< Mundane Utility

Mundane Utility/Quotes

"I find it a little insulting that the two of you decided to create an entire army of look-alike robots to replace G.U.N. while we were being used as babysitters!"
Metal Sonic, Two Evil Scientists

Leonard: Why are you smashing a flash-frozen banana?

Leslie: Because I have a bowl of Cheerios and I couldn't find a knife.

Kiva: Oh, let me put all the processing power of this technological marvel to work adding up your change!
Jamie: That's the spirit!
Megas XLR, "All I Wanted Was A Slushie"

Aperture Science Engineer: man-sized ad hoc quantum tunnel through physical space with possible applications as a shower curtain

I don't know what's funnier. That goofy look on Superboy's face, or the fact that the best use Martha Kent can think of to do with her super powers is house keeping...

You have a time machine and you use it for ... watching television?
Bobbi Anderson: It's like inventing a perpetual motion machine so your little kid won't pester you any more about changing the batteries in his toy car!
Stephen King, The Tommyknockers
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