< Mortal Komedy

Mortal Komedy/Funny

  • From Episode 1, when Liu Kang tries to get Smoke to get up and save the world. Smoke tries to light a blunt, only for the lighter to inexplicably explode in his face.
  • Shang Tsung attempting to pose as Rayden in front of Johnny Cage and Sub-Zero:

Shang Tsung: Sub-Zero and Johnny Cage, I thought Reptile would have killed you!
Johnny Cage: What? How'd you know Reptile was here?
Shang Tsung: Oh, well, cause....you know, I'm the God of um...Thunder, I think. (beat)
Sub-Zero: WHAT?

    • Which is followed later by Shang throwing a temper tantrum:

Shang Tsung: Anyway, I'm...glad that you're alive, I guess. Very happy that...idiot Reptile couldn't do a simple task by KILLING YOU TWO RETARDS!
Sub-Zero: Wow, Raiden, coming from a lesser God, "retard" is a complement.
Shang Tsung: Yeah, "complement". Doesn't mean "retard" or anything. Retarded little retards. RETARDS! RETARDS! RETARDS!!!

    • Which then leads to:

Johnny Cage: Raiden, have some respect! It's "mentally challenged."

  • This:

Rayden (Shang Tsung): Do you trust me?
Johnny Cage: Yeah!
Sub-Zero: Nooooooo.
Rayden (Shang Tsung): WHAT?!

  • This exchange, from Episode 3:

Sub-Zero (to Raiden): What were we supposed to do, play songs on your stupid keyboard? *snatches keyboard* My name is Raiden, God of Useless! Why am I even ALIVE?!

Shao Kahn: WHAAAAAT?!!

  • Sub-Zero and Johnny Cage fantasizing about killing Liu Kang before throwing him out of the house. Raiden then scolds them.

Rayden: That wasn't very niiiiiice, you twoooooooo.

  • Batman playing his theme song on the piano in the Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe video.
    • Later on, Smoke takes on Alfred. It's revealed later that he loses.
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