legs of such high quality that Takeru did not even notice. Unfortunately, the legs do not mesh up perfectly with her and thus while she is completely inconvenienced in her normal life, she cannot pilot a TSF anymore and instead works as Mission Control.

Misae Munakata

Voiced by: Yuu Asakawa

Munakata is one of the senior members of Isumi's Valkyries. Though she tends to enjoy teasing others, especially Hayase and Takeru, she's actually an effective subcommander and fairly insightful. She, Akane and Kazama are the only three survivors of Isumi's Valkyries by the end.

  • Bi the Way: Invoked; she says she doesn't care "as long as it feels good". That was her just joking; she had a cousin and fiancee whom she had not met in a long time.
  • The Gadfly: Even more so than Ayamine. She picks on Mitsuki and Takeru endlessly. The fact that she can do so that easily means she ends up respecting them both.
  • Put on a Bus: She gets critically-injured during the Yokohama Base defense, and was fighting for her life at the end of Alternative, missing out on Operation Cherry Blossom.
  • The Tease

Touko Kazama

Voiced by: Shizuka Itou

Kazama is the last of the 1st Lieutenants and a friend of Munakata's. She's quieter than Takeru, but people say she can be pretty scary despite her laid back demeanor. She, Akane and Munakata are the only three survivors of Isumi's Valkyries by the end.

Akane Suzumiya

Voiced by: Kaori Mizuhashi

In the world of Alternative Akane is still quite talented, but her emotions frequently get the better of her on occasion, leading her to not getting the Storm Vanguard position she'd prefer. She's also a huge Hayase fangirl and is initially a little jealous of Takeru's instant recognition and sheer ability, though she warms up quickly enough. She, Munakata and Kazama are the only three survivors of Isumi's Valkyries by the end.

  • Always Someone Better: She’s a little annoyed that Takeru is so much better of a pilot than she is.
  • Disney Death
  • Unknown Rival: She wants to compete with Takeru but she’s a little too unstable and not nearly good enough as a pilot.

Yuuhi Koubuin

Voiced by: Kozue Yoshizumi

The Grand Shogun of the Empire of Japan in Unlimited/Alternative. She is Meiya's elder twin sister, who in Extra died with their parents due to an accident, forcing Meiya to become the heir to the Mitsurugi Group.

  • Chekhov's Gunman: In Extra, it was mentioned that Meiya had an older twin who was supposed to be the one inheriting everything. In the world of Unlimited, the accident she died in never occurred.
  • The High Queen: Or The Grand Shogun, in this setting. Notable in which the Emperor is still present, but has the same function that he has in the real world. Before the coup-d'etat she in turn was only a figurehead, with all power effectively in the hands of the Prime Minister.
  • Keigo: Even More so than her twin sister Meiya, if it were even possible.

Alfred Walken

Walken is an American Major who assists Takeru's squad during the coup arc. His emphasis on completing the mission and disregard for the target they are supposed to be protecting initially irks Takeru, but Takeru comes to realize that he is being too soft and that Walken is in fact correct. Due to his TSF being sabotaged, he is swiftly killed by Sagiri when battle with the rebels begins.

Irma Thesleff

Voiced by: Kiyomi Asai

Irma is a kind Finnish woman who makes friends with Miki. She reassures her that not everyone in America is completely selfish and that she is in fact a volunteer soldier. She invites Miki to visit her homeland when it is retaken. She does not survive the battle.

Sakon Yoroi

Sakon is Mikoto's father and unknown to his daughter he is the head of the Imperial intelligence agency. He seems a little distant from his daughter to Takeru. After the coup ends, he vanishes from the story until the end of the story with his whereabouts unknown.

Takatsugu Ikaruga

Voiced by: Kissho Taniyama

"You do not look dead to me. Can you still fight?"

The commander of the 16th Battalion of the Japanese Imperial Royal Guards, Ikaruga is the current head of his family, which is one of the five among which the Shogun is chosen (The Koubuin family, from whom the current Grand Shogun hails, is another). Tsukuyomi is a subordinate.

He appears at the Sadogashima Hive battle, arriving with his battalion to stabilize the front line and saving an Imperial Army grunt. Said grunt turns out to be Akira Isumi, Michiru's youngest sister.

  • Ace Custom: His blue Takemikazuchi is the Type-00R variant, equal in performance to the Shogun's personal TSF.
  • Big Damn Heroes: He saves Akira just as her TSF was surrounded by BETA and about to be destroyed by a Grappler.
  • Keigo: Very high and archaic-sounding, like Meiya.
  • Memetic Badass: He is the pinnacle of YAMATO DAMASHII. He's "so Japanese that he's more Japanese than all of Japan and its lands and Shinto deities combined; people look at him and see the General of Generals, while BETA burst into flames just by being near him."
  • No Name Given: Ingame he is known only as the Commander of the 16 Battalion of the Imperial Royal Guards. "Ikaruga", his family name, is only given in side materials.
  • One-Scene Wonder: He literally only appears in one scene in Alternative but he's regarded by the fandom as the ultimate suave badass.
  • Praetorian Guard

Characters Introduced in Muv-Luv Altered Fable

Maya Tsukuyomi

Voiced by: Hikaru Isshiki

Mana Tsukuyomi's cousin and Yuuhi's attendant. She can shut her cousin up with just a glare.

In the world of Alternative she is a 1st Lieutenant in the Imperial Royal Guards like her cousin, reporting to Ikaruga.

Chuck Sauber

Voiced by: Rikiya Koyama

Characters introduced in Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse

Yuuya Bridges

Voiced by: Daisuke Ono

  • Expy: Of Maverick and Isamu Dyson, down to attending the Navy's Top Gun program and later test-piloting an Ace Custom prototype.
  • Freudian Excuse: See Parental Abandonment below. Learning that his mother never blamed his father for leaving, he swore to surpass him. And growing up being picked upon due to his half-Japanese parentage did not help.
  • Parental Abandonment: His father left their family and went back to Japan, and later his mother died of an illness. His father was implied to be a TSF pilot who was killed in action.
  • Reassigned To Yukon: Comes with being an Expy.

Cryska Barchenowa

Voiced by: Hitomi Nabatame

Yui Takamura

Voiced by: Mai Nakahara

Inia Sestina

Voiced by: Mamiko Noto

Tarisa Manandal

Voiced by: Sakura Nogawa

Vincent Lowell

Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita

Ibrahim Dogulu

Voiced by: Rikiya Koyama

Valerio Giacosa

Voiced by: Kenji Hamada

Stella Bremer

Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara

Cui Yifei

Voiced by: Kaori Ishihara

Sharon Heim

Voiced by: Rie Tanaka

Leon Kuze

Voiced by: Wataru Hatano

Guylos McCloud

Voiced by:

Characters introduced in Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After

Wilbert D. Collins

The main character of The Day After's Chapter 00.

Lilia Kjellberg

Sole Survivor of her Marine unit 'Bloody Knightmare', who was rescued by Will and Daryl, and subsequently joins their unit.

Daryl A. McManus

Melvina Vidya Advani

Hibiki Tatsunami

Yuzuka Sendou

Shizuku Miono

  • Child Soldiers: If lowering the draft age to 15 and making women drafting compulsory before the events of Unlimited/Alternative were not enough, The Day After reveals that Shizuku was drafted into the Army when she was ten.

Ellen Aice

Voiced by: Kei Misuzawa

Ryouichi Matsukaze

Characters introduced in Muv-Luv Alternative: Schwarzesmarken

Theodor Eberbach

Irisdina Bernhard

Katia Waldheim

Anett Hosenfeld

Gretel Jeckeln

Sylvia Kuszaszynska

Beatrix Brehmer

Characters introduced in Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles


Voiced by: Kazuhiko Inoue

Marimo Jinguuji's squad leader back during her trainee days and a genius in basic training. The two did not get along as Arai kept belittling her and telling her to get out of the Army. She wins his respect (and the epithet of being a "man") when she risked her life to allow their squad to pass the Comprehensive Combat Examination. After they graduated he was assigned to the Blade Squadron as Marimo's vice-Squadron Leader.

During Operation 9-6, Blade Squadron was ambushed by a BETA herd and was wiped out; upon seeing a Magnus Lux lining up a shot on a frozen Marimo, he pushes her TSF out of the way, getting vaporized by the BETA's laser blast in the process.

  • Insufferable Genius: Arai was a genius at everything during basic training, but never got along well with Marimo, his vice-Squad Leader. Marimo even compares him to the BETA as an implacable enemy.
  • Stay in the Kitchen: Arai kept telling Marimo to get out of the Army (to which she volunteered), saying that women have no place in combat (He gets around it later by insisting on treating Marimo as a "man"). He had a fiancee, and feared that if Marimo succeeds in the Army, the government may make conscription of women mandatory -- something which does happen three years later in Confession.
  • Tanking the Laser

Akira Isumi

Voiced by: Emi Motoi

One of the main heroines of age's debut game Kimi ga Ita Kisetsu and the viewpoint character of Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles: Succession. Akira is the youngest sister of Michiru, and a 2nd Lieutenant in the Imperial Army. She was deployed to Sadogashima as part of Whiskey Unit on the joint UN-Japan attempt to reclaim the island. She was the grunt Ikaruga saved during the battle.

She reappears as a 1st Lieutenant at the assault on Hive 20 in Korea in 2004, leading her own Squadron, the "Lightnings".

Marika Isumi

Voiced by: Megumi Kubota

The third among the Isumi sisters, Marika appears in Succession as a 1st Lieutenant in the Imperial Army, who was stationed at the Second Mainland Defense line during the Sadogashima Hive assault, where her younger sister Akira was assigned. She comforts Akira when the latter gets PTSD flashbacks in the aftermath of the operation, but later breaks down when news of Michiru's death arrive.

  • The Other Darrin: Marika had different voice actresses in her three appearances in age media.
  • Happily Adopted: Though she never finds out about it in the world of Unlimited/Alternative. This is a rewrite of her backstory in the remake of Kimi ga ita Kisetsu.
  • Sibling Rivalry: For Masaki's affections.

Yayoi Isumi

Masaki Maejima

Aquila 1 (Anri Gischen)

"The first time, I thought it was beautiful.
The second time, I was filled only with fear.
And now, the third time."

An Orbital Diver and the viewpoint character of Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles: Chicken Divers. Anri is the leader of the Aquila Squadron and has survived two drops (one at Lyon, then at Laos, where he lost someone dear to him). The Sadogashima drop is his third along with Axel and Rina, who captained his reentry destroyer on all three drops.

He manages to penetrate into the Sadogashima Hive, where he dies either by BETA or by the self-destruction of the Susano'o.

Aquila 2 (Axel Bjorker)

Three-time Orbital Diver along with Anri. The Sadogashima drop is his third time working with Rina as reentry destroyer captain.

Mother Goose 1 (Rina Terveaux)

Captain of the re-entry destroyer carrying Anri and Axel. The Sadogashima drop is her third time working with the two.

Monica Giacosa

Hugh Winston

Seijyurou Makabe

The viewpoint character of Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles: Adoration, set in the European theater of the anti-BETA war. Seijyurou is a 14-year old cadet in the Imperial Royal Guards sent to the base of the Cerberus Wing in order to learn chivalry. He spends ten days with the Wing members, most of the time being exasperated at the antics of various members (especially Ilfriede, who thought he was just a grade-schooler) and overreacting to the smallest things.

Some unspecified time in the future he is shown matured and commanding his own Royal Guard battalion in a Type-00F Takemikazuchi.

Ilfriede von Feulner

Voiced by: Shizuka Itou

Helgarose von Falkenmeyer

Voiced by: Saki Nakajima

Lunateresia von Wizleben

Voiced by: Kaori Nazuka

Gerhard von Ralerstein

Wolfgang von Brauer




  1. Though in a manner of speaking they all are
  2. incidentally voiced by Yayoi Jinguuji
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